New federal data show that a paycheck doesn’t stretch as far in Michigan as in most other states. (courtesy photo)
New federal statistics that adjust personal income by the real cost of living in different cities or regions show Michigan is losing ground to other states.
Michigan’s “real per capita income” in the new measure was $38,317 in 2012, the most recent year available. That’s up 1.5 percent from $37,751 in 2011 with Michigan’s growth rate matching the national rate.
Despite the rise, the state’s ranking fell from 38th in 2011 to 39th in 2012 in terms of how far a paycheck will stretch in Michigan, just below Louisiana. Michigan’s per capita income, and income growth also was the lowest among Great Lakes states in 2012.
“It doesn’t change the fundamental picture,” Michigan State University economist Charles Ballard said of the data, put out by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). “The fundamental picture now is that we are a somewhat-below-average income state.”
Within Michigan, real per capita incomes in the Midland, Detroit, Ann Arbor and Benton Harbor metro areas exceeded that of the state.
Ballard and other experts say adjusting incomes for living costs in different regions and metropolitan areas gives economists, residents and businesses a better idea of how much money it takes to support a family in different areas.
“For the first time, Americans looking to move or take a job anywhere in the country can compare inflation-adjusted incomes across states and metropolitan areas to better understand how their personal income may be affected by a job change or move,” U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker said in a statement.
And businesses considering relocating or building new plants “now have a comprehensive and consistent measure of differences in the cost of living and the purchasing power of consumers nationwide,” she said.
Regional differences
BEA analysis uses what it called “regional price parities” to account for regional differences in the prices of goods and services, along with a second measure, a Personal Consumption Expenditure index, which measures national price changes over time.
Michigan had an RPP of 94.4 in 2012, meaning that living costs in the state were 5.6 percent lower than the United States as a whole. The state ranked 28th in living costs in 2012.
The prices of goods and services in Michigan were roughly 3 percentage points above the state’s overall RPP, but rents were significantly lower – 7.6 percentage points below the U.S. average in 2012.
“I think this idea that you need to make an adjustment for cost-of-living differences is really important,” said University of Michigan economist Don Grimes.
While states such as California, Massachusetts and New York boast among the highest personal incomes in the country, living costs can eat up a big chunk of those higher paychecks.
Personal per capita income in California, for example, in 2012 was $46,477. But after adjusting for living costs, income there fell to $38,888, just $571 above Michigan’s personal income.
Michigan’s per capita income – that is, total personal income in the state divided by population – rose slightly after adjusting for inflation and the cost of living, from $38,291, to $38,317 in 2012.
The Ann Arbor, Detroit, Midland and Niles-Benton Harbor metro areas exceeded the state average in real per capita income in 2012. Income in the Grand Rapids-Wyoming metro area was just slightly below the state average at $38,293.
The rest of the state’s metro areas had incomes below the state average in 2012. But a strong manufacturing recovery boosted income growth rates above the state average in most of the metro areas.
Mixed results
Real personal income growth fell below the state average in Niles-Benton Harbor, Jackson, Kalamazoo-Portage, Lansing-East Lansing and Midland. Incomes in Lansing-East Lansing and Midland actually dropped slightly in 2012, as wages failed to keep up with living costs.
Local economic developers say they’re studying the new data, released in April, to determine how they might use it to attract new businesses and residents. Several said because the statistics are so new, it will take time to know how effective the data will be for them.
“Any tools that help us attract businesses and talent is certainly something we’re going to take a look at,” said Greg LaMarr, a spokesman at Saginaw Future, a local economic development agency.
Economic developers have long known that living costs across regions drive business and talent location decisions. But comparing those costs by state and metropolitan regions hasn’t always been easy.
Now developers have an authoritative source to point to in seeking business investment and workers, LaMarr said.
Why people move
But economists warn that these statistics are only one factor among many that drive how people and businesses make moving decisions. People decide where they want to live and businesses choose where they want to locate for a variety of reasons that go well beyond the cost of living, they say.
“For example, in making household location decisions, a high quality of life might easily offset low real wages, and in making business location decisions, high worker productivity due to good schools or other factors might offset high wages and prices,” Tim Bartik, senior economist at the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, wrote in an email.
Ballard said a software engineer who has been offered a job at Google in California likely would find it attractive, even though Silicon Valley has one of the highest living costs in the country.
“Why would anyone consider moving to San Jose? Ballard said. “It’s the world capital of high-tech research and production.”
Young, college-educated “millennials”—the ones Michigan is trying to attract and retain—are flocking to cities such as Chicago, New York and San Francisco, even though it costs far more to live in those places than in Detroit, Grand Rapids and Lansing.
Weather, family, recreational opportunities and other quality of life issues also play a large role in where people decide to live, economists say.
“If it was just driven by wages, everybody would move to Connecticut and Massachusetts,” Grimes said.
Those two states rank third and fifth, respectively, in real personal income.
Southern states have touted their lower living costs and less regulation as offsets to generally lower incomes than other parts of the country in attracting businesses.
For instance, real per capita income in Alabama of $38,530 in 2012 slightly exceeded Michigan’s per person income of $38,317. But Alabama had the third-lowest cost of living in the country in 2012, 6.3 percentage points below Michigan’s living costs.
Alabama’s low cost of living added $2,604 to its real per capita income in 2012, according to the BEA data.
Economists say just knowing what incomes and living costs are across the country might not have much impact on upward mobility, an important economic growth factor that has lagged since the Great Recession.
“If you’re in a low-income place and your house doesn’t appreciate, you really can’t go up,” Grimes said. “If you have a house that’s worth $100,000, you’re never going to get to Manhattan.”
from afar magazine on chocolate/spain
The drink gradually found its way into neighborhood coffeehouses and everyday festivities. The Spanish enjoyed it with an almost religious devotion, which 18th-century writer Marco Antonio Orellana mocked in this popular quatrain:
Oh, divine chocolate!
kneeling they grind you,
hands folded they whisk you,
and eyes to heaven they drink you.
Wild Life
Ever wonder why Dawn Dishwashing Liquid is the wildlife cleaner of choice after an oil spill? According to the International Bird Rescue Research Center, Dawn effectively removes grease but does not cause harm to the skin of the birds. It’s also biodegradable and contains no phosphates.
According to, Dawn dishwashing liquid makes great homemade bubbles. Here is the Giant Bubble Recipe used in bubble makers at many children’s museums: 1/2 cup Ultra Dawn 1/2 gallon warm water 1 tablespoon glycerin (available at any drug store) OR White Karo syrup works too! Stir gently. Skim the foam off the top of the solution (too much foam breaks down the bubbles). Dip bubble wand and get ready for some good, clean fun!
Kids get into the darnedest things! Like Vaseline and baby oil rubbed into their hair! Dawn is mild enough to use on their hair and strong enough to remove the most stubborn grease.
Once a month use original Dawn as you would shampoo. It will remove excess oil from your hair and scalp and strip away any build-up of styling products without any damage. Perform this once a month and you won’t have to buy expensive salon products that do the same thing.
Soak fingers in full-strength blue Dawn. It makes the cuticles soft and easy to work with. And it removes the natural oil from the fingernails, which allows the polish to adhere very well.
A safe, effective way to repel insects from your houseplants, including aphids, spider mites and mealy bugs. Put a drop of Dawn Dishwashing Liquid in a spray bottle, fill the rest of the bottle with water, shake well, and mist your household plants with the soapy water.
Try this recipe from Merry Maids: mix 3 drops Dawn in 1 gallon water and fill a spray bottle with the solution. Spritz and wipe as you would with any window cleaner.
Use it to bathe the dogs. It kills fleas on contact and is much cheaper than expensive dogshampoos.
After you have finished your automotive repair project, soak your dirty tools in Dawn before you put them away to remove all the oil and grime. Dawn also helps prevent rust from forming on the tools.
Partially fill a strong zip-type sandwich bag with Dawn dishwashing liquid, close and freeze. The liquid soap stays cold much longer and it can be re-frozen many times. It will conform to the place you need an ice pack.
Take a spray bottle and fill it halfway with white vinegar. Heat in the microwave. Fill the rest of the way with blue Dawn. Put lid on and shake to mix well. Spray on your tub and shower walls. Allow to sit for a few minutes and rinse away. It will totally melt all the gunk, slime, sludge and other stuff that builds up including a bathtub ring.
Spray counter-tops, cupboards and any other area where you see ants with a solution of Dawn and water. Wipe dry. The slight residue of Dawn that remains will not be a problem at all for kids or pets, but ants hate it. Should you see a trail of ants, go ahead and hit them with the Dawn spray.
Add a squirt or two of original Dawn dish soap to your washer and run a hot wash, then rinse until there are no more bubbles. Dawn is a degreasing agent and helps stripping by removing oily residue. Be sure to rinse, rinse, rinse until the water runs clear.
A cup of Dawn detergent poured into a clogged toilet allowed to sit for 15 minutes and then followed with a bucket of hot water poured from waist height will clear out the toilet.
Poison ivy spreads through the spread of the oil within the blisters. Washing the affected area with Dawn, especially on children who keep scratching the blister’s open, helps dry up the fluid, AND keep it from spreading.
If you have gasoline or motor oil stains on your driveway, you can use the kitty litter method to clean up the excess oil and then use a scrub broom and a solution of biodegradable Dawn dishwashing detergent and warm water to safely and effectively remove excess motor oil from the pavement.
Dawn makes a great facial cleanser for oily skin. A drop or two combined with warm water will do the trick.
Dawn combined with corn oil makes for the perfect paint or grease remover. Simply combine a little bit of both in your hands then rub it over affected areas. The corn oil and the dishwashing liquid both help to dissolve the grease and paint – yet leave skin soft, unlike harsher paint removers.
Plastic wading pools can get very gunky, very fast. Dump the water, then scrub the pool with Dawn and a sponge. More potent cleaners like bleach will weaken and dry out the plastic in the sun.
Merry Maids recommends using a drop of Dawn in water to clean ceramic tile and no-wax/linoleum floors. You can also use the spray on:
• Bathroom and kitchen counters and sinks.
• Woodwork, e.g., baseboards, shelves, and wainscoting. (Dry as you go–wood doesn’t like prolonged contact with water.)
• Tubs and toilet seats.
For oil-based stains such as lipstick, grease, butter, motor oil, cooking oil, and some pen inks, simply apply some Dawn dishwashing liquid directly to the stain and scrub with a small brush or toothbrush until the oil is removed, and then launder as usual.
Sliding glass doors, door knobs, hinges etc. It lasts much longer than any aerosol type spray that I have tried. And Its non-toxic! It does a great job of cleaning the parts that its lubricating as well!
For icy steps and sidewalks in freezing temperatures, mix 1 teaspoon of Dawn dishwashing liquid, 1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol, and 1/2 gallon hot/warm water and pour over walkways. They won’t refreeze. No more salt eating at the concrete in your sidewalks
Squirt Dawn down the middle of the pool and all of the dirt, suntan lotion, etc. will move to the edges of the pool for easy clean up! AND it makes the pools sparkle.
Simply rub a small drop of Dawn on eyeglass lenses, and wipe clean. It will leave a very thin film that will prevent them from fogging up.
Cover greasy footprints on shower floors with a coating of Dawn; let sit overnight. Scrub away the gunk in the morning with a stiff brush.
Mix two tablespoons Dawn to a gallon of water and put in your sprayer. Try to get spray both sides of the leaves, branches and the tree trunks. Let sit for about 15 minutes and then rinse the trees THOROUGHLY!
Here’s a brilliant idea! Need a hostess gift when visiting friends and family this summer? Print off this post and include it with a bottle of Blue Dawn! Talk about USEFUL !
called d + w about broken floor trim, missing quarter round, plate for showerhead. brian to return call. photos taken
yesterday--tues--called dr about healthplus for ben. bossi nurse returned 4:30 ish call and said he was a new patient so they weren't taking new patients. 1989 to 2008 (his last visit)
letter from flint institute of arts may 2014--
"the fia board is recommending we move from a membership based governance structure to a directorship based governance structure.'...consistent w non-profit management throughout the country. similar to retirees new rules also. logically having to have a majority of members vote for/against won't work but does having a board of directors/dictators facilitate democracy?
"the change of fia to oranization on a directorship basis is necessary to reflect the current realities of non profit corporations. in order to elect the board of trustees, a vote of a majority of the members should be reuqired. however, at best, fia (as well as other non profit corporations) only get a handful of members to attend or vote at the annual meeting. an election of trustees by so few members is not reprresentative of the membership"
fracking resources (sierra club of mi),4561,7-135-3306_57064---,00.html
received your reply to contact
catamaran. today stella said husband (trying to get part D medicare
card) has no information at catamaran. however, mike who i talked to
next said all info was sent and ORS records show medicare coverage as
of june 1. according to him it may be up to 60 days before coverage
can be figured out.
catamaran tried to enroll him in march
(letter came to us dated march 19 saying they couldn't cover him--big
surprise). perhaps the next prescription coverage should NOT be
another retiree catamaran insurance
game proceeding. ORS says dave's info for part D is at catamaran;
therefore contact catamaran. catamaran says they don't have
anything. does this remind you of my 45 days without coverage in dec
and jan this year? wouldn't it be nice if the state and the carrier
they chose knew what in the world is go
ing on?
on ors facebook site:
back to the catamaran vs ORS blaming game with part D medicare prescription coverage for spouse. june 5 ors says talk to catamaran; june 9 catamaran (stella) says we don't have any info from ors while ors(mike) says they have all the necessary info. in march catamaran tried to put spouse on medicare because ors sent info over. now there's no info? thought i had enough games with no coverage for self in dec/jan but the pattern continues. anyone else got this mess?
so catamaran said today june 11 2014 in
an email to spouse about part d coverage: "unfortunately we
have not received any new information regarding your enrollment".
this sure sounds like the dec-jan mess i had w/my part d.
Our system has been updated with your
spouse?s Medicare information and this information has been forwarded
on to Catamaran. Please contact Catamaran directly for requesting a
new card. June 10
progressive july 2014:
p. 5 "tea party leader howard kaloogian gave his own twist on the teachings of christ, reported right wing watch. 'i think it's clear that god has a position on many of the things we deem political today, from life to theft to the doctrine of covetousness, which, by the way, seems to be the promotion of the left,' kaloogian said. 'you know, they talk about income inequality. well, what is that but covetousness? so how could somebody support that cause if they're biblical-believing christians?''
former repub presidential candidate newt gringrich, on abc's this week, praised the supreme court's mccutcheon decision and predicted that the court would allow candidates to accept unlimited donations. said gringrich: "you would overnight equalize the middle class and the rich" (see 4-6-14 this week)
superweed problem: see union of concerned scientists
also palm oil concerns
How the 30 biggest companies scored
To highlight the limitations of current efforts and persuade more companies to adhere to the new industry standards, UCS analyzed the 10 largest firms in each of three different sectors—packaged food, personal care, and fast food—and scored them on the extent of their global commitments to use palm oil that is deforestation-free, peat-free, and traceably and transparently sourced.
The results for all 30 companies are detailed in our report,
Donuts, Deodorant, and Deforestation: Scoring America's Top Brands on Their Palm Oil Commitments. Company rankings are shown in the tables below. For detailed descriptions of our findings and recommendations for each company, click on the company name or visit the
Palm Oil Scorecard: Company Profiles page.
DF = deforestation-free; PF = peat-free; Tc = traceability;
Tp = transparency; EA = early action.

= Full commitment

= Some commitment

= Little commitment

= No commitment
Packaged food companies
Nestlé | Toll House, PowerBar |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Unilever | Ben & Jerry's, Popsicle, SlimFast |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Mondelēz | Oreo, Ritz, Nutter Butter |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Kellogg's* | Pop-Tarts, Nutri-Grain |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Danone | Danimals |  |  |  |  |  |  |
General Mills | Pillsbury, Nature Valley |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Heinz | Ore-Ida, Smart Ones |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Pepsico | Quaker |  |  |  |  |  |  |
ConAgra | Act II popcorn, Marie Callender's |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Kraft | Cool Whip, JELL-O |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Personal care companies
Fast food companies
*Indicates that company has revised its palm oil policies since January 15, 2014, when data gathering for this report was finalized. See
company profile for details.
tirade: ok, prescription not covered by catamaran, pharmacist didn't know why but printed out rejection codes. i checked online at catamaran site and it was listed as covered. emailed question to company monday, answer tonight. not a medicare covered item anymore. so that's ok, i understand. (like claritin, aspirin, etc) however, the reason i found it online was supposedly: their web site was NOT UPDATED FOR 2014. the 2013 formulary drug list is there but half way through 2014, the new one is NOT. not sure i believe this but w/our experience since dec 15 2013 until dave finally got correct coverage (actually no card for him yet, so cross fingers) what can be believed. now begins my rant about incompetency everywhere. . .
370 million cubic meters of water used by tar sands companies in 2011 from the athabasca river alone
388 million cubic meters of water toronto used in 2011
0 $ paid for water by tar sands companies in 2012 (stats from yale environment 390 8-13 and city of toronto 9-12)
$674 = average amount paid by the typical toronto household for water every year
1.1 million acres in the northern alberta oil sands area = A Koch Industries subsidiary holds the leases
amazing. (may 15 2014 issue michigan farm news) 1st time i've seen the paper suggest negative aspects of herbicides. p. 5 "herbicide-resistant weeds became a problem when growers depended on a single-herbicide program... as the same herbicide was applied year after year, weeds were progressively selected for resistance because only 1 herbicide site of action was resistance exists to glyphosate, ALS and triazine"
same issue--article on 'minimizing pesticide exposure to bees in fruit crops' p 9
6-26-14 today's mail -- bill for $500+ from dr we don't recognize for some service--no date or service type given--billing office not answering phones even if supposedly open. called dr office to inquire about what, when, if a photo id taken, etc. after a call back it was decided sherry the biller would rebill insurance of a person w/a similar name and similar birth date (i hope a different address). requested verification of this change and shared that this was a red flag for insurance fraud, that i needed verification within 30-60 days. we will call bcbs tomorrow. everyone needs to check all bills and balances.
6-28-14 The Governor also signed HB 4465 which becomes PA 208. It gives students more flexibility in meeting some of their high school graduation requirements and makes changes to the Merit Curriculum.
For example, a student can take welding or another career tech class with the necessary math requirements and receive Algebra II credit. The student can also meet half the requirement of two years of a foreign language with a career tech or art class. Plus, foreign language courses taken before ninth grade can count for credit. Finally, a student needing a year of health and physical education credit can earn that with a half-credit of health coupled with extracurricular activities.
The new law also requires that students be informed about career and technical offerings and about a personal curriculum option that will allow them to still earn a diploma if they diverge from normal graduation requirements.
All along, supporters of the changes have insisted that not every student is going to college and career and technical programs should be considered a viable alternative. MEA was part of the work group reviewing graduation requirements. While MEA supports the idea of flexibility, it has concerns over changes made to foreign language requirements.
gar alperovitz book what then must we do straight talk about the next american revolution
current average annual ss benefit is about 14,880
Current Scorecard for Non-Profit Cases (click on link for details on each case)
Current Scorecard for For-Profit Cases (click on link for details on each case)
49 for-profit lawsuits* Of the 41 cases with rulings touching on the merits, the current scorecard is40-6.
Injunctions Granted (
i.e., don’t have to comply with mandate while case proceeds in court):
- Catholic Benefits Association (W.D. Okla. June 4, 2014)
- Hastings Automotive** (D. Minn. May 28, 2014)
- Stinson Electric** (D. Minn. Apr. 30, 2014)
- Stewart** (D.D.C. Apr. 3, 2014)
- Hart Electric** (N.D. Ill. Jan. 21, 2014)
- Geneva College/Seneca Hardwood (W.D. Pa. Dec. 23, 2013)
- Legatus/Weingartz Supply Co. (E.D. Mich. Dec. 20, 2013)
- Randy Reed Automotive (W.D. Mo. Dec. 3, 2013)
- Doboszenski v. Sebelius** (D. Minn. Nov. 27, 2013)
- C.W. Zumbiel (D.D.C. Nov. 27, 2013)
- Williams** (D.D.C. Nov. 19, 2013)
- Grote (7th Cir. Nov. 8, 2013)
- Korte (7th Cir. Nov. 8, 2013)
- Feltl and Company** (D. Minn. Nov. 5, 2013)
- Midwest Fasteners Corp** (D.D.C. Oct. 16, 2013)
- Newland (Hercules) (10th Cir. Oct. 3, 2013)
- Barron Industries, Inc. (D.D.C. Sept. 25, 2013)
- The QC Group, Inc.** (D. Minn. Sept. 11, 2013)
- Briscoe (D. Colo. Sept. 6, 2013)
- Armstrong (10th Cir. Sept. 5, 2013)
- Willis & Willis, PLC** (D.D.C. Aug. 23, 2013)
- Trijicon, Inc.**(D.D.C. Aug. 14, 2013)
- Hobby Lobby (10th Cir. June 27, 2013; W.D. Okla. July 19, 2013)
- Ozinga** (N.D. Ill. July 16, 2013)
- SMA, LLC** (D. Minn. July 8, 2013)
- CNS Ministries/Sharpe Holdings, Inc. (E.D. Mo. June 28, 2013)
- Beckwith (M.D. Fla. June 25, 2013)
- Johnson Welded Products, Inc.** (D.D.C. May 24, 2013)
- American Manufacturing Co. (Hall)** (D. Minn. Apr. 2, 2013)
- Tonn and Blank Construction (N.D. Ind. Apr. 1, 2013)
- Bick Holdings, Inc.** (E.D. Mo. Apr. 1, 2013)
- Gilardi (Fresh Unlimited) (D.C. Cir. Mar. 29, 2013)
- Lindsay, Rappaport & Postel, LLC** (N.D. Ill. Mar. 20, 2013)
- Domino’s Farms (E.D. Mich. Mar. 14, 2013)
- Sioux Chief Manufacturing** (W.D. Mo. Feb. 28, 2013)
- Annex Medical (8th Cir. Feb. 1, 2013)
- Triune Health Group (N.D. Ill. Jan. 3, 2013)
- Am. Pulverizer Co. (Griesedieck) (W.D. Mo. Dec. 20, 2012)
- O’Brien (8th Cir. Nov. 28, 2012)
- Tyndale Publishers*** (D.D.C. Nov. 16, 2012)
Injunctions Denied (
i.e., must comply with mandate while the full case continues in court):
Cases filed, no additional action:
Case dismissed on procedural grounds (no decision on merits):
* The numbers of for-profit and non-profit lawsuits provided in the respective scorecards take into account CNS Ministries/Sharpe Holdings, Inc. v. Sebelius, Geneva College/Seneca Hardwood v. Sebelius
,Legatus/Weingartz Supply Co. v. Sebelius
, andCatholic Benefits Association v. Sebelius,
which include both for-profit and non-profit plaintiffs. Thus, these cases are included in each scorecard’s tallies.
**DOJ declined to appeal or did not oppose the injunction.
***DOJ voluntarily withdrew its appeal before the D.C. Circuit.
§ Stayed pending the Supreme Court’s decision in Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood.
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