investing idea ---- check out
From mother jones march/april issue:
NRA claims 4.2 million members. it publishes 3.1 million free magazines for members / yr. claims it has 2 million "most active and interested" members. no more than 5% of gun owners belong to the NRA.
less than 10% members vote in board elections
87% of board members are men. 93% white
25% are or were lawmakers or officials (mostly cops)
1 lives in Newtown CT
top vote getter in 2008 board election was tom selleck
recent surveys (how recent?)
74% of NRA members say they support background checks for all gun buyers
67% of gun owners support background checks for ammo buyers
55% of gun owners support a ban on high capacity clips
45% of gun owners support assault weapons ban
30% say they have an unfavorable opinion of the NRA
average walmart worker earns 8.81/hr
article on green in the military = "full green ahead"
p 17 "nimitz running on nuclear power and other ships on biofuel diesel blend. the same for 71 aircraft aboard superhornets, hornets, prowlers, growlers, hawkeyes, greyhounds, knighthawks, seahawks. p18 "6 wks before the 2012 rimpac (rim of the pacific) exercise repuibs and some coal gas demo tried to scuttle (navy sec ray mabus) mabus' green fleet by barring the pentagon from buying alternative fuels that cost more /gallon than petroleum based fuels the biofuel blends cost more than 15/gal unless the more expensive alternative fuels come from other fossil fuels like liquefied coal. p25 "adopting a green agenda for national defense of course is a terrible misplacement of priorities." john mccain may 2012 same summer james Inhofe R from ok "succeeded in slipping an amendment into the defense budget that would block the navy from spending any money on biofuel." his amendment killed though w/11 repubs joining 49 dems
p35 article on fracking "whose fault?"
discovered a beaver dam in the creek today. looks like a 2nd being built too. saw the critter for just a second, about 18-24 inches sleek brown swimming under a branch.

our government is hammering home austerity at the expense of democracy--and who cares? --- farm items
to get The Pulse from union of concerned scientists:
from the catalyst from concerned scientists: ripe for retirement about coal fired plants--st clair owned by edison has 6 coal fired generating units being used beyond their 30 yr life span. "as of may 2012, 288 coal fired generating unitss totaling more than 41 gigawatts of capacity--12 % pf tje is cpa; f;eet--have been judged a bad investment by their owners and scheduled for closure." p9 spring 2013 The group found 353 coal generators in addition to those slated for closure ready to be retired--nearly 18% of existing us coal fleet, located in 31 states but most in eastern half of us.
georgia to retire 15
michigan has 39 ready for retirement including 5 of st clair's 6
p.11 "shutting down all 353 could avoid approx 1.3 million tons of sulfure dioxide and 300,000 tons of nitrogen oxided emissions each year. . . it would also keep 260 million tons of CO 2 out of the atmosphere each year--more than 10% reduction in 2010 us power sector global warming emissions. . . "
car accident at m15 and hill last week, left in rd for a day or so, 1 car flat west of saline + new tire in adrian, another s of indianapolis + another tire. wrote shirley about whether there was an accident report in case insurance asks. lost cause?
tulips in bloom here. 81 on monday. 7:19 um phone call tues am. monday we got another new tire, went to franklin and ate supper there. fun place w/lots of unique stores. homes are very large = someone has money here. not a mi setting (daily contest)
endless giveaway at
get a pacovsky poster -- hommage a alfred sisley
recipe for daube from france magazine ---poppy pillows
grand ole opry on tues 4-16. saw 6 acts mark wills, the whites, blackberry smoke (this 1 horse town), aaron tippin, the greencards (from australia), chris janson, mandy barnett, and darius rucker. not there was jeannie seely replaced by janson.
wed--went to bluebird cafe since dave watches nashville. great show. came back to room and the nashville show had a cafe scene and a ryman one. got some good pics i think. 4 people there were singers/songwriters. one to play tammy wynette in movie patsy.
You hereby acknowledge and agree that Charter may elect to resolve all controversies, disputes or claims of any kind arising hereunder (whether raised by you or Charter) through binding arbitration.It is the intent of the parties hereto that the agreement to arbitrate disputes hereunder, shall be interpreted and applied broadly such that all reasonable doubts as to whether such dispute may be fairly submitted to arbitration, shall be decided in favor of arbitration. The parties' agreement to arbitrate includes, but is not limited to, all disputes arising from or relating to this Agreement and its formation, and any and all other agreements or matters arising between the parties (including all disputes regardless of the theory of liability).
Any such arbitration (and in the alternative without limiting the foregoing, any and all suits) arising from or concerning this Agreement shall be filed and or otherwise handled and/or decided in the state in which the Services were rendered to you, and in no other place. You hereby irrevocably consent to the authority of the arbiter chosen by Charter or in the alternative, to the jurisdiction of such court or courts in the state in which Services were rendered to you, and agree to appear in any such action upon written notice thereof.
In the event of litigation between the parties which is not referred to arbitration for any reason whatsoever, or in the event any court of competent jurisdiction refuses to compel arbitration of a dispute between the parties, then the parties: (i) agree to waive, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any right to trial by jury as (ii) agree to waiver any right to, or claim for, any punitive or exemplary damages against the other, and against any affiliates, owners, employees, or agents of the other; and (iii) agree that each party shall be limited in the recovery of any damages to recovery of the actual damages sustained by it. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Charter is permitted to seek injunctive relief under this Agreement, Charter may, at its option, bring such action in the county in which the Services were rendered.
here's where to see charter policies:
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