Do you think I've ever heard back from this conversation? Still holding breathe. Notice how nothing is really answered.
09/22/2010 12:12:51PM Session Started with Agent (Michelle A)
09/22/2010 12:12:51PM System: "Thank you for contacting Sprint. My name is Michelle A."
09/22/2010 12:12:51PM donna hart: "re messages on changes--what a mess with customer service--but of 9 supposed emails i have received 2 none for 9-20 or 9-22"
09/22/2010 12:13:06PM Agent (Michelle A): "I am sorry."
09/22/2010 12:13:09PM donna hart: "hi"
09/22/2010 12:13:14PM Agent (Michelle A): "Please elaborate your concern"
09/22/2010 12:15:10PM donna hart: "the most recent? i have so many involving plans, services appearing and disappearing, but for the moment, emails about changes are not being sent. i have 2 or 3 of the 9. maybe i would be less angry if i saw what crazy changes i did NOT make immediatel"
09/22/2010 12:15:43PM Agent (Michelle A): "Please confirm your phone number"
09/22/2010 12:16:02PM donna hart: "(I gave #)"
09/22/2010 12:17:49PM Agent (Michelle A): "Ok"
09/22/2010 12:17:57PM donna hart: "as long as i'm waiting is it policy to refuse to tell location of the rep for "protection and security"? just told that but philippines, caribbean told me. customer service is questionable the last few weeks"
09/22/2010 12:18:40PM Agent (Michelle A): "Let me check'"
09/22/2010 12:20:16PM Agent (Michelle A): "I can see there are three lines on your account."
09/22/2010 12:21:58PM donna hart: "supposedly changes are accompanied with an email=i am not getting those since 1 in august. why say they are sent if not true?"
09/22/2010 12:22:56PM Agent (Michelle A): "I can see there is no changes on your account."
09/22/2010 12:23:23PM Agent (Michelle A): "Please let me know in emails what kind of changes you got know"
09/22/2010 12:23:27PM Agent (Michelle A): "to*"
09/22/2010 12:26:55PM donna hart: "i have 3 phones, 1 with $5 messaging -4653. NO enhanced, the secret rep somewhere took off a $20 data plus pack i did not authorize. earlier this week supposedly a change was made which DID NOT happen so i called in on that. a change i guess. All of t"
hese supposedly would be accompanied with an email. NONE were. i simply would like SERVICE, things being done correctly the first time
09/22/2010 12:27:58PM Agent (Michelle A): "Let me check"
09/22/2010 12:30:41PM Agent (Michelle A): "I can see on #4653 $5 text messaging pack is added."
09/22/2010 12:30:53PM Agent (Michelle A): "However there is no $20 data pack"
09/22/2010 12:32:52PM Agent (Michelle A): "I can see in the notes that it is removed on Sep/22"
09/22/2010 12:33:00PM Agent (Michelle A): "and it is on your request"
09/22/2010 12:33:35PM donna hart: "where is an email telling me that? the pack was taken off today. where's the email. I NEVER PUT IT ON. are reps just saying i was notified? on line says i receive notifications. that is my point. i want to see what someone is doing or has done righ"
t away. of course i requested it be OFF; i never requested it to be put on
09/22/2010 12:34:12PM donna hart: "we are talking in circles. i will include this with my letter to sprint. thanks"
09/22/2010 12:36:07PM Agent (Michelle A): "I understand the inconvenience however sometimes it is happens due to system issue"
09/22/2010 12:36:21PM Agent (Michelle A): "That is the reason you did not receive email"
09/22/2010 12:36:49PM Agent (Michelle A): "Please be assured your information is secured with Sprint/"
09/22/2010 12:37:17PM Agent (Michelle A): "If you wish I can change your account PIN and security answer for future inconvenience,.]"
09/22/2010 12:38:15PM donna hart: "am signing out"
09/22/2010 12:38:40PM Agent (Michelle A): "I have checked the notes as well and your account."
09/22/2010 12:39:13PM Agent (Michelle A): "Please be assured your information is secured with Sprint."
09/22/2010 12:39:45PM Agent (Michelle A): "However I recommend you to go to your contact us section and forward a complain to us regarding this issue."
09/22/2010 12:40:08PM Agent (Michelle A): "And we will forward it to appropriate department."
09/22/2010 12:40:26PM Agent (Michelle A): "If you wish I will create a case on this issue on your account."
09/22/2010 12:40:55PM Agent (Michelle A): "And our dedicated department verify this and will contact you in 3-5 days regarding this issue"
09/22/2010 12:43:01PM Agent (Michelle A): "Would that be fine with you?"
09/22/2010 12:43:12PM donna hart: "fine"
09/22/2010 12:43:28PM Agent (Michelle A): "Ok"
09/22/2010 12:44:13PM Agent (Michelle A): "Please confirm your billing address and phone number, I need this information for creating a case"
09/22/2010 12:45:56PM donna hart: "(i supply address"
09/22/2010 12:46:08PM donna hart: "(i supply phone)"
09/22/2010 12:46:28PM Agent (Michelle A): "Ok"
09/22/2010 12:46:38PM Session Ended

aloe factory
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall--confucius
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." anon
A man is but the product of his thoughts--what he thinks, he becomes. Gandhi
I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
but still I can do something;
and because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do something that I can do. edward everett hale
There is nothing in the world more beautiful than the forest clothed to its very hollows in snow. It is the still ecstasy of nature, wherein every spray, every blade of grass, every spire of reed, every intricacy of twig, is clad w/radiance. william sharp
I think no matter how old or infirm I may become, I will always plant a large garden in the spring. Who can resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from participating in nature's rebirth? edward giobbi
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. marcel proust
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall--confucius
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." anon
A man is but the product of his thoughts--what he thinks, he becomes. Gandhi
I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
but still I can do something;
and because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do something that I can do. edward everett hale
Doom to you who legislate evil, who make laws that make victims -- laws that make misery for the poor, that rob my destitute people of dignity, exploiting defenseless widows, taking advantage of homeless children. What will you have to say on Judgment Day, when Doomsday arrives out of the blue? Who will you get to help you? What good will your money do you? (Isaiah 10:1-3, The Message)
There is nothing in the world more beautiful than the forest clothed to its very hollows in snow. It is the still ecstasy of nature, wherein every spray, every blade of grass, every spire of reed, every intricacy of twig, is clad w/radiance. william sharp
I think no matter how old or infirm I may become, I will always plant a large garden in the spring. Who can resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from participating in nature's rebirth? edward giobbi
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. marcel proust
I am only one, but still I am one.I cannot do everything,but still I can do something;and because I cannot do everything,I will not refuse to do something that I can do. edward everett hale
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