Deerflies: Painful!
These biting flies live in wetlands, forests, and other damp environs. Keep these painful bites clean and avoid scratching to help prevent infection. Some types of deerflies spread Tularemia, an infectious bacterial disease that requires medical attention. Insect repellant and protective clothing help prevent deerfly bites.
sept 27 sermon "fruitful kingdom living'
based on acts 19
minister warned against previous congregations problems including tarot cards, seances, ouija boards, 'reading' horoscopes, and wizardry. with wizardry he referenced 'you know like that road north" which is potter road. am i to assume no reading of Harry Potter books is what he meant? in davison the veterans hall has poker nights which he thinks don't belong in town. our own christian taliban? who gets to decide what is allowed to be read, exist, frequented?
public citizen sept/oct 2015
stopping the wall street revolving door p1
big banks pay executives handsomely for jumping ship....for ex, upon leaving citigroup jack lew and stanley fischer rec'd million $ exit packages, contingent on their securing high level gov regulatory positions. they now serve as head of the treasury dept and vice chair of the fed reserve respectively...
p3 putting the brakes on corporate budget 'joy'riders
repubs are trying to leverage a gov funding bill to block or reverse an astonishingly long list of public safeguards. they are inserting 'policy riders' provisions relating to policy issues, not funding requirement into appropriations legislation and hoping that pres O will be forced to accept at least some of them i a final funding bill....(list epa from updating air quality standards for ozone... dept of labor rule to ensure sound financial advice to public, SEC from making publicly traded co disclose their political spending, prevent white house from requiring fed contractors to disclose their political spending and from cracking down on contractors violating workplace laws, roll back strong net neutrality rules and prevent fed comm commission from enfocring rules that ensure internet openness and affordability)
p7 us chamber does big tobacco's bidding abroad
us chamber working w/tobacco industry to derail other nations' tob control sules--ukraine and cambodia
p11 report unveils 9 wealthy families behind anti-estate tax lobbying
only .2% of am estates are subject to the tax -- which is levied on estates worth more than 5.43 million per individual (10.86/couple) families fighting for repeal = mars, wegman, cox, taylor, van andel, devos, bass, schwab, hall
p13 big pharma price gouges medicare part d study shows
'cost/person in us 1010 is more than 2x average in 27 of the organ for econ cooperation and development countries. .. med part d pays on average 73% more than medicaid and 80% more than the VHA for brand name drugs'