Michael Savage founded The Paul Revere Society (PRS). With a crisis of leadership threatening the United States, PRS stands for the reassertion of our borders, our language, and our culture.
Some say that the borders are arbitrary, English is only one of many languages in our new "Multicultural America," and that we share no common history or values. We believe in the Sovereignty of our Nation. That English is our national "glue." And that we all do share in the pillars of the Bible, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. These documents and what they stand for are our common cultural heritage.
The Paul Revere Society (PRS) will assert the values inherent in these pillars of freedom. We will seek to educate the citizenry about our nation's freedoms.
1. End Affirmative Action.
2. Close the Borders now.
3. Deport all illegal immigrants now.
4. Eliminate bilingual education in all states.
5. Require health tests for all recent foreign born immigrants.
6. Make tax cuts permanent.
7. Reduce the number of Federal Employees.
8. Tort Reform - Stop Class Action Lawyers.
Michael Savage founded The Paul Revere Society (PRS). With a crisis of leadership threatening the United States, PRS stands for the reassertion of our borders, our language, and our culture.
Some say that the borders are arbitrary, English is only one of many languages in our new "Multicultural America," and that we share no common history or values.
We believe in the Sovereignty of our Nation. That English is our national "glue." And that we all do share in the pillars of the Bible, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. These documents and what they stand for are our common cultural heritage.
The Paul Revere Society (PRS) will assert the values inherent in these pillars of freedom. We will seek to educate the citizenry about our nation's freedoms.
― John Wooden, Wooden on Leadership: How to Create a Winning Organizaion
"You are not a failure until you start blaming others for your mistakes”
“Dirty Dozen” list discourages healthy eating
March 14, 2017 Category: Crops
by Crop Life America

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) once again released its annual “Dirty Dozen” list last week, cautioning consumers against purchasing 12 types of nutritious fruits and vegetables, such as potatoes and apples.
EWG urges consumers, “When buying organic produce is not an option, use the [EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce] to choose foods lower in pesticide residues.”
CropLife America (CLA) and many other food-focused organizations remain vehemently opposed to the misinformation within EWG’s list and, instead, encourage consumers to reach for fruits and vegetables at the grocery store regardless of how the food was grown.
“Consumers deserve to know that pesticide technology, used in both organic and conventional farming, is carefully regulated in the U.S. to protect their safety,” said Jay Vroom, president and CEO of CLA. “Year after year, reports from the USDA Pesticide Data Program (PDP) show that more than 99 percent of the products sampled have residues below tolerances set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It’s time for EWG to discontinue this list and stop adding confusion and fear to the flurry of messages that consumers receive on what foods to eat.”
“Every person across the country needs to eat healthy food, no matter the size of their wallet,” said Dr. Janet E. Collins, executive vice president of science and regulatory affairs at CLA. “By continuing to release this list, based on flawed science, EWG is limiting consumer choice when reaching for vitamin-rich spinach or anti-oxidant-filled blueberries at the grocery store. A conventional apple has the same nutritional value as an organic apple. Just make sure you eat that apple!”
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