"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall--confucius
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." anon
A man is but the product of his thoughts--what he thinks, he becomes. Gandhi
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. edward everett hale
Doom to you who legislate evil, who make laws that make victims -- laws that make misery for the poor, that rob my destitute people of dignity, exploiting defenseless widows, taking advantage of homeless children. What will you have to say on Judgment Day, when Doomsday arrives out of the blue? Who will you get to help you? What good will your money do you? (Isaiah 10:1-3, The Message)
There is nothing in the world more beautiful than the forest clothed to its very hollows in snow. It is the still ecstasy of nature, wherein every spray, every blade of grass, every spire of reed, every intricacy of twig, is clad w/radiance. william sharp
I think no matter how old or infirm I may become, I will always plant a large garden in the spring. Who can resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from participating in nature's rebirth? edward giobbi
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. marcel proust
I am only one, but still I am one.I cannot do everything,but still I can do something;and because I cannot do everything,I will not refuse to do something that I can do. edward everett hale
Monday, January 2, 2017
jan 2017
Finished Lost Profiles memoirs of cubism, dad, and surrealism by philippe soupault translated by alan bernheimer c 2016 very short 'chapters' about guillaume apollinaire, rene crevel, marcel proust, james joyce, georges bernanos, pierre reverdy, blaise cendrars, baudelaire, henri rousseau le douanier. reminders of 2 semesters of french lit in college--familiar names but dim memories. most interesting was the james joyce remembrances. did baudelaire write you gave me your mud and i made it into gold--which he was going to put in his les fleurs du mal. Tu m’as donné ta boue et j’en ai fait de l’or.
You gave me your mud and I have turned it to gold.
"Ébauche d’un épilogue pour la 2e édition," Les Fleurs du Mal (1861), Appendice II: Autres pièces
just finished reading Lost Profiles memoirs of cubism, dada, and surrealism by philippe soupault (translated into english). what a pleasant retreat to college french lit classes, art history classes, and a 'crazy' french surrealism class. soupault shares visits w/so many writers and artists that for a while i was lost in their past. enjoyed the james joyce chapter maybe the most but baudelaire, apollinaire and henri rousseau were treasures too
In one night, the GOP voted to take away these 6 essential health benefits
Republicans showed exactly where they stand.
nt Donald Trump withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). “Trade is vital to the success of our nation’s farmers and ranchers,” he said. “More than 25 percent of all U.S. ag production ultimately goes to markets outside our borders. “While President Trump signed an executive order (Jan. 23) withdrawing our nation from the Trans- Pacific Partnership, we viewed TPP as a positive agreement for agriculture – one that would have added $4.4 billion annually to our struggling agriculture economy,” Duvall said. “With this decision, it is critical that the new administration begin work immediately to do all it can to develop new markets for U.S. agricultural goods and to protect and advance U.S. agricultural interests in the critical Asia-Pacific region. “American agriculture is virtually always a winner when trade agreements remove barriers to U.S. crop and livestock exports because we impose very few compared to other nations,” Duvall said. “We have much to gain through strong trade agreements. AFBF pledges to work with the administration to help ensure that American agriculture can compete on a level playing field in markets around the world. But we need the administration’s commitment to ensuring we do not lose the ground gained -- whether in the Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe or other parts of the world.” This is why, Duvall said, “we believe it is also important to re-emphasize the provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico that have been beneficial for American agriculture. U.S. agricultural exports to Canada and Mexico have quadrupled from $8.9 billion in 1993 to over $38 billion today, due in large part to NAFTA. Any renegotiation of NAFTA must recognize the gains achieved by American agriculture and assure that U.S. ag trade with Canada and Mexico remains strong. “AFBF will work with the administration to remove remaining barriers that hamstring the ability of America’s farmers and ranchers to benefit from trading relationships with our important North American trading partners.”
Vice President-elect Mike Pence, flanked by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. John Barrasso CREDIT: AP Photo/Cliff Owen
ByMelissa BoteachandJeremy Slevin
Last night while you were sleeping, the Senate debated and ultimately passed a budget resolution that provides a pathway for Republicans to strip health care coverage away from 30 million Americans without having a single Democratic vote.
As the Senate debated the resolution that provides a blueprint to repeal the Affordable Care Act, both Republicans and Democrats had the opportunity to offer a flurry of rapid-fire amendments in a process known as “vote-a-rama.” While these votes are non-binding, the exercise provides an opportunity for senators to show where their colleagues stand on a number of key issues. And the results are not pretty.
Senate Republicans took several votes that showed they are not on your side. Last night, Republicans voted against amendments that would:
1.Protect people with pre-existing conditions
Republicans blocked an amendment that would have made it harder to take away coverage from Americans with preexisting medical conditions. 52 million people — about 1 in 4 non-elderly Americans — have preexisting conditions. These Americans are more likely to face significant health costs, and before the Affordable Care Act, were often denied coverage entirely. The amendment also would have protected coverage for people disabilities or chronic health conditions, and prevent plans from discriminating based on health. Republicans currently have no alternative plan to insure people with preexisting conditions. Only two Republicans — Maine’s Susan Collins and Nevada’s Dean Heller — voted for the amendment.
2.Let young adults stay on their parents’ plan
Republicans blocked an amendment by Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin that would have made it easier young people to stay on their parents’ health care plan until they are 26 — one of the most popular and effective provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Over 6 million young adults have gained health insurance since the law was implemented in 2010, and young Americans now report better physical and mental health. The provision is also overwhelmingly popular — 85 percent favor keeping young people on their parents’ insurance plans. Sens. Heller and Collins were the only two senators who bucked their party on this vote.
3.Maintain access to contraceptive coverage
Thanks to Obamacare, birth control is more affordable than ever. Spending on contraceptive health care has gone down by 20 percent since the Affordable Care Act took effect. An amendment by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand sought to continue this momentum. Unsurprisingly, Republicans blocked the provision 49–49. Sens. Collins and Heller both voted with Democrats.
4.Ensure Medicaid expansion stays in place
Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act benefited 11 million low-income Americans in 2015 alone and has created thousands of jobs for direct care workers. An amendment by Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) would have sought to continue Medicaid expansion, but it was blocked by Republicans — 48–50.
5.Protect children on Medicaid or CHIP
Republicans blocked an amendment offered by Senator Brown (D-OH) that would make it harder to ensure children could keep their health coverage on Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), both of which provide comprehensive health care services for children including key preventive and developmental care.
6. Protect veterans’ health care
Republicans blocked an amendment by Sen. Tester (D-MT) that would have made it harder to restrict veterans’ ability to access VA health care. While Democrats have sought to provide better funding and health care access at the VA, Donald Trump has proposed eliminating the agency altogether through privatization. A poll in 2015 found that almost two-thirds of survey respondents oppose plans to replace VA health care with a voucher system, an idea backed by many Republican lawmakers and presidential candidates.
Republicans say they want to replace Obamacare with something better. But in just one night’s votes, they indicated that they are not willing to take a stand to ensure that people with pre-existing conditions, women, children, veterans, young adults, people with disabilities, and struggling families can continue to access the affordable coverage they need going forward.
Melissa Boteach is the Vice President of the Poverty to Prosperity Program at Center for American Progress Action Fund (CAPAF), and Jeremy Slevin is the Associate Director of Advocacy for the same program. ThinkProgress is an editorially independent site housed at CAPAF. sierra club info--we have about 279 million acres of public land and waters w/potential for oil and gas exploration. (trump agenda) public citizen news nov/dec 2016--article public pressure builds to keep national parks commercial-free p. 13 "thanks to the historic efforts of national park enthusiasts to keep parks commercial-free, this is not currently the reality of a national park experience, but it could be if a new policy proposed by the NPS called director's order #21:Philanthropic Partnerships, is approved and finalized this year by NPS director jonathan jarvis. the policy would allow parks to actively seek donations from corporate vendors, loosen rules on 'donor recognition' and lift various restrictions on naming rights in parks. partnerships w/alcohol corporations also would be permitted...." inthesetimes feb 2017: 'the miseducation of betsy devos' p 17 "charter schools were first authorized in the state in 1993 (mi). in 2014 a yr long investigation by the detroit free press concluded that the state was spending 1 billion annually on charters that performed poorly, and were neither accountable nor transparent. today, 80 % of the state's approximately 300 charter schools are operated by for-profit management. since the onset of school choice, mi's performance on national tests has steadily declined"........."among those who have received campaign donations from devos and her husband are 4 senators who serve on the senate education committee, as well as senate leader mitch mcconnell." p31 quotation: AJ Liebling wrote 1960 'freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one'
in 1983 the largest 50 corps controlled 90% of the media. today, as a result of massive mergers and takeovers, 6 corps control 90% of what we see, hear, and read. those 6 corps are comcast news corp disney viacom time warner cbs"
p 19 exxon mobil founder john d rockefeller "the way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets" example of the trash emails the right sends:
By now you’ve heard about the young black thugs who viciously attacked and brutalized my teenaged son because he expressed support for Donald Trump.
These dreadlock-wearing punks shrieked “F*** Donald Trump” in this gentle boy’s face over and over again as they cornered him, and cast repeated insults about white Americans.
Barack Obama has many blacks, Muslims, and illegal aliens feeling they have the right to attack Trump supporters, cops, businesses, white kids — anything and anybody — without going to jail or getting deported.
I’m sick of it, and I’ve decided to do something about it. My wife and I have launched the National Campaign to lay the groundwork for SHERIFF DAVID CLARKE to run for the United States Senate in Wisconsin to replace Left-wing lesbian extremist Tammy Baldwin!
Milwaukee’s conservative black Sheriff CORRECTLY says “BLACK LIVES MATTER” is a terrorist movement, a hate group, and calls it “Black LIES Matter.”
Fourteen years ago Sheriff Clarke was already calling liberal black state legislators “race hustlers and demagogues” for claiming white racism was the cause of poverty and crime in Milwaukee’s black ghettos. He called Al Sharpton a “charlatan,” and said he “should shut up and go back into the gutter.”
He had this advice for the new House Speaker and Senate Majority Leader: “Get it done, dammit. We’ve waited long enough. Note to Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell: Go big, go bold, go fast. The disconnect in DC with GOP and voters: McConnell thinks the goal is to move cautiously. WE VOTED FOR THEM TO GO BIG & BOLD.”
Last Thursday night, Sheriff Clarke said: "I am one of those bare-knuckle fighters. When I hear people say we need to reach across the aisle and work with the Democrats, you know what I say? The only reason I’ll be reaching across the aisle is to grab one of them by the throat.”
Does your Senator talk like that? Does he urge black voters to “leave the Democrat plantation”? Does he or she say, “I’m tired of this race card thing”?
Does your Senator post this on Facebook? “Islam: Don't Try to Understand 'Sick Ideology' of Islamism; Destroy It.”
NO! Your Senator does NOT speak like that, because nobody in Washington does.
Let’s start working TODAY to get us one who does — Sheriff David Clarke.
David is willing to run: he just has to know that he has enough national support to combat the LGBTQ money his opponent will get from Hollywood and elsewhere. Tammy Baldwin is their Holy Grail: a hard left, openly lesbian, in-your-face, screaming liberal. SHE MUST GO!
Sheriff Clarke is the real deal. In speeches he quotes Judge Robert Bork and Thomas Sowell. He patrols Milwaukee on horseback, and lists his heroes as Justice Scalia, Clarence Thomas, President Reagan, and John Wayne. He tells Trump rallies, “You guys know I don’t take no crap from the Left, and I’ll get my knuckles bloody when I have to.”
How can you not love this man? He will not back down to the Left OR to the failed and gutless GOP leadership (which, sadly, is just as important).
Rush and Hannity and Coulter love him, and Mark Levin says he should be President!
We simply can’t afford to squander this incredible opportunity to FLIP a senate seat from radical leftist Democrat to constitutional conservative Republican.
David is willing to run. When Breitbart News asked about higher office, he said, “Leadership’s a calling, and if something should come along, I’d take a look at it.” Grinning, he told the NRA, “I’m not running for any higher office … [pregnant pause] … yet.”
This man wants a bigger stage.
He campaigned all over the country for Trump, spoke at the national convention, and guest hosted for Hannity and Glenn Beck. He’s all over radio and TV and starting a nationwide book tour. He even has a membership at the National Republican Congressional Club in Washington, D.C.
My friend, you are not naive, and David Clarke isn’t either. He is open to this run, and I know we can convince him to do it if enough people sign the Official Sheriff Clarke for Senate Pledge to show him he has local AND national support.
David knows how fragile our 52-seat margin is in the Senate, and he knows it includes unreliable RINOs. He knows his country needs him. He also knows he can win this thing.
Wisconsin has a Republican Governor, and Republicans control both houses of the legislature. It just re-elected Republican U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, and stunned the so-called experts by voting convincingly for Donald Trump.
David would win, pure and simple.
Milwaukee County is the state’s most populous by far. It has 70% of the state’s black voters, and votes horribly liberal. Trump got only 29% of the vote there.
Well, Sheriff Clarke has carried that horribly liberal county FOUR consecutive times, most recently with 79% of the vote (in part because he’s a life-long resident who gets thousands of votes no white Republican can).
The perfect man at the perfect time.
How sweet would it be for a black John Wayne to take out a screaming lesbian extremist with control of the Senate up for grabs?
Sheriff Clarke ends all of his PSA radio spots with these five words: “Can I count on you?”
A donation of $50 prints 1,650 of the pledges … and $30 would pay for 648 Sheriff Clarke bumper stickers.
At least take the Sheriff Clarke for Senate Pledgetoday so we can show Sheriff Clarke that you stand with him. Thank you and may God bless you.
For the Rule of Law,
Jack W. Daly, Esq.
National Chairman, Sheriff Clarke for Senate; U.S. Army Veteran; Attorney; f'mr Congressional Chief of Staff, Advisor to Secretary Elaine Chao, House leadership office Communications Director during Conference Chairman Mike Pence's tenure, and Counsel to Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jeff Sessions
P.S. When black thugs beat up our son for supporting Trump, my wife and I knew we had to do something. We’re donating our time and money because we need a leader like Sheriff Clarke in the U.S. Senate ... not a “Black Lives Matter” radical like Leftist Senator Tammy Baldwin. Please become a member of the Draft Campaign by making a donation and signing the SHERIFF CLARKE FOR SENATE PLEDGE.
* * *
Paid for by Sheriff David Clarke for U.S. Senate (Official Draft Campaign)
and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee
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