(from woman's day 2-12)
april 2012 LOWDOWN article about hackers hacking co StrategicForecasting Inc which is really a company that hacks for "the fast expanding privatization of our nation's intelligence, foreign policy, and military responsibilities". the secret list of email addresses hacked from Stratfor included 19,000 officials from the US military, 212 from the FBI, 71 from DIA (pentagon's own spy operation) 29 from NSA and 24 from the CIA.
Stratfor founded in 1996 by George Friedman its current ceo and chief intelligence officer.
some prominent clients: archer daniels midland, goldman sachs, boa, hunt oil, bechtel, hyatt internat'l, bellsouth, intel, chevron, kimberly clark, coca cola, knights of columbus, dept of homeland security, lucent technologies, dow, merrill lynch, dow corning, northrop grumman, duke energy, turkish industry and business asso, embassy of japan, union carbide, general dynamics, us marine corps, georgetown university.
Wikileaks had published 5 million of the corp's internal emails dating from july 04 to the end of 2011. the emails revealed "that the company posing as a compiler and publisher of publicly available info actually operates as a snoop for hire intel agency for military contractors, big oil, high tech giants, wall street financiers, global food marketers, electric utilities, and other major corps, as well as universities and government agencies. Reuters dubbed the firm a shadow CIA. . ."
examples: Northrop Grumman wanted info on japan's nuclear weapons program/Intel on Hezbollah's general ability to blow things up in latin america/Archer Daniels Midland wanted to track movements of animal rights activists and environmental protestors/Dow Chemical and Union Carbide wanted the Yes Men satirists watched (they protest corporate excesses by doing skits and holding press conferences in which they pose as corrupt and clueless ceos, bankers, etc
interesting that Fred Burton former deputy chief of counter terrorism for the state department's diplomatic service becoming stratfor's VP of intelligence said in an email "We have a sealed indictment on Assange". he suggested by this assange could be grabbed anytime caught -- government i think gone immoral--no surprise
Public Sector — 29 May 2012
(courtesy photo)
Rick Snyder took office in January 2011 as Michigan faced yet another budget deficit and as plenty of citizens wondered whether state government could act with alacrity. Armed with large Republican majorities in both chambers of the Legislature, and aided by a good economic tailwind, Snyder rushed through the first six months of his term winning quick approval of one major intiative after another. Subsequent months have seen a slower pace, however. Bridge contributor Zach Gorchow of the Gongwer News Service reviewed administration and state documents to compile a list of major legislative plans and where they stand.
may 2012:
Seven Rather Pointed Questions for Scott Walker from nation on line
Wisconsin Governor Walker and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett will face off tonight in the second—and final—debate of the Wisconsin gubernatorial recall election campaign.
Barrett, the labor-backed Democrat who seeks to oust Walker, wanted more debates.
Walker, the controversial governor whose draconian budget measures inspired mass protests last year, did not. In fact, in the first debate last week, Walker was barely present—declining to participate in a segment where the candidates were to ask one another questions, failing to respond to challenges from his opponent or questions from journalists on the panel.
Why is Walker so disinclined to debate? Apparently, the Republican governor, who has raised $31 million to $3.9 million for Barrett, prefers to let his attack ads do the talking.
But Walker will face one more round of questions tonight. And it will be harder to avoid them, as one of the state’s ablest broadcasters, Mike Gousha, will be asking them.
In case Gousha runs out of questions, here are a few he could toss Walker’s way:
1. In October 2010, you told the Oshkosh Northwestern’s editorial board that you would work with public-employee unions and respect the bargaining process. You said: “You still have to negotiate.” But you did not negotiate with public-employee unions. Now, you acknowledge that you and your aides began developing legislation to strip away collective-bargaining rights immediately after your election. Did you lie to the Northwestern’s editorial board?
2. In February 2011, you told the people of Wisconsin in a televised address that you were forced by a fiscal crisis to introduce a budget-repair bill that created dozens of new political positions for your cronies, proposed the sell-off of state assets and attacked the rights of public employees and teachers. Now, we learn that the drafting of elements of the legislation began months before the “crisis” developed. Did you lie to the people of Wisconsin?
3. In April 2011, you told Congress that you began developing your anti-labor legislation in response to actions by the unions. Now, you acknowledge that the legislation was being drafted before you had any interactions with the unions. Did you lie to Congress?
4. In April 2011, in the same sworn testimony to Congress, you said that you had not spoken to anyone about using anti-labor legislation to punish or undermine political foes. Now, we see a videotape showing you speaking months earlier to your largest political donor, about using a “divide and conquer” strategy to undermine your political foes and to make Wisconsin “a completely red [Republican] state.” Did you lie to the Congress about this, as well?
5. In last week’s debate, when asked about healthcare programs for low-income workers and families (such as Wisconsin’s BadgerCare) you suggested that you are expanding them and providing them with unprecedented support. Yet under your administration more than 60,000 Wisconsinites have either been stripped of coverage or denied access to coverage for which they qualify. Did you lie in response to that question in last week’s debate?
6. Throughout the current campaign, you have been asked to answer basic questions about who is funding the criminal defense fund that has been established to help you respond to the “John Doe” inquiry into illegal actions by your aides and campaign donors. You have suggested that you cannot answer these and other questions related to the probe because of constraints placed on you by prosecutors and by state law. But veteran prosecutors and the state Government Accountability Board have suggested that you have a good deal of flexibility when it comes to answering these questions. Did you lie when you said you could not answer even basic questions relating to the “John Doe” probe?
7. Throughout the current campaign, you have been harshly critical of the use of the recall process to hold you to account. Yet in 2010 your campaign produced a video in which you hailed the recall campaign that cleared the way for you to become Milwaukee county executive as a hopeful expression of direct democracy. Did you lie in that video about your attitude toward recall elections? Or are you lying now that it is you who are being held to account by the people?
after seeing max's video's of his trips--up to the seault w/jane, elmo, and june and ones w/dad at paul pearce's looking at the old cycles, i can see why groups like the amish don't want photos taken. memories used to be the way of remembering, telling stories and passing info on. a picture does capture the object for a moment in time; a video w/sound is kind of creepy actually. the dead can talk and move and think. it would be easy to suspect that the soul had been captured or lost if such remembrances exist. we watched aunt lila's birthday at wayne's w/christina and virginie and al and dorothy's renewal of wedding vows w/ our family, leta, james and june, colleen, etc. time stopped in a sense.
feb/march AARP --interesting article and suggestive thought
p.59 "lowering interest rates is also a throw down challenge to income investors: if you don't like the piddly rates on cds and the like, then pour your money into stocks! that forced march into the stock market is supposed to boost stock prices, which helps investors and businesses. and the theory goes that should jump start the economy. is it working?. . ." fed plans to keep rates low through mid 2013. put $ into credit union for checking then find online for best cd deals
facebook =
osha gray davidson =
from march 15, 2012: p 2 "mormonism is the only major denom that closes its temples to non adherents. in fact before a mormon can attend religious services in his own temple, he must obtain a temple recommend from a bishop, responding to a list of questions that includes: an oath of loyalty to the pres of the church as a prophet, seer, and revelator; a commitment to chastity; a promise to tithe; and an agreement to wear temple garments (sanctioned underwear) day and night and to observe dietary rules."
p 3 "in 1979, as in 2008, the 3 man first presidency wrote a formal letter this time urging mormans to join the fight against ERA in virginia. one of the signatories was an immigrant from mexico named marion g romney--cousin to george romney, the gov of mi and father of mitt romney."
movie to see: The Stinking Ship about tanker illegally unloading 500 tons of toxic waste into abidjan's landfills in aug 2006
hightower lowdown march 2012 -- about post office NOT being broke
article I Sectioon 8 of the Constitution. but nixon started idea of bottom line profit mentality--to run it like a business. it was overseen by congress and funded by taxpayers but was transformed to an agency now run by a board of 11 (BOG). members on board? (from2005 to 2011) james miller III reagan's budget director and longtime proponent of totally privatizing mail service--product of americans for prosperity and american enterprise institute. p 2 "in 2006 the bush white house and congress whacked the post office w/ the postal accountability and enhancement act--an incredible piece of ugliness requiring the agency to PRE-PAY the health care benefits not only of current employees, but also of all employees who'll retire during the next 75 years." this is costing about 5.5 billion/year
also accounting error, 40 yrs old, the federal office of personnel management has overcharged the post office by as much as $80 billion for payments into the civil service retirement system
FedEx CEO fredrick smith, former board member of koch's cato institute, has been leading the corporate call for (1999 quotation) "closing down the USPS."
{tells you even more on who is running the government or destroying america}

from landbank the new view spring 2012: # of foreclosures inside flint is down 18% from last year, "only" 1,783 this year. however foreclosures outside of flint is up 19% to 920. for suburbs, there is a # of failed subdivisions and condo developments
Barrett, the labor-backed Democrat who seeks to oust Walker, wanted more debates.
Walker, the controversial governor whose draconian budget measures inspired mass protests last year, did not. In fact, in the first debate last week, Walker was barely present—declining to participate in a segment where the candidates were to ask one another questions, failing to respond to challenges from his opponent or questions from journalists on the panel.
Why is Walker so disinclined to debate? Apparently, the Republican governor, who has raised $31 million to $3.9 million for Barrett, prefers to let his attack ads do the talking.
But Walker will face one more round of questions tonight. And it will be harder to avoid them, as one of the state’s ablest broadcasters, Mike Gousha, will be asking them.
In case Gousha runs out of questions, here are a few he could toss Walker’s way:
1. In October 2010, you told the Oshkosh Northwestern’s editorial board that you would work with public-employee unions and respect the bargaining process. You said: “You still have to negotiate.” But you did not negotiate with public-employee unions. Now, you acknowledge that you and your aides began developing legislation to strip away collective-bargaining rights immediately after your election. Did you lie to the Northwestern’s editorial board?
2. In February 2011, you told the people of Wisconsin in a televised address that you were forced by a fiscal crisis to introduce a budget-repair bill that created dozens of new political positions for your cronies, proposed the sell-off of state assets and attacked the rights of public employees and teachers. Now, we learn that the drafting of elements of the legislation began months before the “crisis” developed. Did you lie to the people of Wisconsin?
3. In April 2011, you told Congress that you began developing your anti-labor legislation in response to actions by the unions. Now, you acknowledge that the legislation was being drafted before you had any interactions with the unions. Did you lie to Congress?
4. In April 2011, in the same sworn testimony to Congress, you said that you had not spoken to anyone about using anti-labor legislation to punish or undermine political foes. Now, we see a videotape showing you speaking months earlier to your largest political donor, about using a “divide and conquer” strategy to undermine your political foes and to make Wisconsin “a completely red [Republican] state.” Did you lie to the Congress about this, as well?
5. In last week’s debate, when asked about healthcare programs for low-income workers and families (such as Wisconsin’s BadgerCare) you suggested that you are expanding them and providing them with unprecedented support. Yet under your administration more than 60,000 Wisconsinites have either been stripped of coverage or denied access to coverage for which they qualify. Did you lie in response to that question in last week’s debate?
6. Throughout the current campaign, you have been asked to answer basic questions about who is funding the criminal defense fund that has been established to help you respond to the “John Doe” inquiry into illegal actions by your aides and campaign donors. You have suggested that you cannot answer these and other questions related to the probe because of constraints placed on you by prosecutors and by state law. But veteran prosecutors and the state Government Accountability Board have suggested that you have a good deal of flexibility when it comes to answering these questions. Did you lie when you said you could not answer even basic questions relating to the “John Doe” probe?
7. Throughout the current campaign, you have been harshly critical of the use of the recall process to hold you to account. Yet in 2010 your campaign produced a video in which you hailed the recall campaign that cleared the way for you to become Milwaukee county executive as a hopeful expression of direct democracy. Did you lie in that video about your attitude toward recall elections? Or are you lying now that it is you who are being held to account by the people?
after seeing max's video's of his trips--up to the seault w/jane, elmo, and june and ones w/dad at paul pearce's looking at the old cycles, i can see why groups like the amish don't want photos taken. memories used to be the way of remembering, telling stories and passing info on. a picture does capture the object for a moment in time; a video w/sound is kind of creepy actually. the dead can talk and move and think. it would be easy to suspect that the soul had been captured or lost if such remembrances exist. we watched aunt lila's birthday at wayne's w/christina and virginie and al and dorothy's renewal of wedding vows w/ our family, leta, james and june, colleen, etc. time stopped in a sense.
feb/march AARP --interesting article and suggestive thought
p.59 "lowering interest rates is also a throw down challenge to income investors: if you don't like the piddly rates on cds and the like, then pour your money into stocks! that forced march into the stock market is supposed to boost stock prices, which helps investors and businesses. and the theory goes that should jump start the economy. is it working?. . ." fed plans to keep rates low through mid 2013. put $ into credit union for checking then find online for best cd deals
facebook =
osha gray davidson =
from march 15, 2012: p 2 "mormonism is the only major denom that closes its temples to non adherents. in fact before a mormon can attend religious services in his own temple, he must obtain a temple recommend from a bishop, responding to a list of questions that includes: an oath of loyalty to the pres of the church as a prophet, seer, and revelator; a commitment to chastity; a promise to tithe; and an agreement to wear temple garments (sanctioned underwear) day and night and to observe dietary rules."
p 3 "in 1979, as in 2008, the 3 man first presidency wrote a formal letter this time urging mormans to join the fight against ERA in virginia. one of the signatories was an immigrant from mexico named marion g romney--cousin to george romney, the gov of mi and father of mitt romney."
movie to see: The Stinking Ship about tanker illegally unloading 500 tons of toxic waste into abidjan's landfills in aug 2006
hightower lowdown march 2012 -- about post office NOT being broke
article I Sectioon 8 of the Constitution. but nixon started idea of bottom line profit mentality--to run it like a business. it was overseen by congress and funded by taxpayers but was transformed to an agency now run by a board of 11 (BOG). members on board? (from2005 to 2011) james miller III reagan's budget director and longtime proponent of totally privatizing mail service--product of americans for prosperity and american enterprise institute. p 2 "in 2006 the bush white house and congress whacked the post office w/ the postal accountability and enhancement act--an incredible piece of ugliness requiring the agency to PRE-PAY the health care benefits not only of current employees, but also of all employees who'll retire during the next 75 years." this is costing about 5.5 billion/year
also accounting error, 40 yrs old, the federal office of personnel management has overcharged the post office by as much as $80 billion for payments into the civil service retirement system
FedEx CEO fredrick smith, former board member of koch's cato institute, has been leading the corporate call for (1999 quotation) "closing down the USPS."
{tells you even more on who is running the government or destroying america}

from landbank the new view spring 2012: # of foreclosures inside flint is down 18% from last year, "only" 1,783 this year. however foreclosures outside of flint is up 19% to 920. for suburbs, there is a # of failed subdivisions and condo developments