
aloe factory
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall--confucius

"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." anon

A man is but the product of his thoughts--what he thinks, he becomes. Gandhi

I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
but still I can do something;
and because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do something that I can do. edward everett hale
Doom to you who legislate evil, who make laws that make victims -- laws that make misery for the poor, that rob my destitute people of dignity, exploiting defenseless widows, taking advantage of homeless children. What will you have to say on Judgment Day, when Doomsday arrives out of the blue? Who will you get to help you? What good will your money do you? (Isaiah 10:1-3, The Message)

There is nothing in the world more beautiful than the forest clothed to its very hollows in snow. It is the still ecstasy of nature, wherein every spray, every blade of grass, every spire of reed, every intricacy of twig, is clad w/radiance. william sharp

I think no matter how old or infirm I may become, I will always plant a large garden in the spring. Who can resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from participating in nature's rebirth? edward giobbi

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. marcel proust

I am only one, but still I am one.I cannot do everything,but still I can do something;and because I cannot do everything,I will not refuse to do something that I can do. edward everett hale

Sunday, February 22, 2015

feb 15

from the week 'over the past 20 yrs, the us gov has pd at least 11.3 million in farm subsidies to 50 billionaires including microsoft cofounder paul allen, investment mogul charles schwab, and chick fil a founder s truett cathy (from washington post)

tesla home battery plan--lithium ion battery technoogy for home energy market--would combine w/solar panels to let homeowners power their homes without buying elect from utilities.  analysts say such a device could be disruptive in the us and europe as customers seek to avoid utility fees by going off grid p 18 the week feb 27 15


  • Des chaussures - f - shoes. Watch out for your pronunciation. There are 2 ss, which makes for a strong S sound. There is no Z sound in that word. Don't mistake that word with "une chaussette" = a sock.
  • Une semelle - a sole but also an insert.
  • Un lacet - a lace
  • Un talon - a heel
  • Le dessus de la chaussure - the top part of the shoe
  • Le dessous de la chaussure - the bottom part of the shoe
  • L'intérieur de la chaussure - the inside of the shoe
  • Un cordonnier is a shoe maker/repairman and he works at "une cordonnerie".
  • Shoes are usually "en cuir" (made of leather), "en daim" (suede), "en synthétique" (synthetic), en toile (cloth).

Les Chaussures pour Femmes

  • Des chaussures à talons : high heel shoes. Not necessarily super high, but anything over one inch.
  • Des escarpins - m - classic high heel shoes
  • Des chaussures plates : flat heel shoes.
  • Des ballerines - ballerinas 
  • Des chaussures à plateformes - platform shoes (think Lady Gaga)
  • Un talon - a heel
  • Des talons hauts - high heels.
  • Des talons compensés : wedge shoes
  • Des mocassins - m- loafers (for men and women)
  • Les mules - f -  open heel shoes (if there is a specific name, please email me at camille@frenchtoday(dot)com - merci !!
  • Des derbies et des richelieus - m -  we are here reaching the limits of my personal shoe vocabulary... a picture is worth a thousand words so here you go... 

Les Bottes

  • Des bottes - boots. Watch out! this sounds like "hot", not "hoot".
  • Des bottines - ankle boots. We also call them "boots" with an English pronunciation.
  • Des bottes à talons - high heel boots
  • Des Santiags - cowboy boots
  • Des bottes de ski - ski boots
  • Des après-ski - snow boots
  • Des bottes de pluie - rain boots
  • Des bottes en caoutchouc - rubber boots
  • Des bottes en cuir - leather boots

Les Chaussures de sport

  • Des baskets - f - tennis shoes, but usually referring to bulky sports shoes you'd wear to actually practice a sport, like runners. Say the final "t".
  • Des tennis - tennis shoes, but more casual. Frenchmen wear them a lot (see page 2)
  • Des chaussures de randonnées - hiking boots
  • Des chaussures de cyclisme - bicycle shoes... actually just add the sport after "des chaussures de..." and you'll be fine.

Plus de Chaussures

  • Des sandales - sandals
  • Des tongs - flip-flops
  • Les nu-pieds - other way to say sandals or flip-flops (lit. naked foot)
  • Des sabots - m - clogs
  • And of course, the famous French "Espadrilles" - f - cloth shoes with straw soles.

Les vêtements : clothes.

  • Les fringues : clothes in slang (ends on a G sound)

Les vêtements d’extérieur - outerwears 

  • Un manteau : a coat, a dress coat, usually long. It’s also the generic word to say something warm to wear outside.
  • Une veste : a blazer, also generic for outerwears.
  • Un imperméable : a raincoat. 
  • Un K-way (pronounced "ka way"), un coupe-vent : a rain jacket. K-way is a brand, but it's so popular that it became the word used to describe this very thin plastic jacket that you can fold into a small bag and then tie around your waist. Most kids have one for Spring days!
  • Un blouson : an waist length jacket, a bomber jacket, often used to describe a leather jacket : un blouson en/de cuir.
  • Un anorak : a ski jacket.
  • Une doudoune : that’s somewhat a new word. It's a sort of padded/ski jacket, parka (see a picture here

Les hauts : tops

  • Un chandail : a sweater - sounds like “eye”, and a bit old fashion.
  • Un tricot : a (knitted) sweater - very old fashion
  • Un pull : a sweater - most commonly used word nowadays
  • Un (pull à) col-roulé : turtle neck sweater
  • Un pull en V : un pull à col en V - V neck sweater
  • Un pull à col rond : round neck sweater
  • Un cardigan, un gilet : cardigan sweater (open in front with buttons) 
  • Une chemise : a shirt (usually for man, but could be used for women also).
  • Une chemise à manches courtes : short sleeve shirt
  • Une chemise à manches longues : long sleeve shirt
  • Une chemise à manches trois quarts : 3/4 length sleeve shirt
  • Une blouse : a lady’s shirt (a bit old fashion)
  • Un chemisier : a lady’s shirt - yes, I know it's a masculine word to describe women clothes, whereas "une chemise" for man is feminine... go figure!
  • Un T-shirt : Tshirt, pronounced in Franglish “ti sheurt”
  • Un débardeur : tank top (wife beater :-)

Un Costume - men suit

  • Also means a costume as in a disguise.
  • Une veste : a blazer, a sports coat. Un gilet : a vest - watch out for the false cognate - “un gilet” is the 3rd part of a 3 piece man suit, the one you wear under the jacket ≠ “une veste” which is the blazer part. “Un gilet” is also a cardigan sweater. “Un gilet” is also called “un veston” but it’s old fashion.
  • Un complet : a man’s suit - very old fashion. 
  • Un tailleur : a lady’s suit. You can say “un tailleur pantalon” : lady’s pants suit, or “un tailleur jupe” : skit’s suit. "Tailleur" as the sound of "Thai" in it.
  • Un smoking : a tuxedo. 

Les bas - the bottoms

  • Un pantalon : pants - note this word is usually used in the singular. “Des pantalons” to refer to one pair of pants is possible, but quite old fashion.
  • Un jean : jeans. Singular as well. Not pronounced like the French name “Jean” but like the English word “jean” (djin).
  • Un short : shorts. (singular)
  • Un bermuda : knee length shorts
  • Un Capri : above the ankle pants.
  • Un caleçon : leggings (a sort of stretchy pants). Watch out, this is also the word for men’s underwear: boxer shorts.

Pour les femmes : for ladies

  • Une robe : a dress – not a robe which is « un peignoir ». 
  • Une robe du soir : an evening dress. Do not mistake it with "une chemise de nuit" with is a nightgown to go to bed...
  • Une robe bustier : a strapless dress
  • Une robe sans-manche : a sleeveless dress
  • Une robe à manches longues/courtes : a dress with long/short sleeves
  • Une robe avec des petites bretelles - a dress with small straps
  • Une jupe : a skirt.
  • Une mini-jupe : very short skirt
  • Une jupe au dessus du genou : above the knee length skirt
  • Une jupe au dessous du genou : under the knee length skirt
  • Une jupe longue : long skirt
  • Une jupe plissée : pleated skirt
  • Une jupe droite : straight skirt
  • Une jupe fendue : a skirt with a slit

Pour la nuit : for the night

  • Une chemise de nuit : a night gown.
  • Un pyjama : PJs. Singular in French.
  • Une robe de chambre : a robe (to be inside the house)
  • Un peignoir (de bain) : a bathrobe
  • Des pantoufles : slippers

Vêtements spéciaux - special clothing

  • Une salopette : an overall
  • Un bleu de travail : it's a type of overall protection clothing that contractors wear... usually blue.
  • Un uniforme : a uniform
  • Un tablier : an apron
  • As far as I know, there is no word for "scrubs". We'd say "une blouse d'infirmier/infirmière, de docteur...".

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