check for checking non profits as well as charitynavigator
from kindle book--so like america now and explains the thinking of some hypocrites:
"spencer had built his success by holding up a mirror to weaknesses of others, justifying his own evil by magnifying the poor decisions of others, all of whom eventually became his victims"
from a dangerous harbor by dahlke, rp
twenty yrs from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do....sail away from a safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sail. explore. dream. discover.... by Twain
and Kurt Vonnegut "god shouldn't be put in charge of everything until we get to know him a little better"
albert schweitzer "there are 2 means of refuge from the misery of life---music and cats"
on trip down: coyote across rd, snow in virginia at ski slopes, church w/sign for on line schooling today tues in myrtle beach. on thurs we listened to radio around noon and heard announcer ask girls who entered a contest why there were out during the day. was it a day off school? no we're home schooled. great
same day--in MI demonstrators against right to work locked out and sprayed. democracy. we can no longer be "sensible" it seems.
Where Did All those Super PAC Dollars Go? 1/3 of All Outside Money Moved Through Handful of Media Firms
In 2012, the total spending of outside groups -- the Super PACs and dark money nonprofits which spend money to influence elections, but do so separately from campaigns -- amounted to about $1.3 billion. CMD (publishers of estimates that more than $482 million in outside spending, about a third overall, ultimately passed through just six media companies: ad production shops Mentzer Media and McCarthy Hennings Media, direct mail giant Arena Communications, online advertising firm Targeted Communications, Karl Rove-affiliated Crossroads Media LLC, and a mysterious Democrat-aligned media group called Waterfront Strategies. Some of these companies used the money to produce ads, others to purchase the slots where the ads ultimately aired, others to send ad mailers. Industry experts tell CMD that media buyers typically take a 10 to 15 percent commission on ad buys, but consultants involved in ad production or mailers may be paid an even greater percentage.
CMD (publishers of used the Sunlight Foundation's "Follow the Unlimited Money" database to examine the vendors that outside groups used to produce and air their advertisements. CMD found that the largest outside spenders tended to rely on the same vendors. Many of these media firms often did work for the same candidate campaign accounts that the outside spending groups were supporting, allowing for potential collusion between campaigns and "independent" groups that are required by law to keep their operations separate.
Mentzer Media: Handled $205,136,577 in Ad Buys
Mentzer Media, a political consultancy that specializes in buying and placing TV ads, stands out as perhaps the most prolific of these agencies, having done business with practically every major conservative Super PAC or 501(c)(4) involved in the 2012 election cycle. CMD estimates that outside spending groups moved at least $205 million through Mentzer Media in 2012. If Mentzer took the standard 15 percent cut, it raked in something like $30 million for placing these ads, whether their clients succeeded or failed with their campaigns. Not bad for a group that reportedly only has six employees and a bare-bones website.Their biggest customer this cycle was the Romney-aligned Super PAC Restore Our Future. Restore Our Future contracted exclusively with Mentzer, which handled over $130 million in ad buys from the SuperPAC in 2012.
Mentzer Media also handled tens of millions of dollars for "dark money" nonprofits, which do not have to disclose all of their spending: because all their expenditures are not reported, the totals could be much higher. The reported totals include at least $31 million in media buys from Americans for Prosperity, $12 million from the American Future Fund, $3 million from the 60 Plus Association, and $1.3 million in ad production expenditures from American Commitment. In each case, this amount constitutes the majority of all ad buys made by the group. In the case of Americans for Prosperity and American Commitment, it constitutes almost all the money the group ultimately spent. Mentzer Media also handled $7.7 million in ad buys on behalf of Crossroads GPS, and $418,000 in media buys for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, though both groups do the majority of their business elsewhere.
Mentzer Media's resume includes the creation of the infamous "Swift Boat" ad campaign, which may have destroyed John Kerry's 2004 presidential bid. That discredited attack earned Mentzer Media $18.6 million.
McCarthy Hennings Media: Paid $2,086,480 for Ad Production
Mentzer Media works closely with McCarthy Hennings, a media production company that creates the ads for which Mentzer purchases air time. In contrast with media buys, production companies are not paid via commission, instead taking the entire disbursement as profit. CMD estimates that outside spending groups paid McCarthy Hennings over $2 million in the 2012 election cycle, largely for ad production.Like Mentzer Media, McCarthy Hennings' largest client this cycle was Restore Our Future. Larry McCarthy, the president and founder of McCarthy Hennings, sits on the board of Restore Our Future and was responsible for deciding where its money was spent. This year, Restore Our Future paid McCarthy Hennings over $1 million to produce their ads. McCarthy also has direct ties to Mitt Romney himself: in 2008, he worked as the media director for the Romney campaign.
McCarthy's other 2012 clients include American Crossroads, which paid McCarthy's group $263,000 in ad production fees, and Crossroads GPS, which paid them $324,000. Americans for Job Security, a 501(c)(6) trade organization with close ties to Crossroads GPS and American Crossroads, paid McCarthy Hennings an additional $70,000. The group was also paid $70,000 by the Ending Spending Action Fund, a Super PAC created and funded by TD Ameritrade founder Joe Ricketts.
In previous cycles, McCarthy masterminded such noxious ad campaigns as the race-baiting Willie Horton ad aimed against Michael Dukakis' 1988 presidential campaign, and American Future Fund's 2009 ad campaign linking Democratic Congressmen to the Park 51 Community Center, a proposed Islamic center near Ground Zero in New York.
Crossroads Media LLC: Handled $161,637,315 in Ad Buys
While Crossroads GPS and American Crossroads do some business with Mentzer, most of their money moves through a related ad purchasing company called Crossroads LLC, which shares the "Crossroads" name but pre-dates the formation of Rove's groups by almost a decade.Crossroads Media was co-founded by former Americans for Job Security president Michael Dubke, who is also a partner at Black Rock Consulting, which he co-founded with Carl Forti, the political director of American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS. Crossroads Media also shares an office with Americans for Job Security.
CMD estimates that Crossroads Media was paid at least $161 million from American Crossroads, Crossroads GPS, and Americans for Job Security. If their cut was the standard 15 percent, Crossroads Media could have made $24 million or more. Like Mentzer Media, their site lists only a handful of employees. Crossroads Media gets little business from other outside spending organizations, and appears to effectively be an in-house ad purchasing agency for Rove's political empire.
The decision by these groups to send their money to a closely affiliated group is potentially a way to increase their own personal take of any election money they manage, according to Bloomberg.
Waterfront Strategies: Handled $92,456,414 (and Millions More from the Obama Campaign) for Ad Placement and Consulting
Several prominent groups on the Democratic side made their ad buys through Waterfront Strategies, a consultancy with no listed address and no known employees, but which still managed to handle most of the ad buys for Super PACs like Majority PAC and the affiliated 501(c)(4) Patriot Majority. The firm also managed ad buys for the League of Conservation Voters and unions like AFSCME and the Service Employees International Union. CMD estimates that Waterfront Strategies handled at least $92 million worth of ad buys in the 2012 election cycle.An investigation earlier this year by the Huffington Post revealed that Waterfront may not be an independent group at all, but an arm of the massive media conglomerate GMMB, which among other things advertises itself as the "lead media organization" for the Obama campaign and produces and places ads for the campaign. All told, GMMB moved over $314 million in Obama ad buys during the 2012 election cycle, while apparently running Waterfront Strategies out of the same building.
Waterfront is partitioned from GMMB and operating under a different name, likely to avoid accusations of illegal coordination with the Obama campaign. Nevertheless, the Huffington Post describes Waterfront as an "internal branch" of GMMB. It is based out of the same building and uses members of the same staff.
Arena Communications: Handled $13,874,232 for Direct Mail and Email Fundraising
Arena Communications, a direct-mail company with only two known employees, orchestrates mail campaigns for many of the right's largest Super PACs and dark money nonprofits. In most instances, Arena received the majority of funds the top-spending groups spent on direct mail. CMD estimates that outside spending groups had Arena handle at least $13 million in the 2012 election cycle.More than half of that money came from Restore our Future, which paid Arena Communications $9 million for email ads and to design, print, and send mailers. They were also paid $258,000 by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), a partisan lobby shop that masquerades as the nonpartisan "voice of small business." Arena, though, is hardly nonpartisan; it openly advertises itself as a Republican outfit, boasting on their website that they "play to win...and when it comes to defeating Democratic congressional incumbents, no one can match our record."
Their website does not list any employees, and very little is known about the group. They are based out of Salt Lake City, and controlled in part by Peter Valcarce, a staffer for former U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch. Their site lists a number of high-ranking congressional and presidential candidates including George W. Bush's 2004 campaign, and Paul Ryan's campaigns for Congress in Wisconsin.
Targeted Victory: Handled $9,932,815 for Online Ad Buys (and millions more from the Romney campaign)
Targeted Victory, an online ad agency based in Alexandria, Virginia, handles the purchasing of online ad slots for many of the same conservative groups mentioned above, and also has close ties to the Romney campaign's online strategy department. Targeted Victory has handled the majority of online ad production and purchasing for Crossroads GPS, American Crossroads, and Americans for Job Security, as well as all online ad buys for Club for Growth's Super PAC. Targeted Victory managed the online campaigns of numerous outside spending groups while simultaneously working for the Romney campaign itself, which each of these groups spent vast sums supporting. Targeted Victory received $67 million in business from the Romney campaign itself, most of it for social media consulting and development.Romney's business with Targeted Victory is not altogether surprising considering his campaign's close ties to the group. Targeted Victory was co-founded by Zach Moffat, who earlier this year left to work for the Romney campaign as their online strategy director. Moffat had a hand in implementing "Project Orca," the Romney campaign's massive digital voter mobilization application which was supposed to compensate for Obama's superior ground game, but ended up crashing on election day, potentially costing the campaign thousands of votes and millions of dollars.
Citizens United Hurts Campaigns, Too
Despite failing to deliver in many cases, each of these agencies have seen enormous profits as a consequence of the obscene volume of money flowing into the 2012 election. Close coordination between campaigns and outside spending groups may have actually hurt the campaigns, by steering wealthy donors toward groups that are as interested in making money as they are winning elections. Groups like these may drive funds toward expenditures that maximize their personal commission, even if those expenditures do not make good strategic sense.This may explain the massive emphasis big-spending SuperPAC's place on radio and television advertising, rather than door to door campaigning and other get-out-the-vote efforts. “No one has figured out how to make a 15 percent commission when they hire a field representative to line up county commissioners and precinct captains and, shockingly, we do too little of it,” Republican consultant Andrew Boucher told the Washington Times.Additionally, while strict laws govern campaign spending, and require that campaigns pay the "fair market value" of services purchased from friends and family, Super PACs have no such restrictions, allowing millions to move through these groups with little accountability. “My standard sound-bite advice is ‘donor beware,’ when giving to any political action committee,” Paul S. Ryan of the Campaign Legal Center told ProPublica in March. Perhaps more donors should have taken his advice
hightower nov 12:
new york times reporting on post office failed to tell the story that "in 2006 the forces of privatization got congress to shackle our post office to an absurd requirement that it must by 2015 set aside funds to cover the health benefits of all workers who'll retire in the next 75 years". that's right FUTURE employees. same thing in an article of carolina country dec 2012 where marilyn jones "with expertise in postal service issues" also failed to mention FACTS when writing an article about possible post office closings in north carolina. her article does suggest that VPOs (village post offices) can offer good service. find them inside (her first listing) walmart, etc.
hightower 11-12 "the newest feature of hard-nosed reporting in am is called quote approval. PR flacks for public officials and political candidates demand that reporters agree--as a price of being granted an interview--to submit any quotes attributed to their boss for approval"....and now business exs have realized that. . .silicon valley hot shots and even the bosses of media conglomerates are demanding and getting quote approval for stories about their operations"
local organic food see
corporate cloner in 2008 "we can make every cow precisely like its progenitor. this eliminates uncertainty in meat production, for every cut can be the exact same texture, taste, and composition. we have achieved the efficiency of the assembly line inside the animal itself." p 4
heritage foods usa works w/small farmers to bring nearly lost breeds of sustainably raised animals to market
washington monthly nov/dec 2012:
column by washington post's steven pearlstein:
"I am a corporate chief executive. . . i am the misunderstood superhero of american capitalism, single handedly creating wealth and prosperity despite all of the obstacles put in my way by employees, government and the media...i am entitled to a healthy and well educated work force, a modern and efficient transportation system and protection for my person and property, just as i am entitled to demonize government workers who provide them. i am entitled to complain bitterly about taxes that are always too high, even when they are at record lows. i am entitled to a judicial system that enforces contracts and legal obligations on customers, suppliers and employees but does not afford them the same in right in return" (more in column--got to find it)
Steven Pearlstein is a Pulitzer Prize-winning business and economics columnist at The Washington Post.
I am the misunderstood superhero of American capitalism, single-handedly creating wealth and prosperity despite all the obstacles put in my way by employees, government and the media.
I am a job creator and I am entitled.
I am entitled to complain about the economy even when my stock price, my portfolio and my profits are at record levels.
I am entitled to a healthy and well-educated workforce, a modern and efficient transportation system and protection for my person and property, just as I am entitled to demonize the government workers who provide them.
I am entitled to complain bitterly about taxes that are always too high, even when they are at record lows.
I am entitled to a judicial system that efficiently enforces contracts and legal obligations on customers, suppliers and employees but does not afford them the same right in return.
I am entitled to complain about the poor quality of service provided by government agencies even as I leave my own customers on hold for 35 minutes while repeatedly telling them how important their call is.
I am entitled to a compensation package that is above average for my company’s size and industry, reflecting the company’s aspirations if not its performance.
I am entitled to have the company pay for breakfasts and lunches, a luxury car and private jet travel, my country club dues and home security systems, box seats to all major sporting events, a pension equal to my current salary and a full package of insurance — life, health, dental, disability and long-term care — through retirement.
I am entitled to have my earned income taxed as capital gains and my investment income taxed at the lowest rate anywhere in the world — or not at all.
I am entitled to inside information and favorable investment opportunities not available to ordinary investors. I am entitled to brag about my investment returns.
I am entitled to pass on my accumulated wealth tax-free to heirs, who in turn, are entitled to claim that they earned everything they have.
I am entitled to use unlimited amounts of my own or company funds to buy elections without disclosing such expenditures to shareholders or the public.
I am entitled to use company funds to burnish my own charitable reputation.
I am entitled to provide political support to radical, uncompromising politicians and then complain about how dysfunctional Washington has become.
Although I have no clue how government works, I am entitled to be consulted on public policy by politicians and bureaucrats who have no clue about how business works.
I am entitled to publicly criticize the president and members of Congress, who are not entitled to criticize me.
I am entitled to fire any worker who tries to organize a union. I am entitled to break any existing union by moving, or threatening to move, operations to a union-hostile environment.
I am entitled to a duty of care and loyalty from employees and investors who are owed no such duty in return.
I am entitled to operate my business free of all government regulations other than those written or approved by my industry.
I am entitled to load companies up with debt in order to pay myself and investors big dividends — and then blame any bankruptcy on over-compensated workers.
I am entitled to contracts, subsidies, tax breaks, loans and even bailouts from government, even as I complain about job-killing government budget deficits.
I am entitled to federal entitlement reform.
I am entitled to take credit for all the jobs I create while ignoring any jobs I destroy.
I am entitled to claim credit for all the profits made during a booming economy while blaming losses or setbacks on adverse market or economic conditions.
I am entitled to deny knowledge or responsibility for any controversial decisions made after my departure from the company, even while profiting from such decisions if they enhance shareholder value.
I am entitled to all the rights and privileges of running an American company, but owe no loyalty to American workers or taxpayers.
I am entitled to confidential information about my employees and customers while refusing even to list the company’s phone number on its Web site.
I am entitled to be treated with deference and respect by investors I mislead, customers I bamboozle, directors I manipulate and employees I view as expendable.
I am entitled to be lionized in the media without answering any questions from reporters.
I am entitled to the VIP entrance.
I am entitled to everything I have and more that I still deserve.
median income for top 1/5 of nyc is 223,285 for the bottom 1/5 it's 8844
in manhattan + 391.022 vs 9681
interesting article about george c marshall p 42 --- pulled his force together by confronting pres roosevelt w/need for capable fighting force in europe and pacific and 2 he pruned the dead wood from the military ranks
the progressive nov 2012:
rep steve king repub from iowa "talked about a recent visit to iowa state u and bemoaned all the different multicultural student groups 'it started w/asians and it ended w/ zeitgeist. so from a to z king said and most of them were victims groups, victimology, people that feel sorry for themselves"
bob marshall a rep state lawmaker VA "says disabled children are god's punishment to women who have aborted their first pregnancy reports WTOP-FM the number of children who are born subsequent to a first abortion w/handicaps has increased dramatically. why? because when you abort the firstborn of any, nature takes its vengeance on subsequent children." said at press conf to oppose state funding for planned parenthood
limbaugh blamed 10% decline in penis size over 50 yrs "i think it's has to be the feminazis, the chickification, and everything else"
blind picket goodwill in dearborn, low wages? see
sambuca = elderberry
quinta = estate or villa -- interesting site, name of book
Choosing which herbs to grow in your home doesn’t have to be a difficult process. Classic herbs such as basil, parsley, oregano, thyme and cilantro all can successfully grow in your indoor pots. You can also try other flavorsome herbs like rosemary, chives, mint, dill, bay and sage for more great indoor options. Most of these culinary staples can be transitioned easily from outdoor to indoor use when you take into consideration planting, watering, potting/soil and lighting.
spent a hour or so w/an attorney today who ended the meeting talking about the immorality of the country (no moral leaders and households are immoral--too many having babies and living off federal money -- this certainly will be helped w/no birth control allowed won't it), how he'd read revelations and knows that israel, iran, iraq, china, and russia will be around for the end days but not the us. and that's because obama and congress are leading us down the road to weakness. yes really--i took notes. having read rev. i do not remember specific nations named although there were allusions like the bear. what a pleasant start to the day. thursday 12-20-12Re: Freedom-to-Work Legislation
To: Donna Hart

Dear Donna Hart,
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding my announcement to support right-to-work legislation in Michigan.
I realize the right-to-choose issue evokes strong emotions among supporters and opponents. To date, this issue has not been part of my agenda to reinvent Michigan due to its divisive nature. However, it was propelled to the public policy forefront when unions placed Proposal 2 on the November ballot.
This legislation complements our ongoing reforms and will keep Michigan’s comeback strong. It’s about more and better jobs for families, brighter futures for our kids and freedom for our workers to decide for themselves whether to join or financially support a union.
Right-to-choose in Michigan will not prohibit unions or collective bargaining. In fact, I support collective bargaining because it has worked well in Michigan for decades. It should be the unions’ responsibility to encourage membership by explaining the benefits and services they have to offer. People who agree that membership serves them will join. Those who don’t agree will not join. Michigan workers deserve that freedom. This legislation does not affect existing contracts and has no impact on workplace health or safety standards.
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding my announcement to support right-to-work legislation in Michigan.
I realize the right-to-choose issue evokes strong emotions among supporters and opponents. To date, this issue has not been part of my agenda to reinvent Michigan due to its divisive nature. However, it was propelled to the public policy forefront when unions placed Proposal 2 on the November ballot.
This legislation complements our ongoing reforms and will keep Michigan’s comeback strong. It’s about more and better jobs for families, brighter futures for our kids and freedom for our workers to decide for themselves whether to join or financially support a union.
Right-to-choose in Michigan will not prohibit unions or collective bargaining. In fact, I support collective bargaining because it has worked well in Michigan for decades. It should be the unions’ responsibility to encourage membership by explaining the benefits and services they have to offer. People who agree that membership serves them will join. Those who don’t agree will not join. Michigan workers deserve that freedom. This legislation does not affect existing contracts and has no impact on workplace health or safety standards.
Under this legislation, agreements between labor unions and employers cannot require public/private-sector employee membership in a union or the payment of union dues. This legislation respects and preserves the status afforded to police and firefighters under Public Act 312, which reflects the hazardous nature of their jobs. We must preserve the loyalty and intra-unit solidarity that are crucial elements in the ability of our police and firefighters to perform their dangerous public safety missions.
I realize freedom-to-work is not a magic bullet or a cure-all for our economic challenges. We know that investors look at many factors when deciding where to locate, such as the quality of schools, the tax climate and availability of talent – all of which we are working hard to improve on a daily basis.
This law will help make Michigan’s economic climate more conducive to job growth by giving employers greater flexibility to expand and innovate – which means more and better jobs for our families.
It is not enough for Michigan to survive. We’ve proved we can. Looking forward, I want Michigan to thrive. I believe deeply that this workplace fairness and equality legislation is an essential building block in our state’s long-term success.
Rick Snyder
By the Numbers: Comparing Spending by Gun Rights and Gun Control Interest Groups
National Rifle Association Executive
Vice President Wayne LaPierre holds a news conference at the Willard
Hotel on Dec. 21, 2012, one week after the Sandy Hook Elementary School
shooting in Newtown, Conn. (Chip Somodevilla /Getty Images)
Political spending by gun rights groups far outweighs that by gun control groups. Here, we break down just how wide the discrepancy is.
We define gun rights groups as non-profit organizations that lobby Congress and advocate on behalf of the ownership and use of firearms, and we define gun control groups as non-profit organizations that lobby Congress and advocate for gun control legislation. (Where relevant, we've also included donations from super PACs where gun control policy is a major focus.)
We define gun rights groups as non-profit organizations that lobby Congress and advocate on behalf of the ownership and use of firearms, and we define gun control groups as non-profit organizations that lobby Congress and advocate for gun control legislation. (Where relevant, we've also included donations from super PACs where gun control policy is a major focus.)
We've honed in on the largest and most prominent of these special interest groups. See how their spending breaks down
Federal Campaign Contributions
Total amount of top campaign contributions by gun rights interest groups in 2012
Percent of the above figure donated to Republicans
Total campaign contributions by the National Rifle Association, the nation's largest gun rights group, in 2012
Percent of the above figure donated to Republicans
Total campaign contributions by gun control interest groups in 2012
Percent of the above figure donated to Democrats
Largest-ever total of campaign contributions from the gun control lobby (in 2000)
Independent Expenditures
by the Federal Election Commission as an advertisement "expressly
advocating the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate")
NRA's reported independent expenditures in the 2012 election cycle
How much the NRA spent against all Democratic candidates in 2012
How much the NRA spent against President Obama in 2012
Reported independent expenditures in the 2012
election cycle by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the
largest grassroots organization dedicated to gun control measures
Amount spent by Independence USA PAC,
a super PAC founded by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg in 2012 that
focuses on issues of gun control, school reform and marriage equality,
to help unseat former U.S. Rep. Joe Baca, R-Calif., known to be pro-gun rights
Amount spent by Independence USA PAC this election to help unseat former U.S. Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle, R-N.Y., known to oppose restrictions on gun ownership
Amount that gun rights groups on a whole spent lobbying Congress in 2012
Amount that the NRA spent lobbying Congress in 2012
Number of congressional bills NRA lobbied on behalf of in 2012
Number of U.S. House members to whom NRA has given an "A" rating
Number of U.S. House members to whom NRA has given a "D" or "F" rating
Number of U.S. senators to whom NRA has given an "A" rating
Number of U.S. senators to whom NRA has given a "D" or "F" rating
Amount that gun control groups on a whole spent lobbying Congress in 2012
Percent of the above figure spent solely by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a coalition of mayors founded in 2006 dedicated to promoting gun control initiatives
Largest-ever amount the Brady Campaign spent on lobbying (in 2004)
Amount the Brady Campaign spent lobbying Congress in 2012
Number of congressional bills the Brady Campaign lobbied on behalf of in 2012
Largest-ever amount gun control groups on a whole spent lobbying Congress (in 2001)
NRA's total revenue in 2010 (most recent year available)
Total amount NRA collected from membership dues and fees in 2010
Number of NRA employees in 2010
Number of NRA volunteers in 2010
Current estimated number of NRA members
Estimated membership of Gun Owners of America, another gun rights lobbying group
Total compensation for NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre in 2010
Total compensation for NRA Executive Director of General Operations Kayne Robinson in 2010
Estimated contribution range to NRA from outside
corporations since 2005 through a corporate-giving program, per a report
by the Violence Policy Center, a non-profit organization that advocates for stricter gun control
Percent of the above amount contributed by the firearms industry (manufacturers and sellers of guns and gun products)
Estimated revenue in 2012 by the gun and ammunitions industry
Brady Campaign's total revenue in 2010 (most recent year available)
Number of Brady Campaign employees in 2010
Number of Brady campaign volunteers in 2010
Total compensation for Brady Campaign's then-president Paul Helmke in 2010
Total revenue drawn by Mayors Against Illegal Guns Action Fund in 2010
columbus' name = cristoforo columbo italian = cristobal colon sp
amerigo vespucci = americus vespucius latin = america named for him
india comes from hindi hindia
columbus called people of arawak island una gente in dios = where word indian came from perhaps
seed savers:
article in acres usa january 2013 about west bloomfield mi hospital hiring coordinator to grow fresh veg for hospital use "medical care today is not always about health and wellness, it is often reactionary -- providing sick care in response to illness. we need to move the needle to correct direction and begin a path toward health, wellness and healing. we need to start by adopting and integrating healthy lifestyle choices in our daily regimen,. the greenhouse provides the premium nutrients our bodies need to fuel a healthy life, for our patients and our community" seidman, md, medical director of wellness henry ford west bloomfield hospital
nation jan 7/14 2013
gov peter shumlin of vermont:
"what is puzzling to me about the current debate about state budgets is that the focus has been not on bringing people together to solve common problems, like we have done in Vermont but on division and blame, i do not believe that those to blame for our current financial troubles are our law enforcement officers, firefighters and other state employes whose services we take for granted"
violence policy center
columbus' name = cristoforo columbo italian = cristobal colon sp
amerigo vespucci = americus vespucius latin = america named for him
india comes from hindi hindia
columbus called people of arawak island una gente in dios = where word indian came from perhaps
seed savers:
article in acres usa january 2013 about west bloomfield mi hospital hiring coordinator to grow fresh veg for hospital use "medical care today is not always about health and wellness, it is often reactionary -- providing sick care in response to illness. we need to move the needle to correct direction and begin a path toward health, wellness and healing. we need to start by adopting and integrating healthy lifestyle choices in our daily regimen,. the greenhouse provides the premium nutrients our bodies need to fuel a healthy life, for our patients and our community" seidman, md, medical director of wellness henry ford west bloomfield hospital
nation jan 7/14 2013
gov peter shumlin of vermont:
"what is puzzling to me about the current debate about state budgets is that the focus has been not on bringing people together to solve common problems, like we have done in Vermont but on division and blame, i do not believe that those to blame for our current financial troubles are our law enforcement officers, firefighters and other state employes whose services we take for granted"
violence policy center