
aloe factory
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall--confucius

"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." anon

A man is but the product of his thoughts--what he thinks, he becomes. Gandhi

I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
but still I can do something;
and because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do something that I can do. edward everett hale
Doom to you who legislate evil, who make laws that make victims -- laws that make misery for the poor, that rob my destitute people of dignity, exploiting defenseless widows, taking advantage of homeless children. What will you have to say on Judgment Day, when Doomsday arrives out of the blue? Who will you get to help you? What good will your money do you? (Isaiah 10:1-3, The Message)

There is nothing in the world more beautiful than the forest clothed to its very hollows in snow. It is the still ecstasy of nature, wherein every spray, every blade of grass, every spire of reed, every intricacy of twig, is clad w/radiance. william sharp

I think no matter how old or infirm I may become, I will always plant a large garden in the spring. Who can resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from participating in nature's rebirth? edward giobbi

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. marcel proust

I am only one, but still I am one.I cannot do everything,but still I can do something;and because I cannot do everything,I will not refuse to do something that I can do. edward everett hale

Thursday, January 2, 2014

january 2014

Life Without Oil  shy we must shift to a new energy future  by steve hallett w/ john wright

hisatsinom(anasazi)   suggests growing pop then prolonged drought beginning in 1130 ce.  they abandoned area.  indians called  the anasazi "the ancient people" or sometimes "enemy ancestors"  p 51-2
mayans =continued massive building even as food,ag depleted like the anasazi.  eighteen rabbit story told in stairway, civilization died about 900 ce   p57
easter island = same building of statues, some even left

p57 about mayans   "the maya were fighting the wrong enemy.  they were fighting their neighbors for resources; however, the enemy was not outside but within: the enemy was their own exploitation of the environment"

romans (issue of wood used for construction, smelting)  p 67   "by 400 ce the romans were no more powerful than the barbarians; they just wore fancier clothes.  they had all the pretense of wealth and power but had overdrawn their account in the ecological savings bank"

p69-70    many of the problems that brought about the demise of past societies, including overexploitation of our principal source of energy, environmental damage, and declines in agricultural productivity, are clearly visible in the modern world.  we are also experiencing substantial climate change, another factor frequently implicated in civilization collapse

by middle of 20th century, 7 oil companies owned nearly all the oil reserves in the world.  7 sisters   exxon, mobil, chevron, golf, texaco bp and shell

petroleum products everywhere now

p 104  "capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class"  al capone

105 -- flaw  =  difficult to keep free markets truly free.  there is always a tendency for those in power to tilt the game in their favor.  the 2nd major flaw is that capitalism has a tendency to discount the environment.  the invisible hand of the market seeks the lowest price but does not value the externalities that it accumulates in the land, water, and air

108 -- . . . the world bank and the imf embrace the concept of blobalization an free market economies w/o question.  they are holding onto a disastrous ideology whose failings have now been revealed

117 --  my grandfather rode a camel.  i drive a mercedes.  my son flies a jet plane.  his son will ride a camel.  sheikh rashid al-maktoum, emir of dubai

134 --  methane ch4 under arctic tundra (solid form) and deep in oceans methane hydrate or clathrates. it is 20 x more potent a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.  in energy circles, however, it's not cool to call methan methane so we'll switch back to calling it natural gas, or gas

160 -- destruction of amazon rain forest for sugarcane matched by destrcuction of indonesian rain forsts for palm trees

188 -- re appalachian mountains mike yeager, keystone industries employee "right now all they're looking at is trees.  when we're done they can look over an see grass an animals running.  that's a whole lot prettier than trees"  and in any case it's all for the best, as bill caylor, the president of the kentucky coal asso explains "to imply that we're flattening appalachia is so untrue.  we're creating level land for appalachia"   (i like this other viewpoint)


283 -- china has large reserves, becoming harder to extract, has less than half the reserves of the us an is depleting them twice as fast

252 --libya construction of the great manmade river begun 1984.  oil digging found huge nubian sandstone aquifer system.  water supply puts libya a few yrs longer in the parching of

315 -- ny trash went to fresh kills landfill on staten island.  closed/filled  march 2001.  now million tons of ny city garbage dumped on an island in the delaware river near tullytown, pa.  the landowners of tully town are paid 5,000/ year

320 -- seems no brainer that a more efficient car causes less pollution than a nasty clunker.  there is a counterintuitive problem known as the jevons paradox that warns us about the dangers of improved efficiency.  paradox = improved effic while it may reduce the consumption and pollution caused by an individual item, leads to greater adoption and greater use, eventually resulting in more consumption an pollution overall.

yes magazine  fall 2013 taza fair trade chocolate discussed  and article p 44 about recycling esp electronics which end up in india, china, ghana, pakistan, peru " by some estimates 80% of us e waste collected ends up on foreign shores, where regulations are lax and incentive for risk high  -  site for good traction shoes, no narrows though

GAP -- use of corexit dispersant by bp and the fed gov actually made the long term effects of the spill on the gulf and its residents worse, creating environmental and public health hazards on an incomprehensible scale.
corexit + oil  = a mixture that is 50 times more toxic than crude oil alone.   see

dr eric ben-artzi shistleblower at deutsche bank--bank hid up to 12 billion in losses and that independent university experts have backed ben-artzi's allegations. -- will the bank case be pursued?

 breach of trust:  how americans failed their soldiers and their country by andrew bacevich ---review
'over the lat 40 yrs, bacevich's thesis goes, the am public has become completely disengaged from its military.  whether by design or happenstance, this disengagement  has been a tremendous boon to warmakers and profiteers.  with little say from the am people, a state of perpetual war has ensued in which privatization and corruption have flourished on an unprecedented scale.'

Undercover at ALEC
former wis assembly speaker scott jensen, now a senior adviser to the am federation for chuildren, made a presentation to the alec ed task force, where he gleefully reported that 2 to 3 new states each year adopt the private voucher school system.  his and alec's goal is to privatize public ed in every state.  they believe the question is no longer if a state will adopt vouchers, but when.
in labor and employment matters, alec continues to work diligently to make it harder for employees to receive workers' com and unemployment insurance, as it has already succeeded in doing in states such as wi.

documentary =  inequality for all by jacob kornbluth
2012 = top 10% of incomer earners took home more than 50% of all income in 2012

EARTHWISE union of concerned scientists fall 2013
'monsanto's products are also causing problems for corn, soybean, and cotton farmers who use approved roundup ready varieties.  though these crops were supposed to decrease herbicide use (and did, for a while) 2 dozen weed species have developed resistance to roundup.  as a result, farmers now use more herbicide than they would have without roundup ready crops'

catamaran/ORS mess:
I am genuinely sorry for this confusion. I see that you are enrolled in our prescription services, but Catamaran does not have you enrolled. I am escalating this directly to Catamaran right now and will ask them to review your situation. When Catamaran updates your coverage it will be retroactive to January 01, 2014.

my letter to graves 1-10-2014
 i and others are enduring a glitch in the ORS transfer of state retirees (medicare eligible) insurance from express scripts to catamaran.  it appears many of us no longer have any part D coverage according to catamaran whom i called 12-30 -2113 and according to the medicare site which tells me 'no prescription coverage'. 

i have spoken w/ORS 1-3 and 1-6 and left a message on their site.  today 'answer' is:

'I am genuinely sorry for this confusion. I see that you are enrolled in our prescription services, but Catamaran does not have you enrolled. I am escalating this directly to Catamaran right now and will ask them to review your situation. When Catamaran updates your coverage it will be retroactive to January 01, 2014.'

i have no confidence this will be resolved soon, which it should be especially for those who need to refill prescriptions.  as a mmap volunteer i know what a mess such actions can and will cause especially when the medicare site says no coverage.

perhaps this will be fixed--someday; in the mean time i am requesting some help on your part to move this along.  even a verification on your part that this IS being fixed.


donna hart
5352 walker rd
davison 48423

 2.Remove grass stains. Combine sugar and warm water to create a thick paste; apply directly to the grass stain. Let the mixture sit on the stain for about an hour or two, then wash the garment as usual.

from ivillage
You love butter in your food, but did you know it can also be put to work around the house, too? We rounded up 18 of our favorite household uses for this refrigerator staple.
1. Shine metals and leather goods. All it takes to bring luster back to your metal and leather goods is a dab of butter. Just rub it into surfaces with a cotton rag.
2. Remove ink stains from plasticRub any marks with butter and let the plastic items bleach in the sun for a few days.
3. Wipe out water marks from wood. Cover the area with butter and let it sit overnight; towel it off in the morning.
4. De-ice a snow shovelGrease the shovel with butter -- it’ll keep snow from sticking to it.
5. Silence a squeaky doorForget WD-40 -- just work a little bit of butter onto the hinges of a squeaky door.
6. Clean sap or glue off your handsRub some butter onto sticky hands to remove stubborn sap or glue.
7. DIY nonstick knife. Thinly coat a knife with butter to help it slide more easily through sticky foods like toffee, marshmallows or pies.
8. Prevent mold. Stop mold from forming on the cut edges of semi-hard cheese by rubbing them with a bit of butter.
9. Remove fish odors. After handling fish, rub some butter over your hands to remove any residual smell.
10. Keep an onion freshApply some butter to the cut edge of an onion before wrapping it in aluminum foil to keep it fresher longer.
11. Prevent boiling over. Add one or two tablespoons of butter to a pot of water to keep it from boiling over.
12. Restore a wax candle. Give dinged and dusty candles a new glossy sheen by rubbing them with a little butter.
13. Help with pill takingCoat a large pill in butter -- it will help the medicine go down easier. Just be sure to take with a big glass of water.
14. Soothe tired feet. Massage sore tootsies with butter then wrap them in a damp, hot towel.
15. Double as a beauty treatment. Use butter as shaving cream, to nourish dry skin or brittle nails, soften hands, even condition hair (and remove gum from it!).
16. Untangle a necklace chain. Rub the knot with a little butter so the links slide apart easier. Use a small pointed item to work out the rest of the kink.
17. Remove a stuck ring. Coat your finger with enough butter to lubricate it, then gently wiggle the ring to remove.
18. Prevent bruising. Massage butter into the affected area right after the injury. The phosphates in the butter will help prevent a mark from appearing.
Ellen Sturm Niz is an editor and writer working, parenting, and living in New York City. Follow her on TwitterPinterestTumblr, and Google+.

has lots of other uses that solve a variety of common problems
1. Make a quick substitute for spackle.To fill in a small hole, mix a bit of baking soda and a bit of white glue until you have a paste, then use your fingers to ply the paste to fill in the hole.

2. Stop pool chlorine from turning your blond hair green. When you leave the pool, rinse with 1/2 cup baking soda stirred into lemon juice. Wet hair, then pour the mixture on top while it's still bubbling.

3. Clean chrome. Rub chrome with dry baking soda and a dry cloth.

4. Extinguish fires on the barbecue grill. You can douse a flare-up by sprinkling baking soda on it, and since baking soda is of food-grade purity, you won't contaminate the food.

5. Remove the odor of a spraying cat. Make a paste of baking soda and water, cover area, leave for at least three hours but preferably overnight, then vacuum when powder has dried.

6. Relieve pain of sunburn. Apply a paste of baking soda and water to soothe and cool the area.

7. Clean (plastic) piano keys. Baking soda is a gentle abrasive.

8. Remove scuffs from vinyl flooring. A little baking soda on a damp sponge will make them disappear right away.

9. Remove the sour milk smell from baby's plastic bottle. Fill it with warm water, add a teaspoon of baking soda, shake it well and leave it overnight.

10. Polish the silver without elbow grease. Fill a nonaluminum pan with hot water, place a small square of aluminum foil (5 inches or so) in pan, add baking soda (1 teaspoon per quart) and bring to a boil. Drop silver in briefly and remove with tongs. Wash with soapy water and rinse and buff to a gloss. (Not recommended for figured pieces: It will remove shading, so fine silver may look like plate.)

11. Make cloudy iced tea clear again.
 Add a pinch of baking soda to the pitcher.

12. Prevent mildew in bathing suits. On a beach outing, bring along a large zippered plastic bag containing 1/4 cup of baking soda. Put wet suits in, then shake the bag well. The soda absorbs moisture and sour musty odors until the suits can be rinsed or washed.

13. Clean corroded terminals. Make a paste of baking soda and salt. After the paste bubbles up, wipe the area, then dry it.

14. Help with heat rash. After a lukewarm shower, use a cleaning product that doesn't contain soap (such as Dove). Towel dry and put a paste of baking soda on any rashy area. Leave it there as long as practical.

15. Keep your dishwasher smelling good when you're away. Sprinkle some baking soda inside the dishwasher and leave the door open just a bit. It won't smell musty when you return.

16. Substitute for other toiletries on a camping trip. You can use it as toothpaste, as deodorant and as a balm for bug bites.

17. Make a "fishy" taste disappear. Soak your catch of the day in a quart of water to which you've added a couple tablespoons of baking soda. Leave for an hour, then wash off and pat the fish dry.

18. Spell doom for slugs. Just sprinkle baking soda on them.

19. Get rid of a musty scent. If the clothes aren't completely dry when the dryer shuts off and smell musty, sprinkle baking soda on them, then put them back in and turn the dryer back on.

20. Clean crayon off a chalkboard. Just use baking soda on a damp rag to remove the wax and make the board clean for chalking again.
Mesclun and Asian greens do very well with just a few hours of sun, or intermittent sun and shade. Arugula, sorrel, lettuce, kale, endive, cress and collard and mustard greens all can take the shade too. Spinach and some other greens will actually bolt if they get too much hot sun, so they are perfect in a less sunny spot.
Have more shady spots? Most herbs will do well in these areas of your garden. All of the mint family, which includes oregano and balms, grow like weeds as it is. Other herbs that like shade include feverfew, thyme, hyssop, tarragon, parsley, stevia, chamomile, chervil, sage and chives. We plant herbs in containers and group them together. Shady garden spots usually require less watering, but containers require more, so keeping these plants happy is easy to do. Although basil prefers sun, planting it among your tomatoes helps give the plants just the right amount of light to prolong bolting, and keeps the weeds away at the same time.
Green onions can also take less sun than other veggies. Many of the root crops, such as potatoes, radishes, carrotsbeets, sweet potatoes, turnips and rutabagas can take some shade, but the harvest will suffer. Either they will take longer to produce, or the veggies will be smaller. This isn’t always a bad thing, as the smaller or “new” potatoes are a wonderful treat to harvest. Beets grown just for their greens are a healthy addition to any salad or as a side dish. If you want to grow more and larger root crops though, you will need to get them some sun.
Gardening Jones is a master gardener based in Pennsylvania. Learn more at her blog.
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