Read the rest of this on line. Even more funny since I know what Chase is like. 3 death certificates for the same person for over a year after she died, shorting us 1 bond value when cashing bonds, putting the $ of bonds in wrong accounts and having to get a correction so taxes could be done correctly, having accounts continually come "unlinked" so I assume Chase could charge $ for the accounts, etc. How much did the Chase CEO earn this year? Any well deserved bonuses for a great job? I bet some of the Chase earnings can now be used to support politicians who can help them out and get away with even more.
'relief' leads to foreclosure notice
Posted: Tuesday, January 26 2010 at 06:00 am CT by Bob Sullivan
Deb and Rick Franklin
For nine months, Deb Franklin said, she did exactly what JP Morgan Chase and President Barack Obama told her to do. She made her mortgage payments on time, delivered via Western Union, after they were reduced from $1,433 to $1,233 through Obama's Making Home Affordable program. After three payments, the mortgage relief was supposed to become permanent, but a maddening string of paperwork headaches landed her in limbo. Then, on the day after Christmas, a "bomb dropped" on her life.
A letter from a law firm representing Chase said the bank had begun foreclosure proceedings against her.
"It was devastating, just devastating," Franklin said. "I ended up on the couch shaking so badly that my husband started piling blankets on me saying, 'Are you OK?' And I told him, 'I'm not cold, I'm scared.' "
The Franklins are exactly the kind of family the Making Home Affordable program was designed to rescue. They were trying to hang on to their primary home, had enough income to make significant monthly payments and their home’s value was still within shouting distance of their mortgage balance. Home values in rural Airville, Pa. -- just across the Maryland border, near Baltimore -- never exploded like those in America's big cities, so market value of their modest split-level hadn’t fallen far.
But instead of hope and help, the Franklins say their 10-month odyssey through the Making Home Affordable program raised their mortgage balance from $187,000 to $207,000, ruined their credit score, leading to cancellation of their credit cards, and now -- despite making all their payments -- put them on the brink of losing their home.
Franklin has been told by bank representatives that the foreclosure notice was sent in error, but she doesn't buy it. On a single day in early January, she says, one Chase representative told her that the loan modification plan had been denied, another said it was approved and a third told her the foreclosure had been "suspended."
"I check my county auctions every Monday to make sure my house isn't on there,” she said. “I don't believe anything they say anymore."
Enrollees see their mortgage payments reduced to 31 percent of their income through interest rate reductions, fee waivers and lengthening of mortgage terms. Entrants are told that if they make three "temporary" modification payments on time, they will qualify for permanent relief. But as of December, only 66,000 had seen their mortgage permanently modified – a number dwarfed by the 2.8 million foreclosures completed last year.
Until the lower loan payments are made permanent, banks are entitled to continue with foreclosure proceedings.
Franklin is one of many homeowners who have enrolled in the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), offered as part of Making Home Affordable, who later compared their experiences through the Web site They found that many of them had similar tales of lost paperwork, surprise foreclosure notices and ruined credit. reviewed about two dozen such stories involving virtually every major bank. Franklin, who shared an extensive diary of events she said she kept during her attempt to modify her mortgage, is typical.

aloe factory
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall--confucius
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." anon
A man is but the product of his thoughts--what he thinks, he becomes. Gandhi
I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
but still I can do something;
and because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do something that I can do. edward everett hale
There is nothing in the world more beautiful than the forest clothed to its very hollows in snow. It is the still ecstasy of nature, wherein every spray, every blade of grass, every spire of reed, every intricacy of twig, is clad w/radiance. william sharp
I think no matter how old or infirm I may become, I will always plant a large garden in the spring. Who can resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from participating in nature's rebirth? edward giobbi
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. marcel proust
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall--confucius
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." anon
A man is but the product of his thoughts--what he thinks, he becomes. Gandhi
I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
but still I can do something;
and because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do something that I can do. edward everett hale
Doom to you who legislate evil, who make laws that make victims -- laws that make misery for the poor, that rob my destitute people of dignity, exploiting defenseless widows, taking advantage of homeless children. What will you have to say on Judgment Day, when Doomsday arrives out of the blue? Who will you get to help you? What good will your money do you? (Isaiah 10:1-3, The Message)
There is nothing in the world more beautiful than the forest clothed to its very hollows in snow. It is the still ecstasy of nature, wherein every spray, every blade of grass, every spire of reed, every intricacy of twig, is clad w/radiance. william sharp
I think no matter how old or infirm I may become, I will always plant a large garden in the spring. Who can resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from participating in nature's rebirth? edward giobbi
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. marcel proust
I am only one, but still I am one.I cannot do everything,but still I can do something;and because I cannot do everything,I will not refuse to do something that I can do. edward everett hale
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