in contact w/store at 4 pm, told open until 7, listened to spiel about their best prices for gold, drove over about 5pm. open sign up but door locked. 4 people inside. man unlocked and opened the door, man came out said he was busy w/another person, maybe we could come back. he did step out, look in my box of items, unwrap some to give a value, said nothing valuable. did not get to talk about the gold items i had. felt like we were dealing drugs or selling knock off purses. great first visit; probably last.
got reply from the strongs in AZ about aunt jane's painting and china. oscar opened a christmas card this week from them--address on envelope. i wrote and gave them a copy of max's obit and a little info. on jan 3 email arrived.
same day i wanted to mail certified AAA letter because of information inside but must have mailed it sans stamp. lady at po looked but couldn't find it. hope there's a return address on it.
randy's truck burned at irish and richfield.
from lake research partners poll done nov 5-6 2012:
85% of dems support collective bargaining
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48% of repubs -- good site to visit, food, water, environment issues
check -- read a fist in the eye of god
in defense of food: an eater's manifesto by pollan
animal, vegetable, miracle: a year of food life by kingsolver
eatwild: grass fed food and facts
article in horticulture mag--asparagus care--suggests no wet feet; sidedressing w/greensand in the fall at about 1 cup/plant, letting fronds grow and cutting below soil level when they turn brown disposing NOT in compost; cover bed w/inch of good compost or manure and adding a thick mulch of clean straw or salt hay; keep bed weed free
same issue has fall planting chart -- things to try this fall like bush beans 17 weeks before 1st frost / kale and peas 12 weeks before / carrots 10 weeks // see site // this site is worth exploring for info and seed sources like quinoa, soybeans, heirlooms
another seed source = and
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Mother Jones jan/feb 2012--
p.44 "the frog of war" summarizes frog study done w/ male frog being raised in water contaminated w/the herbicide atrazine at level of 2.5 parts/ billion (slightly less than what's allowed in drinking water). frog developed a female body inside and out; also he is the mother of his children having mated w/ other males and spawned clutches of eggs. once moved to atrazine free tank he turned lanky--when opened up frog was still female inside (frog still alive) maker of chemical = Syngenta swiss manufacturer. Atrazine introduced in 1959 and is now used on half our corn and 90% of our sugarcane, lawns, golf courses and christmas tree farms. 80 million pounds about used every year; highest usage after glyphosate (round up). Atrazine banned by european union in 2003. (this article makes me think back to the book i summarized for a master gardener newsletter )
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NEVER apply arnica to open wound
sept 15 2012 Washington Spectator:
interesting to know: although GE salmon was green lighted through the initial stages of review, the FDA based its decision largely on science conducted by AquaBounty the co that breeds the salmon
For Ben:
ben ben up before 10, do you think it'll happen again?
june 6 2011 the nation: blackwater founder building an army of mercenaries according to NT times. the 800 members are under the new co name of REFLEX RESPONSES also know as R2. prince was hired by sheik mohamed bin zayed al-nahyan crown prince of abu dhabi and bankrolled to the tune of 529 million. crowd control, protecting oil pipelines and special ops operations inside and out of emirates "to destroy enemy personnel and equipment" prince plans to build a training camp modeled after the 7000 private military base in built in NC
Eric Prince
WASHINGTON — It seemed like a simple idea: In the chaos that is Somalia,
create a sophisticated, highly trained fighting force that could
finally defeat the pirates terrorizing the shipping lanes off the Somali
But the creation of the Puntland Maritime Police Force was anything
but simple. It involved dozens of South African mercenaries and the
shadowy security firm that employed them, millions of dollars in secret
payments by the United Arab Emirates, a former clandestine officer with
the Central Intelligence Agency, and Erik Prince, the billionaire former
head of Blackwater Worldwide who was residing at the time in the emirates.
And its fate makes the story of the pirate hunters for hire a case
study in the inherent dangers in the outsourced wars in Somalia, where
the United States and other countries have relied on proxy forces and
armed private contractors to battle pirates and, increasingly, Islamic
That strategy has had some success, including a recent offensive by
Kenyan and African Union troops to push the militant group Al Shabab
from its stronghold in the port city of Kismayu.
But with the antipiracy army now abandoned by its sponsors, the
hundreds of half-trained and well-armed members of the Puntland Maritime
Police Force have been left to fend for themselves at a desert camp
carved out of the sand, perhaps to join up with the pirates or
Qaeda-linked militants or to sell themselves to the highest bidder in
Somalia’s clan wars — yet another dangerous element in the Somali mix.
Please read the entire story at the The New York Times

Al Gore-Trained Climate Leader Available to Speak to Your Group
Over the next several months, groups across the world will engage communities to discuss the realities of global climate change and how strategies can be put in place to lower carbon dioxide emissions
and lessen impacts. With 2012 going down in history as one of the
warmest years on record, melting polar ice caps, catastrophic fires,
superstorms and prolonged droughts all point to climate change as a
serious international crisis with devastating consequences for human
The Climate Reality Project is a grassroots network of more than 4,000 trained leaders who live and work all over the world.
Each of them has been personally trained by former Vice President Al
Gore, Chairman of the Climate Reality Project. One of these leaders is
Allegan resident and Sierra Club member Mary A. Colborn, who is working
to elevate this timely conversation in Southwest Michigan.
If you have a group you'd like Mary to speak to, contact her at or 360-621-0050 to set up a climate reality presentation. Or click here to request a presentation.
There's still time to Register for Free Water Monitoring Webinars!
Help us fight polluting animal factories by becoming a volunteer water monitor of waterways impacted by a facility near you! Concerned citizens who want to make a difference have helped us collect vital data on
the levels of pathogens and bacteria that end up in rivers and streams
when manure and waste runs off from farm fields, leaks from storage
lagoons or is intentionally dumped.
We're offering two
free introductory webinars conducted by Goldman Environmental Prize
winner Lynn Henning for folks who want to learn more Tues., Jan 29, and
Thurs., Jan 31, from 7-8 pm.
To sign up email and specify the webinar date in the subject line. We will send call-in details the week before the webinar.
One grand-prize winner will receive $1,000, and the winning photo will appear in a future issue of Horticulture.
Enter Horticulture‘s 2013 Garden Photo Contest Now!
Nature’s Bounty, Gardens of the South, City Gardens, Small-Space
Gardens, The Garden Landscape, Wildlife in the Garden, Beauty in the
Rob Cardillo has been photographing gardens, plants, and the people that
tend them for nearly twenty years. Rob is a frequent contributor to
Horticulture; his work can also be found in magazines, websites,
and catalogs. You can see more of his work at his award-winning website
The competition is open to photographers anywhere in the world. All
works must be original. Employees of F+W Media, Inc., and their
immediate families, are not eligible.
All entries must be digital files and must be submitted online. There is no limit to the number of photographs you may enter. Image files cannot exceed 2MB.
Entry is free, but you will see a “cart” during the entry process. YOU
Entries must be submitted online no later than AUGUST 15, 2013.
Entries will be prejudged and then finalists will be chosen by the judge
named above. All properly prepared entries will be viewed and judged.
The decision of the jurors is final.
All winners will be notified by October 31, 2013. The results will not otherwise be made public until they are published in Horticulture. Non-winning entrants will not be individually notified of the results.
Occasionally we make portions of our customer list available to other
companies so they may contact you about products and services that may
interest you. If you prefer we withhold your name, send a note with your
name, address and the competition name to: List Manager, F+W Media,
Inc., 10151 Carver Road, Suite #200, Blue Ash, OH 45242.
Terms & Conditions:
I hereby warrant that I have read the attached entry rules and understand them in full.
I attest that, to the best of my knowledge, this entry (“the Work”)
is the original work of the parties listed in the entry submission and
that I have full power and authority to enter my submission under the
terms outlined herein. I verify that Work provided as my entry is free
of matter that is libelous, an invasion of privacy, or is in any other
way unlawful. I further warrant that the Work does not infringe upon any
statutory copyright, common-law literary right, or proprietary right of
any third party, and that, where applicable, I have secured any
necessary permission for use of third party material incorporated in the
Work for F+W Media, Inc., (the “Sponsoring Organization”) as outlined
I hereby grant the Sponsoring Organization the perpetual,
non-exclusive, world-wide right to publish, republish and repurpose my
artwork in both print and digital formats, including, but not limited to
magazines, promotion materials, websites, databases and as part of
downloadable digital products.
The sponsoring organization warrants that it shall include in all
uses of the Work an attribution, in house style, based upon the
contributor information provided.
2 thoughts on “Garden Photo Contest”
Pingback: Garden Photo Contest | City Gardening
Pingback: Garden Photo Contest
natural awakenings jan 2013
dirty pool great lakes under siege by global warming --- "don scavia dir of the UM graham sustainability institute stated in a regional leaders' conference that climate change is aggravating the effects of devastating algae blooms in the great lakes by increasing the intensity of spring rains that wash phospohorus into the water."
this i found interesting: "while the practice of planting crops without plowing the ground may help prevent erosion, it leaves high concentrations of fertilizer phosphorus in the upper layers of soil, where it easily runs off into waterways". the no till idea seems like a wise decision and yet knowing that it could increase run off shows how a good idea might bring possible negative results.
source: is a good site to explore. more articles about many subjects including the great lakes are available
shell game turtles facing extinction get help from the turtle survival alliance foundation which is opening a facility to house some of the most endangered freshwater turtles and tortoises near charkleston SC. see
local videographer produces natural beekeeping DVD --dvd on natural beekeeping, shows 40 yrs of beekeeping of jeremy dunbar's dad. visit
article -- gmo free grocery list jan 2013 natural awakenings
the USDA confirms that large %s of the nation's crops were genetically modified in 2011 including 94% of conventional soy and soy products, 90% cottonseed (common in margarine, salad dressings and oils) 88% corn, 95% of the 2009 US sugar beet crop (maybe data not available since then?) and 90% of canola crop. supposedly aspartame has been made w/genetically modified bacteria since 1965 (nutrasweet and equal contain aspartame)
source:, green american magazine, and a british newspaper The Independent
nearly had a heart attack--the jan 15 issue of michigan farm news did not have it's normal style letter to the editor. no, a letter from a farmer owner, female, against fracking! totally unbelievable. and w/some facts like the 600 chemicals used, 29 toxic or carcinogenic, and the
FACT that many are under trade secret laws so we can't be told what they are. and the FACT that fracking process is exempt from laws like the safe drinking water and clean air act, national environmental policy act, clean water act and the superfund law.
Hightower lowdown jan 2013:
sites to explore-- national people's action common cause getting social w/officials, locating email, twitter, etc addresses public citizen center for media and democracy public interest research group
progressives = and
As of New Year's Day, residents of Michigan can no longer claim charitable contributions to homeless shelters, food banks, community foundations, public universities or other nonprofits on their state income tax, says CBS Detroit. As part of the Public Act 38 budget cuts package, Gov. Rick Snyder repealed Section 261 of the Michigan Individual Income Tax Act, eliminating charitable giving credits. Here's information about these changes.
Which organizations are affected?
The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan
explains the three tax credits. The Public Contribution Credit covered
institutions like public broadcasting stations, higher education
facilities, colleges, universities, university fundraising groups,
donations of publicly displayed artwork, public libraries and museums.
The Community Foundation Credit
provided credits for local civic organizations. The Homeless Shelter
and Food Bank Credit reimbursed contributions made to rescue missions,
food kitchens and pantries and organizations whose purpose is to provide
accommodation for indigent persons.
How much is the charitable tax credit worth?
Michigan Legislature
defines the three credits as 50 percent nonrefundable amounts that can
only be used to reduce owed taxes. On each credit, married couples
filing jointly can claim up to $200 for $400 in contributions.
Individual filers receive up to $100 back. CBS Local said about 250,000
residents took advantage of the credit in 2010. Snyder eliminated the
Michigan Business Tax as well. That tax included charitable giving
credits. These credits saved taxpayers $40 million in income taxes. Gov.
Snyder is hoping to recover some of those lost income tax funds to revitalize Michigan's struggling economy.
Can donations made last year be claimed?
Donations to nonprofit organizations made before Dec.31 can be claimed on 2011's income taxes. The Holland Sentinel
says mailed donations made close to the end of the year cannot count
because the payment might not have processed and a receipt issued in
time. Electronic, Automatic Clearing House or credit card donations are
easier to claim because they provide an immediate confirmation number
for payment, even though the bill may not be paid yet. All receipts for
charitable gifts should be saved.
How will this affect local organizations?
The charitable contribution
credits have brought in $100 million for nonprofit organizations, says
CBS Detroit. Of that amount, the 2011 Community Education/Foundation and
Homeless Shelter/Food Bank Credits Report
says the MBT contributed a significant portion to public institutions.
The majority of IIT funds went to support homeless shelters and
community food banks.
Marilisa Kinney Sachteleben writes about people, places, events and issues in her home state of "Pure Michigan." -- organics promo code fsmay 13 to use by may 15 2013
organic gardening feb-mar 2013
article on blight for tomatoes and potatoes -- buy romato varieties bred for blight resistance, avaoid cary over from pathogens left in potatoes not dug the previous year, recognize the dark lesions on the stems and brown spots on leaves, fuzzy white fungal growth during humid weather, act quickly--remove plant double bag and toss
same issue = reources on decoding food labels and making smart choices include:
things to be on the lookout for: natural flavor (natural and artificial both synthesized in labs often using hexane a toxic component of gasoline. MSG often hiding behind "yeast extract" or "soy protein isolate") artificial flavor GMO's (found in 80% of processed food) flavor packs (engineered fronm synthesized peel, pulp and orange essences they are used to reinvigorate pasteurized oj after it has been stored for up to a year in de-aerated tanks) BPA (plastic hardener in food can and plastic bottles and cash register receipts)
HobbyFarm Home march-april 2013
plants for air out home: bamboo palm, boston ferns, dracaenas, rubber plants, peace lily
cleaner = equal parts water and white vinegar
citrus oils like lemon orange or grapefruit to deordorize and disinfect
melaleuca (tea tree oil) to sanitize counters, etc. keep away from kids and pets
lavender antibacterial and antiviral. add drop or two to mop water, all purposse cleansers or room sprays
NEVER apply arnica to open wound
sept 15 2012 Washington Spectator:
interesting to know: although GE salmon was green lighted through the initial stages of review, the FDA based its decision largely on science conducted by AquaBounty the co that breeds the salmon
For Ben:
ben ben up before 10, do you think it'll happen again?
june 6 2011 the nation: blackwater founder building an army of mercenaries according to NT times. the 800 members are under the new co name of REFLEX RESPONSES also know as R2. prince was hired by sheik mohamed bin zayed al-nahyan crown prince of abu dhabi and bankrolled to the tune of 529 million. crowd control, protecting oil pipelines and special ops operations inside and out of emirates "to destroy enemy personnel and equipment" prince plans to build a training camp modeled after the 7000 private military base in built in NC
Eric Prince
WASHINGTON — It seemed like a simple idea: In the chaos that is Somalia,
create a sophisticated, highly trained fighting force that could
finally defeat the pirates terrorizing the shipping lanes off the Somali
coast.But the creation of the Puntland Maritime Police Force was anything but simple. It involved dozens of South African mercenaries and the shadowy security firm that employed them, millions of dollars in secret payments by the United Arab Emirates, a former clandestine officer with the Central Intelligence Agency, and Erik Prince, the billionaire former head of Blackwater Worldwide who was residing at the time in the emirates.
And its fate makes the story of the pirate hunters for hire a case study in the inherent dangers in the outsourced wars in Somalia, where the United States and other countries have relied on proxy forces and armed private contractors to battle pirates and, increasingly, Islamic militants.
That strategy has had some success, including a recent offensive by Kenyan and African Union troops to push the militant group Al Shabab from its stronghold in the port city of Kismayu.
But with the antipiracy army now abandoned by its sponsors, the hundreds of half-trained and well-armed members of the Puntland Maritime Police Force have been left to fend for themselves at a desert camp carved out of the sand, perhaps to join up with the pirates or Qaeda-linked militants or to sell themselves to the highest bidder in Somalia’s clan wars — yet another dangerous element in the Somali mix.
Please read the entire story at the The New York Times

Al Gore-Trained Climate Leader Available to Speak to Your Group
Over the next several months, groups across the world will engage communities to discuss the realities of global climate change and how strategies can be put in place to lower carbon dioxide emissions and lessen impacts. With 2012 going down in history as one of the warmest years on record, melting polar ice caps, catastrophic fires, superstorms and prolonged droughts all point to climate change as a serious international crisis with devastating consequences for human life.
The Climate Reality Project is a grassroots network of more than 4,000 trained leaders who live and work all over the world. Each of them has been personally trained by former Vice President Al Gore, Chairman of the Climate Reality Project. One of these leaders is Allegan resident and Sierra Club member Mary A. Colborn, who is working to elevate this timely conversation in Southwest Michigan.
If you have a group you'd like Mary to speak to, contact her at or 360-621-0050 to set up a climate reality presentation. Or click here to request a presentation.
There's still time to Register for Free Water Monitoring Webinars!
Help us fight polluting animal factories by becoming a volunteer water monitor of waterways impacted by a facility near you! Concerned citizens who want to make a difference have helped us collect vital data on
the levels of pathogens and bacteria that end up in rivers and streams
when manure and waste runs off from farm fields, leaks from storage
lagoons or is intentionally dumped.
We're offering two
free introductory webinars conducted by Goldman Environmental Prize
winner Lynn Henning for folks who want to learn more Tues., Jan 29, and
Thurs., Jan 31, from 7-8 pm.
To sign up email and specify the webinar date in the subject line. We will send call-in details the week before the webinar.
One grand-prize winner will receive $1,000, and the winning photo will appear in a future issue of Horticulture.
Nature’s Bounty, Gardens of the South, City Gardens, Small-Space Gardens, The Garden Landscape, Wildlife in the Garden, Beauty in the Details
Rob Cardillo has been photographing gardens, plants, and the people that tend them for nearly twenty years. Rob is a frequent contributor to Horticulture; his work can also be found in magazines, websites, and catalogs. You can see more of his work at his award-winning website
Entry is free, but you will see a “cart” during the entry process. YOU WILL NOT BE ASKED FOR CREDIT CARD INFORMATION OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND. Enter Now!
Entries must be submitted online no later than AUGUST 15, 2013.
Entries will be prejudged and then finalists will be chosen by the judge named above. All properly prepared entries will be viewed and judged. The decision of the jurors is final.
I attest that, to the best of my knowledge, this entry (“the Work”) is the original work of the parties listed in the entry submission and that I have full power and authority to enter my submission under the terms outlined herein. I verify that Work provided as my entry is free of matter that is libelous, an invasion of privacy, or is in any other way unlawful. I further warrant that the Work does not infringe upon any statutory copyright, common-law literary right, or proprietary right of any third party, and that, where applicable, I have secured any necessary permission for use of third party material incorporated in the Work for F+W Media, Inc., (the “Sponsoring Organization”) as outlined herein.
I hereby grant the Sponsoring Organization the perpetual, non-exclusive, world-wide right to publish, republish and repurpose my artwork in both print and digital formats, including, but not limited to magazines, promotion materials, websites, databases and as part of downloadable digital products.
The sponsoring organization warrants that it shall include in all uses of the Work an attribution, in house style, based upon the contributor information provided.
article -- gmo free grocery list jan 2013 natural awakenings
the USDA confirms that large %s of the nation's crops were genetically modified in 2011 including 94% of conventional soy and soy products, 90% cottonseed (common in margarine, salad dressings and oils) 88% corn, 95% of the 2009 US sugar beet crop (maybe data not available since then?) and 90% of canola crop. supposedly aspartame has been made w/genetically modified bacteria since 1965 (nutrasweet and equal contain aspartame)
source:, green american magazine, and a british newspaper The Independent
nearly had a heart attack--the jan 15 issue of michigan farm news did not have it's normal style letter to the editor. no, a letter from a farmer owner, female, against fracking! totally unbelievable. and w/some facts like the 600 chemicals used, 29 toxic or carcinogenic, and the
FACT that many are under trade secret laws so we can't be told what they are. and the FACT that fracking process is exempt from laws like the safe drinking water and clean air act, national environmental policy act, clean water act and the superfund law.
Hightower lowdown jan 2013:
sites to explore-- national people's action common cause getting social w/officials, locating email, twitter, etc addresses public citizen center for media and democracy public interest research group
progressives = and
Michigan Legislature defines the three credits as 50 percent nonrefundable amounts that can only be used to reduce owed taxes. On each credit, married couples filing jointly can claim up to $200 for $400 in contributions. Individual filers receive up to $100 back. CBS Local said about 250,000 residents took advantage of the credit in 2010. Snyder eliminated the Michigan Business Tax as well. That tax included charitable giving credits. These credits saved taxpayers $40 million in income taxes. Gov. Snyder is hoping to recover some of those lost income tax funds to revitalize Michigan's struggling economy.
Can donations made last year be claimed?
Donations to nonprofit organizations made before Dec.31 can be claimed on 2011's income taxes. The Holland Sentinel says mailed donations made close to the end of the year cannot count because the payment might not have processed and a receipt issued in time. Electronic, Automatic Clearing House or credit card donations are easier to claim because they provide an immediate confirmation number for payment, even though the bill may not be paid yet. All receipts for charitable gifts should be saved.
How will this affect local organizations?
Enter Horticulture‘s 2013 Garden Photo Contest Now!
Nature’s Bounty, Gardens of the South, City Gardens, Small-Space Gardens, The Garden Landscape, Wildlife in the Garden, Beauty in the Details
Rob Cardillo has been photographing gardens, plants, and the people that tend them for nearly twenty years. Rob is a frequent contributor to Horticulture; his work can also be found in magazines, websites, and catalogs. You can see more of his work at his award-winning website
The competition is open to photographers anywhere in the world. All works must be original. Employees of F+W Media, Inc., and their immediate families, are not eligible.
All entries must be digital files and must be submitted online. There is no limit to the number of photographs you may enter. Image files cannot exceed 2MB.
FREE ENTRYThe competition is open to photographers anywhere in the world. All works must be original. Employees of F+W Media, Inc., and their immediate families, are not eligible.
All entries must be digital files and must be submitted online. There is no limit to the number of photographs you may enter. Image files cannot exceed 2MB.
Entry is free, but you will see a “cart” during the entry process. YOU WILL NOT BE ASKED FOR CREDIT CARD INFORMATION OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND. Enter Now!
Entries must be submitted online no later than AUGUST 15, 2013.
Entries will be prejudged and then finalists will be chosen by the judge named above. All properly prepared entries will be viewed and judged. The decision of the jurors is final.
All winners will be notified by October 31, 2013. The results will not otherwise be made public until they are published in Horticulture. Non-winning entrants will not be individually notified of the results.
All winners will be notified by October 31, 2013. The results will not otherwise be made public until they are published in Horticulture. Non-winning entrants will not be individually notified of the results.
Occasionally we make portions of our customer list available to other companies so they may contact you about products and services that may interest you. If you prefer we withhold your name, send a note with your name, address and the competition name to: List Manager, F+W Media, Inc., 10151 Carver Road, Suite #200, Blue Ash, OH 45242.
Occasionally we make portions of our customer list available to other companies so they may contact you about products and services that may interest you. If you prefer we withhold your name, send a note with your name, address and the competition name to: List Manager, F+W Media, Inc., 10151 Carver Road, Suite #200, Blue Ash, OH 45242.
Terms & Conditions:
I hereby warrant that I have read the attached entry rules and understand them in full.I attest that, to the best of my knowledge, this entry (“the Work”) is the original work of the parties listed in the entry submission and that I have full power and authority to enter my submission under the terms outlined herein. I verify that Work provided as my entry is free of matter that is libelous, an invasion of privacy, or is in any other way unlawful. I further warrant that the Work does not infringe upon any statutory copyright, common-law literary right, or proprietary right of any third party, and that, where applicable, I have secured any necessary permission for use of third party material incorporated in the Work for F+W Media, Inc., (the “Sponsoring Organization”) as outlined herein.
I hereby grant the Sponsoring Organization the perpetual, non-exclusive, world-wide right to publish, republish and repurpose my artwork in both print and digital formats, including, but not limited to magazines, promotion materials, websites, databases and as part of downloadable digital products.
The sponsoring organization warrants that it shall include in all uses of the Work an attribution, in house style, based upon the contributor information provided.
2 thoughts on “Garden Photo Contest”
Pingback: Garden Photo Contest | City Gardening
- Pingback: Garden Photo Contest
natural awakenings jan 2013
dirty pool great lakes under siege by global warming --- "don scavia dir of the UM graham sustainability institute stated in a regional leaders' conference that climate change is aggravating the effects of devastating algae blooms in the great lakes by increasing the intensity of spring rains that wash phospohorus into the water."
this i found interesting: "while the practice of planting crops without plowing the ground may help prevent erosion, it leaves high concentrations of fertilizer phosphorus in the upper layers of soil, where it easily runs off into waterways". the no till idea seems like a wise decision and yet knowing that it could increase run off shows how a good idea might bring possible negative results.
source: is a good site to explore. more articles about many subjects including the great lakes are available
shell game turtles facing extinction get help from the turtle survival alliance foundation which is opening a facility to house some of the most endangered freshwater turtles and tortoises near charkleston SC. see
local videographer produces natural beekeeping DVD --dvd on natural beekeeping, shows 40 yrs of beekeeping of jeremy dunbar's dad. visit
article -- gmo free grocery list jan 2013 natural awakenings
the USDA confirms that large %s of the nation's crops were genetically modified in 2011 including 94% of conventional soy and soy products, 90% cottonseed (common in margarine, salad dressings and oils) 88% corn, 95% of the 2009 US sugar beet crop (maybe data not available since then?) and 90% of canola crop. supposedly aspartame has been made w/genetically modified bacteria since 1965 (nutrasweet and equal contain aspartame)
source:, green american magazine, and a british newspaper The Independent
nearly had a heart attack--the jan 15 issue of michigan farm news did not have it's normal style letter to the editor. no, a letter from a farmer owner, female, against fracking! totally unbelievable. and w/some facts like the 600 chemicals used, 29 toxic or carcinogenic, and the
FACT that many are under trade secret laws so we can't be told what they are. and the FACT that fracking process is exempt from laws like the safe drinking water and clean air act, national environmental policy act, clean water act and the superfund law.
Hightower lowdown jan 2013:
sites to explore-- national people's action common cause getting social w/officials, locating email, twitter, etc addresses public citizen center for media and democracy public interest research group
progressives = and
As of New Year's Day, residents of Michigan can no longer claim charitable contributions to homeless shelters, food banks, community foundations, public universities or other nonprofits on their state income tax, says CBS Detroit. As part of the Public Act 38 budget cuts package, Gov. Rick Snyder repealed Section 261 of the Michigan Individual Income Tax Act, eliminating charitable giving credits. Here's information about these changes.
Which organizations are affected?
The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan
explains the three tax credits. The Public Contribution Credit covered
institutions like public broadcasting stations, higher education
facilities, colleges, universities, university fundraising groups,
donations of publicly displayed artwork, public libraries and museums.
The Community Foundation Credit
provided credits for local civic organizations. The Homeless Shelter
and Food Bank Credit reimbursed contributions made to rescue missions,
food kitchens and pantries and organizations whose purpose is to provide
accommodation for indigent persons.
How much is the charitable tax credit worth?
Michigan Legislature defines the three credits as 50 percent nonrefundable amounts that can only be used to reduce owed taxes. On each credit, married couples filing jointly can claim up to $200 for $400 in contributions. Individual filers receive up to $100 back. CBS Local said about 250,000 residents took advantage of the credit in 2010. Snyder eliminated the Michigan Business Tax as well. That tax included charitable giving credits. These credits saved taxpayers $40 million in income taxes. Gov. Snyder is hoping to recover some of those lost income tax funds to revitalize Michigan's struggling economy.
Can donations made last year be claimed?
Donations to nonprofit organizations made before Dec.31 can be claimed on 2011's income taxes. The Holland Sentinel says mailed donations made close to the end of the year cannot count because the payment might not have processed and a receipt issued in time. Electronic, Automatic Clearing House or credit card donations are easier to claim because they provide an immediate confirmation number for payment, even though the bill may not be paid yet. All receipts for charitable gifts should be saved.
How will this affect local organizations?
The charitable contribution
credits have brought in $100 million for nonprofit organizations, says
CBS Detroit. Of that amount, the 2011 Community Education/Foundation and
Homeless Shelter/Food Bank Credits Report
says the MBT contributed a significant portion to public institutions.
The majority of IIT funds went to support homeless shelters and
community food banks.
Marilisa Kinney Sachteleben writes about people, places, events and issues in her home state of "Pure Michigan." -- organics promo code fsmay 13 to use by may 15 2013
organic gardening feb-mar 2013
article on blight for tomatoes and potatoes -- buy romato varieties bred for blight resistance, avaoid cary over from pathogens left in potatoes not dug the previous year, recognize the dark lesions on the stems and brown spots on leaves, fuzzy white fungal growth during humid weather, act quickly--remove plant double bag and toss
same issue = reources on decoding food labels and making smart choices include:
things to be on the lookout for: natural flavor (natural and artificial both synthesized in labs often using hexane a toxic component of gasoline. MSG often hiding behind "yeast extract" or "soy protein isolate") artificial flavor GMO's (found in 80% of processed food) flavor packs (engineered fronm synthesized peel, pulp and orange essences they are used to reinvigorate pasteurized oj after it has been stored for up to a year in de-aerated tanks) BPA (plastic hardener in food can and plastic bottles and cash register receipts)
HobbyFarm Home march-april 2013
plants for air out home: bamboo palm, boston ferns, dracaenas, rubber plants, peace lily
cleaner = equal parts water and white vinegar
citrus oils like lemon orange or grapefruit to deordorize and disinfect
melaleuca (tea tree oil) to sanitize counters, etc. keep away from kids and pets
lavender antibacterial and antiviral. add drop or two to mop water, all purposse cleansers or room sprays -- organics promo code fsmay 13 to use by may 15 2013
organic gardening feb-mar 2013
article on blight for tomatoes and potatoes -- buy romato varieties bred for blight resistance, avaoid cary over from pathogens left in potatoes not dug the previous year, recognize the dark lesions on the stems and brown spots on leaves, fuzzy white fungal growth during humid weather, act quickly--remove plant double bag and toss
same issue = reources on decoding food labels and making smart choices include:
things to be on the lookout for: natural flavor (natural and artificial both synthesized in labs often using hexane a toxic component of gasoline. MSG often hiding behind "yeast extract" or "soy protein isolate") artificial flavor GMO's (found in 80% of processed food) flavor packs (engineered fronm synthesized peel, pulp and orange essences they are used to reinvigorate pasteurized oj after it has been stored for up to a year in de-aerated tanks) BPA (plastic hardener in food can and plastic bottles and cash register receipts)
HobbyFarm Home march-april 2013
plants for air out home: bamboo palm, boston ferns, dracaenas, rubber plants, peace lily
cleaner = equal parts water and white vinegar
citrus oils like lemon orange or grapefruit to deordorize and disinfect
melaleuca (tea tree oil) to sanitize counters, etc. keep away from kids and pets
lavender antibacterial and antiviral. add drop or two to mop water, all purposse cleansers or room sprays
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