The poem was something I cut out years ago: the blurb started with "As for guarding against future Watergates, Ervin said he knew of no better guide than a selection from a verse by Josiah Gilber Holland (1819-81)".
Have times changed? No way. Seems like the public/voters never learn.
God, give us Men! a time like this demands
Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands;
Men whom the lust of office does not kill;
Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy;
Men who possess opinions and a will;
Men who have honor; men who will not lie;
Men who can stand before a demagogue
And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking!
Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog
In public duty and in private thinking.

aloe factory
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall--confucius
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." anon
A man is but the product of his thoughts--what he thinks, he becomes. Gandhi
I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
but still I can do something;
and because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do something that I can do. edward everett hale
There is nothing in the world more beautiful than the forest clothed to its very hollows in snow. It is the still ecstasy of nature, wherein every spray, every blade of grass, every spire of reed, every intricacy of twig, is clad w/radiance. william sharp
I think no matter how old or infirm I may become, I will always plant a large garden in the spring. Who can resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from participating in nature's rebirth? edward giobbi
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. marcel proust
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall--confucius
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." anon
A man is but the product of his thoughts--what he thinks, he becomes. Gandhi
I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
but still I can do something;
and because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do something that I can do. edward everett hale
Doom to you who legislate evil, who make laws that make victims -- laws that make misery for the poor, that rob my destitute people of dignity, exploiting defenseless widows, taking advantage of homeless children. What will you have to say on Judgment Day, when Doomsday arrives out of the blue? Who will you get to help you? What good will your money do you? (Isaiah 10:1-3, The Message)
There is nothing in the world more beautiful than the forest clothed to its very hollows in snow. It is the still ecstasy of nature, wherein every spray, every blade of grass, every spire of reed, every intricacy of twig, is clad w/radiance. william sharp
I think no matter how old or infirm I may become, I will always plant a large garden in the spring. Who can resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from participating in nature's rebirth? edward giobbi
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. marcel proust
I am only one, but still I am one.I cannot do everything,but still I can do something;and because I cannot do everything,I will not refuse to do something that I can do. edward everett hale
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
favorite quotations
you will find poetry nowhere unless you bring it with you. joseph joubert
with a few flowers in my garden, half a dozen pictures and some books, I live without envy. lope de vega
winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosaic of them all. stanley horowitz
art is not what you see but what you make others see. edgar degas
with a few flowers in my garden, half a dozen pictures and some books, I live without envy. lope de vega
winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosaic of them all. stanley horowitz
art is not what you see but what you make others see. edgar degas
Monday, November 8, 2010
credit card experience
bank of america did a great pr job on me promising a fee credit on 11-03-10 (brandon) but it was not credited nor could celia on 11-8-10 find a record that brandon had said he would credit it. how nice. i hope both calls were taped but let the bank "win". all boa acccounts need to be cancelled.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
things i can't believe
1. don't you think it takes as mother would say "a lot of crust" to empty your spa to your neighbor's back yard? the house north of dad on genesee did in 2009; actually we played move the hose several times. next time i'll cut their hose. hasn't happened yet this year

2. don't you find it pathetically humerous that you can link your kroger card, and probably other store cards, to the Genesee District Library System? i chose the food bank of eastern michigan since food comes before reading for many. how about having to help sustain defense spending by having to link that to a card?

2. don't you find it pathetically humerous that you can link your kroger card, and probably other store cards, to the Genesee District Library System? i chose the food bank of eastern michigan since food comes before reading for many. how about having to help sustain defense spending by having to link that to a card?
3. iran's cultural ministry ok'd the elvis pompadour and simon cowell flot-top hair styles but banned ponytails, mullets, and spikes (from family circle mag nov 1 2010). gosh i like ponytails better than the 2 ok'd
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
i sure would help the new congress if they want to cut spending--let's start with war money. no more wars, no expansion of war fronts. oh wait, aren't big corporations involved there? they make money and money is good. think we'd ever want to keep them in check? there no doubt will be fewer controls on corporate spending for elections and on corporations themselves. enter the era of BBR--big business rules.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Alan Keyes/the Declaration Alliance
reading email from another perspective is interesting. the following is a summary from the pages i ran from the Declaration Alliance which declares the "glorious Declaration of Independence is the American creed of our civic religion"
the site is interesting and should provoke some deep thought. Alan Keyes provides a basic working agenda for the alliance. check the site for more and do some research of your own
some of the declaration alliance's main points were interesting if not controversial; some are fairly sane, even correct and/or acceptable; some cause concern by what is NOT stated. my favorite quotations are 4, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21. possibly many could be starting points for a discussion. for instance, if sexual orientation is a behavior problem, how are behavior problems treated? jail, ostracism, surgery, death, fines...
1. "as a free people, our way of life depends upon certain moral ideas". as a matter of personal conscience" Keyes believes that "Christianity most perfectly embodies those ideas"
2. the Declaration "makes a clear statement about the ultimate source of authority" for rights. "God, the Creator, the author of the laws of nature, is that source"
3. "...the income tax itself must be abolished because it is incompatible with the moral self-government of a free people"
4. "the income tax is an inherently communistic tax, . . ."
"the elimination of the income tax will make tax-privileged 'retirement' accounts irrelevant--all savings will be tax free. so while we favor the transitional policy of replacing Social Security with individually-controlled tax-free investment accounts, the ultimate solution to the problem of long-term and retirement savings is to return responsibility for this crucial function to the citizens. . . "
"the the income tax is a 20th century socialist experiment that has failed"
[hence the desire to repeal the amendment]
5. "as long as our courts sanction murder in the womb, our justice system will be filled with the consequences of violence in our streets, schools, workplaces, and homes"
6. "our nation cannot succumb to the sophistries of those who would allow the withering of our essential liberties in the pursuit of security or material success"
7. "medical procedures resulting in the death of the unborn child, except as un unintended consequence of efforts to save the mother's physical life, are impermissible"
8. "we need the family farm for its indispensable value in sustaining our nation's strong moral character"
9. "we..oppose as unconstitutional and undeclarationist the McCain/Feingold/Shays-Meehan bill signed by Pres. George W. Bush, and we urge all grassroots Americans to lobby tenaciously for its rejection at the U.S. Supreme Court"
"there must be no financial contributions whatsoever from any entities that are not actual, breathing voters"
10. "The World Trade Organization undermines America's sovereign international economic interests"
11. "...we cannot stand with those so-called conservatives who believe that 'free trade'is more important than free government, or the 'fiscal conservatives' who seem to believe that money and economic advantage matter more than our right to constitutional, elective self-determination. Trade socialism must be defeated root and branch, even when it is called 'free trade'
12. "the root principle of a government guarantee of health care is that we are not a self-governing people, but must have the necessities of our lives provided by the government. If we accept this principle, there is no natural limit to the corrosive solicitude of government" [i like that phrase corrosive solicitude]
13. "the government of the U.S. should not have 'medical research priorities'"
14. "it is wrong to treat sexual orientation like race, for race is a condition beyond the individual's control. sexual orientation, however, involves behavior, especially in response to passion.
15. "our leaders have failed in one of their most basic constitutional responsibilities--to provide for the common defense--because too many special interests profit from open borders. illegal immigration is excused for economic reasons"
16. "disruption of the right of property is threatened additionally by the so-called 'rights' of animals, trees, and streams than on the legitimate and essential needs of mankind--extreme notions that increasingly strip human beings of normal and reasonable economic opportunity"
17. "'separation of church and state' doctrine is a misinterpretation'. . .the 1st amendment 'does not forbid all religious influence upon politics or society'
18. "a strong case can be made..that it is a fundamental DUTY of the free citizen to keep and bear arms"
"..a people that cannot be trusted with guns cannot be trusted with the much more dangerous powers of self-government. the gun control agenda is thus an implicit denial of the human capacity for self-government and is tyrannical in principle"
"if we make the judgment that our rights are being systematically violated, we have not merely the right, but the duty, to resist and overthrow the power responsible"
19. "government money is increasingly used to enforce a low quality, crass form of vocationalism in the School-to-Work scheme. . ."
"we must break the government monopoly on public education"
20. "a national sales tax would put the American citizen back in control of fiscal policy. the best way to curtail government spending is to cut taxes, because they can't spend what they don't get. with a sales tax, we could deny funds to a spendthrift government--and give ourselves a tax cut--whenever we make the private choice to alter our spending and saving habits."
21. "it is more important that the US should survive in freedom than that the United Nations should survive at all" [sounds like Angle doesn't it?]
22. "we must end government programs like the family-destroying welfare system and sex-education courses that encourage promiscuity"
the site is interesting and should provoke some deep thought. Alan Keyes provides a basic working agenda for the alliance. check the site for more and do some research of your own
some of the declaration alliance's main points were interesting if not controversial; some are fairly sane, even correct and/or acceptable; some cause concern by what is NOT stated. my favorite quotations are 4, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21. possibly many could be starting points for a discussion. for instance, if sexual orientation is a behavior problem, how are behavior problems treated? jail, ostracism, surgery, death, fines...
1. "as a free people, our way of life depends upon certain moral ideas". as a matter of personal conscience" Keyes believes that "Christianity most perfectly embodies those ideas"
2. the Declaration "makes a clear statement about the ultimate source of authority" for rights. "God, the Creator, the author of the laws of nature, is that source"
3. "...the income tax itself must be abolished because it is incompatible with the moral self-government of a free people"
4. "the income tax is an inherently communistic tax, . . ."
"the elimination of the income tax will make tax-privileged 'retirement' accounts irrelevant--all savings will be tax free. so while we favor the transitional policy of replacing Social Security with individually-controlled tax-free investment accounts, the ultimate solution to the problem of long-term and retirement savings is to return responsibility for this crucial function to the citizens. . . "
"the the income tax is a 20th century socialist experiment that has failed"
[hence the desire to repeal the amendment]
5. "as long as our courts sanction murder in the womb, our justice system will be filled with the consequences of violence in our streets, schools, workplaces, and homes"
6. "our nation cannot succumb to the sophistries of those who would allow the withering of our essential liberties in the pursuit of security or material success"
7. "medical procedures resulting in the death of the unborn child, except as un unintended consequence of efforts to save the mother's physical life, are impermissible"
8. "we need the family farm for its indispensable value in sustaining our nation's strong moral character"
9. "we..oppose as unconstitutional and undeclarationist the McCain/Feingold/Shays-Meehan bill signed by Pres. George W. Bush, and we urge all grassroots Americans to lobby tenaciously for its rejection at the U.S. Supreme Court"
"there must be no financial contributions whatsoever from any entities that are not actual, breathing voters"
10. "The World Trade Organization undermines America's sovereign international economic interests"
11. "...we cannot stand with those so-called conservatives who believe that 'free trade'is more important than free government, or the 'fiscal conservatives' who seem to believe that money and economic advantage matter more than our right to constitutional, elective self-determination. Trade socialism must be defeated root and branch, even when it is called 'free trade'
12. "the root principle of a government guarantee of health care is that we are not a self-governing people, but must have the necessities of our lives provided by the government. If we accept this principle, there is no natural limit to the corrosive solicitude of government" [i like that phrase corrosive solicitude]
13. "the government of the U.S. should not have 'medical research priorities'"
14. "it is wrong to treat sexual orientation like race, for race is a condition beyond the individual's control. sexual orientation, however, involves behavior, especially in response to passion.
15. "our leaders have failed in one of their most basic constitutional responsibilities--to provide for the common defense--because too many special interests profit from open borders. illegal immigration is excused for economic reasons"
16. "disruption of the right of property is threatened additionally by the so-called 'rights' of animals, trees, and streams than on the legitimate and essential needs of mankind--extreme notions that increasingly strip human beings of normal and reasonable economic opportunity"
17. "'separation of church and state' doctrine is a misinterpretation'. . .the 1st amendment 'does not forbid all religious influence upon politics or society'
18. "a strong case can be made..that it is a fundamental DUTY of the free citizen to keep and bear arms"
"..a people that cannot be trusted with guns cannot be trusted with the much more dangerous powers of self-government. the gun control agenda is thus an implicit denial of the human capacity for self-government and is tyrannical in principle"
"if we make the judgment that our rights are being systematically violated, we have not merely the right, but the duty, to resist and overthrow the power responsible"
19. "government money is increasingly used to enforce a low quality, crass form of vocationalism in the School-to-Work scheme. . ."
"we must break the government monopoly on public education"
20. "a national sales tax would put the American citizen back in control of fiscal policy. the best way to curtail government spending is to cut taxes, because they can't spend what they don't get. with a sales tax, we could deny funds to a spendthrift government--and give ourselves a tax cut--whenever we make the private choice to alter our spending and saving habits."
21. "it is more important that the US should survive in freedom than that the United Nations should survive at all" [sounds like Angle doesn't it?]
22. "we must end government programs like the family-destroying welfare system and sex-education courses that encourage promiscuity"
Sunday, October 31, 2010
sprint again
this month's sprint bill has 2 charges for 300 text messaging minutes on 1 phone. why? ask yourself that over and over. what idiot put that there? the same one that put the $20 for enhanced data on last month's bill? the sprint fairy? the totally incompetent sprint system? wasn't me.
so at 4:16 i call today sunday oct 31 to see what the story is. inga speaks english and takes off $5.53 but says you can't really block picture mail and maybe ben did it when he was trying to access internet on the phone. #1 we don't have internet access
when asked if i could say she had solved my problem, i explained again (never tell them yes because it's nearly never right) that i really couldn't say because i haven't seen sprint's site saying the new bill is for this amount less.
she says "i can't let you off the line if you don't say yes"
#2 yes, she really said this. was she being taped? i hope so. so she puts me on hold to get someone and BINGO i have a new person asking my problem so we can start all over.
he speaks english, he tries to see if the 5.53 was credited, tries to do what inga said she did and he says it's all fixed and i owe *** THE ORIGINAL PRICE BEFORE THE 5.53 WAS CREDITED ***
#3 at 4:47 we basically had accomplished NOTHING.
and this is the continuing story of sprint customer service
so at 4:16 i call today sunday oct 31 to see what the story is. inga speaks english and takes off $5.53 but says you can't really block picture mail and maybe ben did it when he was trying to access internet on the phone. #1 we don't have internet access
when asked if i could say she had solved my problem, i explained again (never tell them yes because it's nearly never right) that i really couldn't say because i haven't seen sprint's site saying the new bill is for this amount less.
she says "i can't let you off the line if you don't say yes"
#2 yes, she really said this. was she being taped? i hope so. so she puts me on hold to get someone and BINGO i have a new person asking my problem so we can start all over.
he speaks english, he tries to see if the 5.53 was credited, tries to do what inga said she did and he says it's all fixed and i owe *** THE ORIGINAL PRICE BEFORE THE 5.53 WAS CREDITED ***
#3 at 4:47 we basically had accomplished NOTHING.
and this is the continuing story of sprint customer service
Saturday, October 16, 2010
election stuff
ventura was on a morning show this week(oct 11) and said the 2 parties should really be called PACs which i thought was a great idea. have you been following how much "undisclosed money" is going into election? unbelievable. and even more so is the fact that the supreme court really is behind that; and the source doesn't have to be revealed. just great. money talks in america but doesn't identify itself. welcome to the corporations/rich/lunatics running everything. let me paraphrase "après nous,le déluge". didn't take many years after louis said that that the french revolution commenced. not a good sign
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
live Sprint chat
Do you think I've ever heard back from this conversation? Still holding breathe. Notice how nothing is really answered.
09/22/2010 12:12:51PM Session Started with Agent (Michelle A)
09/22/2010 12:12:51PM System: "Thank you for contacting Sprint. My name is Michelle A."
09/22/2010 12:12:51PM donna hart: "re messages on changes--what a mess with customer service--but of 9 supposed emails i have received 2 none for 9-20 or 9-22"
09/22/2010 12:13:06PM Agent (Michelle A): "I am sorry."
09/22/2010 12:13:09PM donna hart: "hi"
09/22/2010 12:13:14PM Agent (Michelle A): "Please elaborate your concern"
09/22/2010 12:15:10PM donna hart: "the most recent? i have so many involving plans, services appearing and disappearing, but for the moment, emails about changes are not being sent. i have 2 or 3 of the 9. maybe i would be less angry if i saw what crazy changes i did NOT make immediatel"
09/22/2010 12:15:43PM Agent (Michelle A): "Please confirm your phone number"
09/22/2010 12:16:02PM donna hart: "(I gave #)"
09/22/2010 12:17:49PM Agent (Michelle A): "Ok"
09/22/2010 12:17:57PM donna hart: "as long as i'm waiting is it policy to refuse to tell location of the rep for "protection and security"? just told that but philippines, caribbean told me. customer service is questionable the last few weeks"
09/22/2010 12:18:40PM Agent (Michelle A): "Let me check'"
09/22/2010 12:20:16PM Agent (Michelle A): "I can see there are three lines on your account."
09/22/2010 12:21:58PM donna hart: "supposedly changes are accompanied with an email=i am not getting those since 1 in august. why say they are sent if not true?"
09/22/2010 12:22:56PM Agent (Michelle A): "I can see there is no changes on your account."
09/22/2010 12:23:23PM Agent (Michelle A): "Please let me know in emails what kind of changes you got know"
09/22/2010 12:23:27PM Agent (Michelle A): "to*"
09/22/2010 12:26:55PM donna hart: "i have 3 phones, 1 with $5 messaging -4653. NO enhanced, the secret rep somewhere took off a $20 data plus pack i did not authorize. earlier this week supposedly a change was made which DID NOT happen so i called in on that. a change i guess. All of t"
hese supposedly would be accompanied with an email. NONE were. i simply would like SERVICE, things being done correctly the first time
09/22/2010 12:27:58PM Agent (Michelle A): "Let me check"
09/22/2010 12:30:41PM Agent (Michelle A): "I can see on #4653 $5 text messaging pack is added."
09/22/2010 12:30:53PM Agent (Michelle A): "However there is no $20 data pack"
09/22/2010 12:32:52PM Agent (Michelle A): "I can see in the notes that it is removed on Sep/22"
09/22/2010 12:33:00PM Agent (Michelle A): "and it is on your request"
09/22/2010 12:33:35PM donna hart: "where is an email telling me that? the pack was taken off today. where's the email. I NEVER PUT IT ON. are reps just saying i was notified? on line says i receive notifications. that is my point. i want to see what someone is doing or has done righ"
t away. of course i requested it be OFF; i never requested it to be put on
09/22/2010 12:34:12PM donna hart: "we are talking in circles. i will include this with my letter to sprint. thanks"
09/22/2010 12:36:07PM Agent (Michelle A): "I understand the inconvenience however sometimes it is happens due to system issue"
09/22/2010 12:36:21PM Agent (Michelle A): "That is the reason you did not receive email"
09/22/2010 12:36:49PM Agent (Michelle A): "Please be assured your information is secured with Sprint/"
09/22/2010 12:37:17PM Agent (Michelle A): "If you wish I can change your account PIN and security answer for future inconvenience,.]"
09/22/2010 12:38:15PM donna hart: "am signing out"
09/22/2010 12:38:40PM Agent (Michelle A): "I have checked the notes as well and your account."
09/22/2010 12:39:13PM Agent (Michelle A): "Please be assured your information is secured with Sprint."
09/22/2010 12:39:45PM Agent (Michelle A): "However I recommend you to go to your contact us section and forward a complain to us regarding this issue."
09/22/2010 12:40:08PM Agent (Michelle A): "And we will forward it to appropriate department."
09/22/2010 12:40:26PM Agent (Michelle A): "If you wish I will create a case on this issue on your account."
09/22/2010 12:40:55PM Agent (Michelle A): "And our dedicated department verify this and will contact you in 3-5 days regarding this issue"
09/22/2010 12:43:01PM Agent (Michelle A): "Would that be fine with you?"
09/22/2010 12:43:12PM donna hart: "fine"
09/22/2010 12:43:28PM Agent (Michelle A): "Ok"
09/22/2010 12:44:13PM Agent (Michelle A): "Please confirm your billing address and phone number, I need this information for creating a case"
09/22/2010 12:45:56PM donna hart: "(i supply address"
09/22/2010 12:46:08PM donna hart: "(i supply phone)"
09/22/2010 12:46:28PM Agent (Michelle A): "Ok"
09/22/2010 12:46:38PM Session Ended
09/22/2010 12:12:51PM Session Started with Agent (Michelle A)
09/22/2010 12:12:51PM System: "Thank you for contacting Sprint. My name is Michelle A."
09/22/2010 12:12:51PM donna hart: "re messages on changes--what a mess with customer service--but of 9 supposed emails i have received 2 none for 9-20 or 9-22"
09/22/2010 12:13:06PM Agent (Michelle A): "I am sorry."
09/22/2010 12:13:09PM donna hart: "hi"
09/22/2010 12:13:14PM Agent (Michelle A): "Please elaborate your concern"
09/22/2010 12:15:10PM donna hart: "the most recent? i have so many involving plans, services appearing and disappearing, but for the moment, emails about changes are not being sent. i have 2 or 3 of the 9. maybe i would be less angry if i saw what crazy changes i did NOT make immediatel"
09/22/2010 12:15:43PM Agent (Michelle A): "Please confirm your phone number"
09/22/2010 12:16:02PM donna hart: "(I gave #)"
09/22/2010 12:17:49PM Agent (Michelle A): "Ok"
09/22/2010 12:17:57PM donna hart: "as long as i'm waiting is it policy to refuse to tell location of the rep for "protection and security"? just told that but philippines, caribbean told me. customer service is questionable the last few weeks"
09/22/2010 12:18:40PM Agent (Michelle A): "Let me check'"
09/22/2010 12:20:16PM Agent (Michelle A): "I can see there are three lines on your account."
09/22/2010 12:21:58PM donna hart: "supposedly changes are accompanied with an email=i am not getting those since 1 in august. why say they are sent if not true?"
09/22/2010 12:22:56PM Agent (Michelle A): "I can see there is no changes on your account."
09/22/2010 12:23:23PM Agent (Michelle A): "Please let me know in emails what kind of changes you got know"
09/22/2010 12:23:27PM Agent (Michelle A): "to*"
09/22/2010 12:26:55PM donna hart: "i have 3 phones, 1 with $5 messaging -4653. NO enhanced, the secret rep somewhere took off a $20 data plus pack i did not authorize. earlier this week supposedly a change was made which DID NOT happen so i called in on that. a change i guess. All of t"
hese supposedly would be accompanied with an email. NONE were. i simply would like SERVICE, things being done correctly the first time
09/22/2010 12:27:58PM Agent (Michelle A): "Let me check"
09/22/2010 12:30:41PM Agent (Michelle A): "I can see on #4653 $5 text messaging pack is added."
09/22/2010 12:30:53PM Agent (Michelle A): "However there is no $20 data pack"
09/22/2010 12:32:52PM Agent (Michelle A): "I can see in the notes that it is removed on Sep/22"
09/22/2010 12:33:00PM Agent (Michelle A): "and it is on your request"
09/22/2010 12:33:35PM donna hart: "where is an email telling me that? the pack was taken off today. where's the email. I NEVER PUT IT ON. are reps just saying i was notified? on line says i receive notifications. that is my point. i want to see what someone is doing or has done righ"
t away. of course i requested it be OFF; i never requested it to be put on
09/22/2010 12:34:12PM donna hart: "we are talking in circles. i will include this with my letter to sprint. thanks"
09/22/2010 12:36:07PM Agent (Michelle A): "I understand the inconvenience however sometimes it is happens due to system issue"
09/22/2010 12:36:21PM Agent (Michelle A): "That is the reason you did not receive email"
09/22/2010 12:36:49PM Agent (Michelle A): "Please be assured your information is secured with Sprint/"
09/22/2010 12:37:17PM Agent (Michelle A): "If you wish I can change your account PIN and security answer for future inconvenience,.]"
09/22/2010 12:38:15PM donna hart: "am signing out"
09/22/2010 12:38:40PM Agent (Michelle A): "I have checked the notes as well and your account."
09/22/2010 12:39:13PM Agent (Michelle A): "Please be assured your information is secured with Sprint."
09/22/2010 12:39:45PM Agent (Michelle A): "However I recommend you to go to your contact us section and forward a complain to us regarding this issue."
09/22/2010 12:40:08PM Agent (Michelle A): "And we will forward it to appropriate department."
09/22/2010 12:40:26PM Agent (Michelle A): "If you wish I will create a case on this issue on your account."
09/22/2010 12:40:55PM Agent (Michelle A): "And our dedicated department verify this and will contact you in 3-5 days regarding this issue"
09/22/2010 12:43:01PM Agent (Michelle A): "Would that be fine with you?"
09/22/2010 12:43:12PM donna hart: "fine"
09/22/2010 12:43:28PM Agent (Michelle A): "Ok"
09/22/2010 12:44:13PM Agent (Michelle A): "Please confirm your billing address and phone number, I need this information for creating a case"
09/22/2010 12:45:56PM donna hart: "(i supply address"
09/22/2010 12:46:08PM donna hart: "(i supply phone)"
09/22/2010 12:46:28PM Agent (Michelle A): "Ok"
09/22/2010 12:46:38PM Session Ended
Sprint notes
all the following is based on a phone in the pool being replaced with a friend's in June 2010. I questioned bills for July and August since a $1 charge for 500 texts vanished. $ were credited in those months but the real source of the change did not appear until later)
these were included in my letter to Sprint. Also included, a copy of the on line chat i had which led nowhere.
September 8 2010 notes from call
after the near hour with sprint, again this month, we seem to be no nearer to solution than before. the $1 for 500 text messages that josh got in jan for ben when we redid the plan was nullified when the new phone was added in july (randy's phone) because it's not a sprint but nextel phone. the monthly reoccurring 10.99 for ben (9.99 plus the 1) which upped to 18.82 last month, well, maybe that can be 9.99 plus 5 for the old charge of texting but that does not equal 18.82.
but my now supposed “personal rep” is working on it by emailing her supervisor and asking. she did offer me 15.00 off next month but i said well i'd prefer the old plan of $1 charge for texting but i would accept the 15 plus the 1. she may email or perhaps call. any further problems i can directly call her. makes me feel so much better.
asked if the non existing $1, which she said nullified the contract in july and may not be replaceable, also nullified the 2 yr contract set to expire jan of 2012. well, no, because i got $20 off per month through the jan update. offered a "deal", a new plan for about 89.00 per month but since i've been paying about 75 i turned that down. suggested that maybe the 2012 date should really be july of 2011 since the preceding plan, changed by josh in jan, would have expired then. no
she mentioned the credit union offers but said they just had an email the said NO double discounts so she thought we probably shouldn't try that because i might lose the $20 credit that still exists.
**here's the agenda** for 9-8-2010
start at 9:48 with ryan who speaks good english, maybe native
at 9:59 while on hold ryan disappears and is replaced with teresa in the caribbean who i couldn't hear well or understand. asked for a supervisor. shane appears at 10:08. shane says plan is plan. . .he can't be heard or understood well. maybe being able to hear them would have helped. i told him we were ending conversation
tried cell help. first time didn't work. 2nd call at 10:10 i talked to catherine who finally said since it was a special deal her department couldn't handle it but someone else might.
10:19 elizabeth tried to help. she is now my personal rep. she may email or call but not holding my breathe. she suggested i decline to answer the survey phone call if i got one since i would not say i was satisfied that my problem had been fixed. told her it was supposedly fixed by chris in august and the july girl and all the people i called all the times the picture emails were repeatedly removed by the invisible billing fairy
at 10:51 i was nearly finished talking with my friend elizabeth. no follow up survey call yet, no elizabeth call, no email. surprised?
Sept 10, 2010 notes
At 10:44 I talked to Angela in customer care who connected me to Allison. We discussed the $1 vs $5 question about texting price. This offer no long exists and in fact expired for everyone she said. I know people still have this, but my understanding was everyone lost it.
At 11:01 I was transferred to someone “higher up” in account services, David, I believe. This was the first person who said he’d try to recover the $1 offer. No longer available and I probably lost it because the dead phone with the $1 was replaced with the off network Nextel phone. He did offer to take that 1 phone out of the contract period. WHY IS A NEXTEL PHONE NOT ACCEPTABLE? WHY DIDN’T THE JUNE REP SAY IF YOU DO THIS, YOU LOSE THE $1 PLAN?
Sept 19, 2010 notes
Called sprint around 11:53 and spoke to what sounded like “Sagnik”, probably in India. Didn’t ask this time. Extremely hard to hear again. Explained we wanted messaging off 1 phone and transferred to another. On hold while he makes sure it works out. At 12:06 he says it’s taking so long because the 4110 phone is on another network but at 12:09 he says it should be working. Asked if I would reply positively to a survey and told him I couldn’t say that since nothing seems to be done correctly the first time.
Checking on line, account info says messaging for 4653 is on.
September 20, 2010
At around 12:20 pm on Sept 20 a received a phone survey about this experience.
Evening time of same day, Ben checks his phone to see if messaging works. No. NONE of the 3 phones have messaging. All 3 phones say error message 34
At 6:03 I call sprint AGAIN and speak with Chuck in the Philippines. He tries to do yesterday’s change and says for sure it will work in 15 minutes. When asked about survey by Chuck, I still reply I can’t say you solved the problem since I don’t know. He says he will pass me to his supervisor, on hold, and call lost after a few minutes.
Wednesday Sept 22, 2010 notes
In the morning I checked online and saw a $20 fee for a sprint data plus pack for 1 line. What is this for? Called, foreign location and again the connection was poor. This location would not give name of the rep or where she was located. Tried to explain that I did NOT authorize the $20 fee.
At 10:57 I was told this was put on when the $5 was added I guess when that was promised on the 19th (and it did NOT happen. See Sept 20 above)
Again answered I couldn’t say I was helped since I usually have to call in again. Supervisor talked to me at 11:01, Miss Shane. She says there seems to be a problem with “misunderstanding and miscommunication” and also that she cannot tell her location for “protection and security”, a Sprint policy she maintains.
Call ends at 11:09. $20 fee is gone by 11:53.
September 23, 2010 notes
Email arrives to 1 of my addresses telling me that I changed a password which I did. Of the 10 emails I supposedly was sent according to Sprint on line, I received 1, 2, 3, and this one. Reading the copy of the on line chat, notice that Michelle says “I understand the inconvenience however sometimes it is happens due to system issue.” That explains why what is really DONE is not what is stated or promised.
And that no doubt is pervasive in the WHOLE Sprint “service” area.
these were included in my letter to Sprint. Also included, a copy of the on line chat i had which led nowhere.
September 8 2010 notes from call
after the near hour with sprint, again this month, we seem to be no nearer to solution than before. the $1 for 500 text messages that josh got in jan for ben when we redid the plan was nullified when the new phone was added in july (randy's phone) because it's not a sprint but nextel phone. the monthly reoccurring 10.99 for ben (9.99 plus the 1) which upped to 18.82 last month, well, maybe that can be 9.99 plus 5 for the old charge of texting but that does not equal 18.82.
but my now supposed “personal rep” is working on it by emailing her supervisor and asking. she did offer me 15.00 off next month but i said well i'd prefer the old plan of $1 charge for texting but i would accept the 15 plus the 1. she may email or perhaps call. any further problems i can directly call her. makes me feel so much better.
asked if the non existing $1, which she said nullified the contract in july and may not be replaceable, also nullified the 2 yr contract set to expire jan of 2012. well, no, because i got $20 off per month through the jan update. offered a "deal", a new plan for about 89.00 per month but since i've been paying about 75 i turned that down. suggested that maybe the 2012 date should really be july of 2011 since the preceding plan, changed by josh in jan, would have expired then. no
she mentioned the credit union offers but said they just had an email the said NO double discounts so she thought we probably shouldn't try that because i might lose the $20 credit that still exists.
**here's the agenda** for 9-8-2010
start at 9:48 with ryan who speaks good english, maybe native
at 9:59 while on hold ryan disappears and is replaced with teresa in the caribbean who i couldn't hear well or understand. asked for a supervisor. shane appears at 10:08. shane says plan is plan. . .he can't be heard or understood well. maybe being able to hear them would have helped. i told him we were ending conversation
tried cell help. first time didn't work. 2nd call at 10:10 i talked to catherine who finally said since it was a special deal her department couldn't handle it but someone else might.
10:19 elizabeth tried to help. she is now my personal rep. she may email or call but not holding my breathe. she suggested i decline to answer the survey phone call if i got one since i would not say i was satisfied that my problem had been fixed. told her it was supposedly fixed by chris in august and the july girl and all the people i called all the times the picture emails were repeatedly removed by the invisible billing fairy
at 10:51 i was nearly finished talking with my friend elizabeth. no follow up survey call yet, no elizabeth call, no email. surprised?
Sept 10, 2010 notes
At 10:44 I talked to Angela in customer care who connected me to Allison. We discussed the $1 vs $5 question about texting price. This offer no long exists and in fact expired for everyone she said. I know people still have this, but my understanding was everyone lost it.
At 11:01 I was transferred to someone “higher up” in account services, David, I believe. This was the first person who said he’d try to recover the $1 offer. No longer available and I probably lost it because the dead phone with the $1 was replaced with the off network Nextel phone. He did offer to take that 1 phone out of the contract period. WHY IS A NEXTEL PHONE NOT ACCEPTABLE? WHY DIDN’T THE JUNE REP SAY IF YOU DO THIS, YOU LOSE THE $1 PLAN?
Sept 19, 2010 notes
Called sprint around 11:53 and spoke to what sounded like “Sagnik”, probably in India. Didn’t ask this time. Extremely hard to hear again. Explained we wanted messaging off 1 phone and transferred to another. On hold while he makes sure it works out. At 12:06 he says it’s taking so long because the 4110 phone is on another network but at 12:09 he says it should be working. Asked if I would reply positively to a survey and told him I couldn’t say that since nothing seems to be done correctly the first time.
Checking on line, account info says messaging for 4653 is on.
September 20, 2010
At around 12:20 pm on Sept 20 a received a phone survey about this experience.
Evening time of same day, Ben checks his phone to see if messaging works. No. NONE of the 3 phones have messaging. All 3 phones say error message 34
At 6:03 I call sprint AGAIN and speak with Chuck in the Philippines. He tries to do yesterday’s change and says for sure it will work in 15 minutes. When asked about survey by Chuck, I still reply I can’t say you solved the problem since I don’t know. He says he will pass me to his supervisor, on hold, and call lost after a few minutes.
Wednesday Sept 22, 2010 notes
In the morning I checked online and saw a $20 fee for a sprint data plus pack for 1 line. What is this for? Called, foreign location and again the connection was poor. This location would not give name of the rep or where she was located. Tried to explain that I did NOT authorize the $20 fee.
At 10:57 I was told this was put on when the $5 was added I guess when that was promised on the 19th (and it did NOT happen. See Sept 20 above)
Again answered I couldn’t say I was helped since I usually have to call in again. Supervisor talked to me at 11:01, Miss Shane. She says there seems to be a problem with “misunderstanding and miscommunication” and also that she cannot tell her location for “protection and security”, a Sprint policy she maintains.
Call ends at 11:09. $20 fee is gone by 11:53.
September 23, 2010 notes
Email arrives to 1 of my addresses telling me that I changed a password which I did. Of the 10 emails I supposedly was sent according to Sprint on line, I received 1, 2, 3, and this one. Reading the copy of the on line chat, notice that Michelle says “I understand the inconvenience however sometimes it is happens due to system issue.” That explains why what is really DONE is not what is stated or promised.
And that no doubt is pervasive in the WHOLE Sprint “service” area.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
double talk
The Citizens United group brought the lawsuit that the Supreme Court used in Jan allowing corporations to have a First Amendment right to free speech. (see p. 3 of the sept 1, 2010 progressive populist).
The Court basically delared "that money is the corporate form of speech, therefore unlimited sums of corporate funds can be poured into elections. . ."
The story continued with a facebook page by a group against the citizens united, a lawsuit by the citizens -- kind of the for free speech group being against free speech -- see
The Court basically delared "that money is the corporate form of speech, therefore unlimited sums of corporate funds can be poured into elections. . ."
The story continued with a facebook page by a group against the citizens united, a lawsuit by the citizens -- kind of the for free speech group being against free speech -- see
lost Michigan $
I tried to verify facts and sources for this but when i went to the site, found it difficult to get more specifics. ( i had this site already marked as a favorite, i think from the seminar i attended earlier this year trying to get info from michigan residents about what to do to change the economic situation in the state. anyway, loopholes gave away nearly:
$37 million to salellite dish companies
$ 7.5 to people with oil wells (would like to see where and who on this)
$18 million--international phone calls are exempt. seems like a lot of calls. all
$55 million corporate polluters. what does this mean?
$17.7 million tobacco companies
$25 million vending machine companies
can you find more specifics like what exactly are the reasons this $ is allowed to be written off or ignored? what are the laws that allow this?
$37 million to salellite dish companies
$ 7.5 to people with oil wells (would like to see where and who on this)
$18 million--international phone calls are exempt. seems like a lot of calls. all
$55 million corporate polluters. what does this mean?
$17.7 million tobacco companies
$25 million vending machine companies
can you find more specifics like what exactly are the reasons this $ is allowed to be written off or ignored? what are the laws that allow this?
job sources
from womansday mag:
redo your resume: check online ideas and places like
redo your resume: check online ideas and places like
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Hard to believe that BP rented the drilling rig from Transocean and was able to write off 70% of the rent or about $225,000 per day!
Transocean moved its corporate address offshore in '99, Houston to Cayman Islands to Switzerland, avoiding $1.8 billion in taxes!
Clean up work in the Gulf used inmates but the Inmate Labor lettering was replaced by BP shirts, jeans, etc with no prison markings. Ok use them. You don't pay them but they can work. However, BP is getting a "work opportunity tax credit of $2,400 for every work release inmate"! This tax provision was passed during the Bush administration--way to go. See for more (from the progressive populist, sept 1, 2010)
Transocean moved its corporate address offshore in '99, Houston to Cayman Islands to Switzerland, avoiding $1.8 billion in taxes!
Clean up work in the Gulf used inmates but the Inmate Labor lettering was replaced by BP shirts, jeans, etc with no prison markings. Ok use them. You don't pay them but they can work. However, BP is getting a "work opportunity tax credit of $2,400 for every work release inmate"! This tax provision was passed during the Bush administration--way to go. See for more (from the progressive populist, sept 1, 2010)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Bringing nature home -- book summary
At a recent monthly master gardener meeting, our speaker mentioned the book BRINGING NATURE HOME How you Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants (ISBN-13:978-0-88192-854-9) by Douglas W. Tallamy. Once I got the book and started reading, it really didn’t take too long to realize that my concept of what a native plant is versus what really is a native is questionable. Likewise, I’ve ignored the link that exists among plants, insects, and animals. And the idea of extinction of species I had in a way relegated to the concept that if they exist even in a tiny area, a zoo, a park, they are not really verging on extinction.
Some of the book’s major concepts are: “the wild creatures we enjoy and would like to have in our lives will not be here in the future if we take away their food and the places they live; all plants are not created equal, particularly in their ability to support wildlife; in too many areas of the country there is no place left for wildlife but in landscapes and gardens we create (p. 9); yet it is “not too late to save most of the plants and animals that sustain the ecosystems” we humans depend on.
The big concern, which seems too obvious yet so neglected, it that when we replace native plants with alien ones, the native insects are put at risk and many animals depend on insects in part or entirely on insect protein for food. Supposedly, 96% of the North American birds rely on insects and other arthropods to feed their young; and “37% of animal species worldwide are herbivorous insects.” (p.21, 24) It really should not be a revelation to us that land without insects could be land without most forms of higher life. (p15) Think how many people still use pesticides, to make a garden or backyard or even the inside of a house “bug free”. But in the long haul, down the road, this may really mean harming or destroying life on earth.
Two poignant stories the author cited brought back similar childhood experiences. In his first example (chapter 3), he mentioned how a pond next door to his home was bulldozed to make way for the yard of new neighbors, a yard he later was paid to mow. He had enjoyed watching the pond’s pollywogs swim, grow legs and eventually hop about as toads. This brought back a similar happy feeling of an area on Coin Street where we 1950’s children played. The creek curved through the empty acre lot; there were clearings enclosed by trees, secret places almost, with pollywogs, snakes, and frogs galore. I caught some pollywogs and tried to keep them alive long enough to become frogs, and I was not the only kid to try that. We neighborhood kids played there often for a few summers until it too became the spot for a new home. His second example was remembering night driving and all the insects in the headlights, splattering on the car’s windshield and lights. He remarked that that doesn’t happen much now and he’s right. I remember numerous trips where the windshield was plastered with “bug guts”. Where have all those insects gone? Bulldozing land is an obvious visual event that says pond or creek good-by, but the night insects just kind of slowly went out of my memory. Tallamy’s answer is that insect disappearance is a direct consequence of alien species which contribute nothing to the native plants, insects, and animals and in fact cause their decline.
In our quest for more plants, more diversity, we may need a wake up call to realize that diversity has caused the ecosystem to collapse. After a discussion of the paperbark tea tree in the Florida Everglades and the problems it has engendered (by displacing native grasses, it has affected native birds, insects, alligators, butterflies, egrets, hummingbirds, etc), the author stresses “how important it is to keep aliens that do not function within ecosystems from displacing the plants and animals that do have critical roles in their ecosystems”. (p45) The idea that there are 50,000 alien species of plants and animals in North America is amazing; what changes their existence has caused is scary.
Chapter 5, “Why Can’t Insects East Alien Plants”, talks about the popularity of pest free ornamentals and the unfortunate experience of many of them “escaping” and becoming invasives like kudzu, English ivy, purple loosestrife, etc. It takes a long time “for insects to adapt to the specific chemical mix that characterizes different plants”. (p50) Most insects are specialists; about 90% eat only vegetation to which they have an evolutionary link. Change, adapting takes time. Chapter 6 covers what is native versus what is not and the next chapter summarizes the costs of using alien ornamentals. The appearance of several diseases like the chestnut blight in 1876 and the impact of the loss of American chestnut trees on the deciduous forest are discussed. Alien plants bring alien insects like the Japanese beetle, the viburnum leaf beetle, etc.
Starting with Chapter 8, the author gives suggestions for creating balanced communities in your garden, backyard, neighborhood, and city. Gardening for insect diversity can keep pesticide usage down as it improves the resource base for wildlife. We can help bring back those missing toads, nights with “in the headlight insects”, the beautiful and plentiful fireflies of childhood and perhaps help restore flora and fauna in the backyard, in the parks, in the cities.
(Appendix One, a list of “Native Plants with Wildlife Value and Desirable Landscaping Attributes by Region” is a good source of plants to re introduce to specific areas in our country, and Appendix two suggests “Host Plants of Butterflies and Showy Moths”.)
Some of the book’s major concepts are: “the wild creatures we enjoy and would like to have in our lives will not be here in the future if we take away their food and the places they live; all plants are not created equal, particularly in their ability to support wildlife; in too many areas of the country there is no place left for wildlife but in landscapes and gardens we create (p. 9); yet it is “not too late to save most of the plants and animals that sustain the ecosystems” we humans depend on.
The big concern, which seems too obvious yet so neglected, it that when we replace native plants with alien ones, the native insects are put at risk and many animals depend on insects in part or entirely on insect protein for food. Supposedly, 96% of the North American birds rely on insects and other arthropods to feed their young; and “37% of animal species worldwide are herbivorous insects.” (p.21, 24) It really should not be a revelation to us that land without insects could be land without most forms of higher life. (p15) Think how many people still use pesticides, to make a garden or backyard or even the inside of a house “bug free”. But in the long haul, down the road, this may really mean harming or destroying life on earth.
Two poignant stories the author cited brought back similar childhood experiences. In his first example (chapter 3), he mentioned how a pond next door to his home was bulldozed to make way for the yard of new neighbors, a yard he later was paid to mow. He had enjoyed watching the pond’s pollywogs swim, grow legs and eventually hop about as toads. This brought back a similar happy feeling of an area on Coin Street where we 1950’s children played. The creek curved through the empty acre lot; there were clearings enclosed by trees, secret places almost, with pollywogs, snakes, and frogs galore. I caught some pollywogs and tried to keep them alive long enough to become frogs, and I was not the only kid to try that. We neighborhood kids played there often for a few summers until it too became the spot for a new home. His second example was remembering night driving and all the insects in the headlights, splattering on the car’s windshield and lights. He remarked that that doesn’t happen much now and he’s right. I remember numerous trips where the windshield was plastered with “bug guts”. Where have all those insects gone? Bulldozing land is an obvious visual event that says pond or creek good-by, but the night insects just kind of slowly went out of my memory. Tallamy’s answer is that insect disappearance is a direct consequence of alien species which contribute nothing to the native plants, insects, and animals and in fact cause their decline.
In our quest for more plants, more diversity, we may need a wake up call to realize that diversity has caused the ecosystem to collapse. After a discussion of the paperbark tea tree in the Florida Everglades and the problems it has engendered (by displacing native grasses, it has affected native birds, insects, alligators, butterflies, egrets, hummingbirds, etc), the author stresses “how important it is to keep aliens that do not function within ecosystems from displacing the plants and animals that do have critical roles in their ecosystems”. (p45) The idea that there are 50,000 alien species of plants and animals in North America is amazing; what changes their existence has caused is scary.
Chapter 5, “Why Can’t Insects East Alien Plants”, talks about the popularity of pest free ornamentals and the unfortunate experience of many of them “escaping” and becoming invasives like kudzu, English ivy, purple loosestrife, etc. It takes a long time “for insects to adapt to the specific chemical mix that characterizes different plants”. (p50) Most insects are specialists; about 90% eat only vegetation to which they have an evolutionary link. Change, adapting takes time. Chapter 6 covers what is native versus what is not and the next chapter summarizes the costs of using alien ornamentals. The appearance of several diseases like the chestnut blight in 1876 and the impact of the loss of American chestnut trees on the deciduous forest are discussed. Alien plants bring alien insects like the Japanese beetle, the viburnum leaf beetle, etc.
Starting with Chapter 8, the author gives suggestions for creating balanced communities in your garden, backyard, neighborhood, and city. Gardening for insect diversity can keep pesticide usage down as it improves the resource base for wildlife. We can help bring back those missing toads, nights with “in the headlight insects”, the beautiful and plentiful fireflies of childhood and perhaps help restore flora and fauna in the backyard, in the parks, in the cities.
(Appendix One, a list of “Native Plants with Wildlife Value and Desirable Landscaping Attributes by Region” is a good source of plants to re introduce to specific areas in our country, and Appendix two suggests “Host Plants of Butterflies and Showy Moths”.)
Monday, June 14, 2010
sites to visit -- saw it in magazine and it's kind of fun. design rooms in 3d, make dreams or decorating nightmares come true
health info storage spots: and (saw in family circle)
health info storage spots: and (saw in family circle)
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Idiots in government
start at the bottom to see what the order of events really is:
Subject: RE: community fund scholarships
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2010 19:14:28 +0000
Wow Rep Scott. Thanks for the quick response.
However, if you check your own site's map of your district you may notice that there is a section that IS in your district even if students go to Davison. You were on our ballot and we receive all your mailings to our home. I used the Health Care greenish blue card when I emailed you Sunday. Why waste taxpayer money on us if you don't cover our area? You might want to verify what areas you are representing.
> Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2010 10:55:16 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: community fund scholarships
> Donna -
> While I wish it was, Davison is not part of my district. I have Goodrich, Grand Blanc, Mundy, Fenton and Linden.
> Jim Slezak is the representative from Davison.
> Paul
> >>> Donna Hart 06/12/10 10:26 AM >>>
> After reading in the Davison Index about the community fund scholarships, I am wondering why scholarships were given to the 5 listed schools but not to Davison. Since part of your district includes students from Davison Schools, was this omission accidental or did the rep with more coverage of Davison offer a similar scholarship?
© 2010 Microsoft Privacy Terms of use Account Feedback
start at the bottom to see what the order of events really is:
Subject: RE: community fund scholarships
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2010 19:14:28 +0000
Wow Rep Scott. Thanks for the quick response.
However, if you check your own site's map of your district you may notice that there is a section that IS in your district even if students go to Davison. You were on our ballot and we receive all your mailings to our home. I used the Health Care greenish blue card when I emailed you Sunday. Why waste taxpayer money on us if you don't cover our area? You might want to verify what areas you are representing.
> Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2010 10:55:16 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: community fund scholarships
> Donna -
> While I wish it was, Davison is not part of my district. I have Goodrich, Grand Blanc, Mundy, Fenton and Linden.
> Jim Slezak is the representative from Davison.
> Paul
> >>> Donna Hart
> After reading in the Davison Index about the community fund scholarships, I am wondering why scholarships were given to the 5 listed schools but not to Davison. Since part of your district includes students from Davison Schools, was this omission accidental or did the rep with more coverage of Davison offer a similar scholarship?
© 2010 Microsoft Privacy Terms of use Account Feedback
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Regrets to Pink Floyd-- America today
We don’t need no habeas corpus
We all need some thought control
No free thought in the daylight
Congress leave them banks alone
Hey! Government! Hit the road!
We don’t need no health insurance
Global warming is a lie
No Hispanics in Arizona
All illegals go back home
We ain’t our brother’s keeper
Hey, leave us whites alone. (substitute for whites = corporates, bankers, military,
We don’t have to even worry
Evolution is so wrong
Texas will teach all the children
To be new bricks in the wall
Hey, Sit here by this mad hatter
You just need some tea to drink
Soon you’ll say no to everything
And will never have to think
We don’t want to be too different
We don’t want to stand alone
One man can not make a difference
Hey! Just leave us all alone.
We are jealous: we are angry
And we’re going to make you pay
We will ask and y’ betcha tell
We've got lots of facts to sell.
Lies, innuendo, left-right shifts
What you mean it's not the truth?
Can't separate fact from fiction?
Turn right here to your abyss.
Dear white Jesus in the heavens
Leave the white man in control
Red or black or brown or yellow
Please tell them where they belong.
We don’t want to save the planet
We don’t want to stop pollution
We don’t want to feed the hungry
We’re done paying for police patrols
We don’t want no gun control
We don’t need higher taxes
We don’t need road repair
We don’t need sanitation
We don't need no ambulance service
We can do without the mail
Got any ideas of your own? Add them. For sure there must be something about the little oil problem and BP
We all need some thought control
No free thought in the daylight
Congress leave them banks alone
Hey! Government! Hit the road!
We don’t need no health insurance
Global warming is a lie
No Hispanics in Arizona
All illegals go back home
We ain’t our brother’s keeper
Hey, leave us whites alone. (substitute for whites = corporates, bankers, military,
We don’t have to even worry
Evolution is so wrong
Texas will teach all the children
To be new bricks in the wall
Hey, Sit here by this mad hatter
You just need some tea to drink
Soon you’ll say no to everything
And will never have to think
We don’t want to be too different
We don’t want to stand alone
One man can not make a difference
Hey! Just leave us all alone.
We are jealous: we are angry
And we’re going to make you pay
We will ask and y’ betcha tell
We've got lots of facts to sell.
Lies, innuendo, left-right shifts
What you mean it's not the truth?
Can't separate fact from fiction?
Turn right here to your abyss.
Dear white Jesus in the heavens
Leave the white man in control
Red or black or brown or yellow
Please tell them where they belong.
We don’t want to save the planet
We don’t want to stop pollution
We don’t want to feed the hungry
We’re done paying for police patrols
We don’t want no gun control
We don’t need higher taxes
We don’t need road repair
We don’t need sanitation
We don't need no ambulance service
We can do without the mail
Got any ideas of your own? Add them. For sure there must be something about the little oil problem and BP
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Atlas Township Meeting
May 16th meeting:
Two major topics: 1. presentation by MTA about the services offered and 2. voting vs the board extending the special assessment they had been levying for police service.
The MTA presenters discussed their funding, rates for riders, countywide services plus connections (regional services) to other county centers. Price is $2.50 each way I believe or $1.50 reduced rate for qualifying riders. Who uses the services was discussed, as was funding (renewal millage, federal funds, senior care millage for county, etc.) MTA employs about 500 people and has 342 vehicles.
I believe the presenters went wrong when they asked for township support for the upcoming millage renewal. The first board member's comments can be summarized as "Your Ride encourages urban sprall, we have too many services, too many cab companies put out of business because of MTA".
The next board member had a list of millage/taxes he must pay already and said the MTA service -- THESE ARE HIS EXACT WORDS -- is "enabling people to stay where they shouldn't be".
WOW--basically the service is too cheap, competition is nonexistant because the price is low, people who use it shouldn't (There was a discussion of why a doctor probably shouldn't use the service since he has money--yes really that was discussed.) And here I thought the price was good for those who don't have a lot of money; for people who don't have transportation for a day, week, longer; for those who might need a way to appointments or a job; for those who have to get someone somewhere and doing it alone is too hard; for those who work and can't take a family member to work or to the doctor; for anyone who wants to use it since he/she pays taxes to fund it, for those. . . .you fill it in.
OR were the ideas expressed by 2 white males who have never experienced unemployment, taking care of a family member, foreclosure, underemployment, car break downs, lack of money,medical problems, etc. Simple immaturity? Simple racism? Simply a lack of empathy?
OR were the 2 simply implying that those city folk need to stay where they are, and that we white folk have the intelligence and ability to take care of ourselves way out in the suburbs?
Now for the special assessment for police patrols:
The supervisor suggested a millage request for covering the shortfall of $
for police coverage in Atlas Township. Three other board members were against
that because #1 it is getting close to the ballot submission deadline #2 if only
20% of the voters usually vote between presidental elections and 80% usually
vote during presidental, it would be better to have a larger number of people
expressing their opinion (male board member) and #3 (another male member) bad
idea to have that millage request in an off year election. (This I believe
means he would guess that it would be voted down.)
WELL JUST KNOW that the special assessment was basically a board decision to
impose the millage WITHOUT A VOTE anyway. Sure, a special meeting had to be
called when it was first imposed but IT WAS NOT VOTED ON BY THE PUBLIC. How can
a chance, A RIGHT, to vote be worse than only 20% showing up at the polls in
November and voting yes or no?
A decision to have a special June meeting was made--if anyone shows up to voice
an opinion for or against the need for the millage, the board can decide for
a ballot issue or another unilateral decision to tax the public without a public
vote. (Check out state government law which allows boards to do this -- I'll
do it for you even. Something to look forward to.)
Two major topics: 1. presentation by MTA about the services offered and 2. voting vs the board extending the special assessment they had been levying for police service.
The MTA presenters discussed their funding, rates for riders, countywide services plus connections (regional services) to other county centers. Price is $2.50 each way I believe or $1.50 reduced rate for qualifying riders. Who uses the services was discussed, as was funding (renewal millage, federal funds, senior care millage for county, etc.) MTA employs about 500 people and has 342 vehicles.
I believe the presenters went wrong when they asked for township support for the upcoming millage renewal. The first board member's comments can be summarized as "Your Ride encourages urban sprall, we have too many services, too many cab companies put out of business because of MTA".
The next board member had a list of millage/taxes he must pay already and said the MTA service -- THESE ARE HIS EXACT WORDS -- is "enabling people to stay where they shouldn't be".
WOW--basically the service is too cheap, competition is nonexistant because the price is low, people who use it shouldn't (There was a discussion of why a doctor probably shouldn't use the service since he has money--yes really that was discussed.) And here I thought the price was good for those who don't have a lot of money; for people who don't have transportation for a day, week, longer; for those who might need a way to appointments or a job; for those who have to get someone somewhere and doing it alone is too hard; for those who work and can't take a family member to work or to the doctor; for anyone who wants to use it since he/she pays taxes to fund it, for those. . . .you fill it in.
OR were the ideas expressed by 2 white males who have never experienced unemployment, taking care of a family member, foreclosure, underemployment, car break downs, lack of money,medical problems, etc. Simple immaturity? Simple racism? Simply a lack of empathy?
OR were the 2 simply implying that those city folk need to stay where they are, and that we white folk have the intelligence and ability to take care of ourselves way out in the suburbs?
Now for the special assessment for police patrols:
The supervisor suggested a millage request for covering the shortfall of $
for police coverage in Atlas Township. Three other board members were against
that because #1 it is getting close to the ballot submission deadline #2 if only
20% of the voters usually vote between presidental elections and 80% usually
vote during presidental, it would be better to have a larger number of people
expressing their opinion (male board member) and #3 (another male member) bad
idea to have that millage request in an off year election. (This I believe
means he would guess that it would be voted down.)
WELL JUST KNOW that the special assessment was basically a board decision to
impose the millage WITHOUT A VOTE anyway. Sure, a special meeting had to be
called when it was first imposed but IT WAS NOT VOTED ON BY THE PUBLIC. How can
a chance, A RIGHT, to vote be worse than only 20% showing up at the polls in
November and voting yes or no?
A decision to have a special June meeting was made--if anyone shows up to voice
an opinion for or against the need for the millage, the board can decide for
a ballot issue or another unilateral decision to tax the public without a public
vote. (Check out state government law which allows boards to do this -- I'll
do it for you even. Something to look forward to.)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
FIx It sites/bartering site for helpful ideas on contracting work
It's Easy Being Green: A Handbook for Earth-Friendly Living by Crissy Trask
(from natural awakenings magazine) site for helpful ideas on contracting work
It's Easy Being Green: A Handbook for Earth-Friendly Living by Crissy Trask
(from natural awakenings magazine)
end of april
wouldn't you think that a master gardener program with over 200 projects would have enough project chairs to write articles for the monthly newsletter? even with reminders to those who said they'd write something, i think there have been 5 or 6. time for a rethinking of having projects highlighted each month and time for a new newsletter chair -- me -- who is tired of filling in when there is a no show. hence no march 2010 submission and probably no october or december. last year one person did at least 7 months; active members? over 300. something wrong here; mea culpa? get someone who cares.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
ending march
2 sites for environmental issues: this one has coverage of areas like bristol
bay, the inside passage, killing of wolves,
lumbering, etc
great quotations if you are of that ilk (like the poem cows are like the bovine ilk, one end is moo, the other milk)
The Endangered Species Act puts 'rats and shellfish' before people--Ponbo, CA
I'm still trying to find the first American to talk to who's in favor of the public option--Boehner OH
(on global warming) When it's hot, we get in the shade--Barton TX
I favor the death penalty for abortionists and other people who take life--Coburn OK
Do some research on Koch Industries for insights into who is running the country. this one has coverage of areas like bristol
bay, the inside passage, killing of wolves,
lumbering, etc
great quotations if you are of that ilk (like the poem cows are like the bovine ilk, one end is moo, the other milk)
The Endangered Species Act puts 'rats and shellfish' before people--Ponbo, CA
I'm still trying to find the first American to talk to who's in favor of the public option--Boehner OH
(on global warming) When it's hot, we get in the shade--Barton TX
I favor the death penalty for abortionists and other people who take life--Coburn OK
Do some research on Koch Industries for insights into who is running the country.
Monday, March 22, 2010
hard to believe
from the um alumnus magazine winter 2010:
very interesting article about prof juan cole--follow his blog, informed comment
it's safe to reuse pacemakers! wow, think i'd want a new one but. . .actually i think i heard they were "remanufactured" and reused. wonder if dad's is in someone else? the article says pacemakers are donated to underserved nations, 12 of them in the philippines in poeple who could not afford advanced cardiac care and were confined in bed as they waited for a permanent pacemaker. economic issue? race/poverty issue?
another experiment with colon cancer/colostomy patients. some patients were told the colostomy was non reversible, others that it was. researchers found "that holding on to hope may not make patients happier as they deal with chronic illness or diseases". the non reversible group supposedly "reported being happier over the next 6 months than those with reversible colostomies". ah to lie for science. maybe the not so happy group was already depressed before surgery. there's something not quite moral here. having been around someone with a colostomy and then ileostomy (sp?) i can't say i think this experiment is ethical.
very interesting article about prof juan cole--follow his blog, informed comment
it's safe to reuse pacemakers! wow, think i'd want a new one but. . .actually i think i heard they were "remanufactured" and reused. wonder if dad's is in someone else? the article says pacemakers are donated to underserved nations, 12 of them in the philippines in poeple who could not afford advanced cardiac care and were confined in bed as they waited for a permanent pacemaker. economic issue? race/poverty issue?
another experiment with colon cancer/colostomy patients. some patients were told the colostomy was non reversible, others that it was. researchers found "that holding on to hope may not make patients happier as they deal with chronic illness or diseases". the non reversible group supposedly "reported being happier over the next 6 months than those with reversible colostomies". ah to lie for science. maybe the not so happy group was already depressed before surgery. there's something not quite moral here. having been around someone with a colostomy and then ileostomy (sp?) i can't say i think this experiment is ethical.
positives from health care reform
1. Once reform is fully implemented, over 95% of Americans will have health insurance coverage, including 32 million who are currently uninsured.
2. Health insurance companies will no longer be allowed to deny people coverage because of preexisting conditions—or to drop coverage when people become sick.
3. Just like members of Congress, individuals and small businesses who can't afford to purchase insurance on their own will be able to pool together and choose from a variety of competing plans with lower premiums.
4. Reform will cut the federal budget deficit by $138 billion over the next ten years, and a whopping $1.2 trillion in the following ten years.
5. Health care will be more affordable for families and small businesses thanks to new tax credits, subsidies, and other assistance—paid for largely by taxing insurance companies, drug companies, and the very wealthiest Americans.
6. Seniors on Medicare will pay less for their prescription drugs because the legislation closes the "donut hole" gap in existing coverage.
7. By reducing health care costs for employers, reform will create or save more than 2.5 million jobs over the next decade.
8. Medicaid will be expanded to offer health insurance coverage to an additional 16 million low-income people.
9. Instead of losing coverage after they leave home or graduate from college, young adults will be able to remain on their families' insurance plans until age 26.
10. Community health centers would receive an additional $11 billion, doubling the number of patients who can be treated regardless of their insurance or ability to pay.
To share this list with your friends using Facebook or Twitter, visit:
1. Final vote results on motion to concur in Senate amendments to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, March 21, 2010
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11. "Affordable Health Care for America: Summary," House Energy and Commerce Committee, March 18, 2010
4. "Insurance Companies Prosper, Families Suffer: Our Broken Health Insurance System," U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Accessed March 22, 2010
5. "Affordable Health Care for America: Health Insurance Reform at a Glance: Revenue Provisions," House Energy and Commerce Committee, March 18, 2010
8. "New Jobs Through Better Health Care," Center for American Progress, January 8, 2010
9, 10. "Proposed Changes in the Final Health Care Bill," The New York Times, March 22, 2010
11. "Affordable Health Care for America: Health Insurance Reform at a Glance: Addressing Health and Health Care Disparities," House Energy and Commerce Committee, March 20, 2010
1. Once reform is fully implemented, over 95% of Americans will have health insurance coverage, including 32 million who are currently uninsured.
2. Health insurance companies will no longer be allowed to deny people coverage because of preexisting conditions—or to drop coverage when people become sick.
3. Just like members of Congress, individuals and small businesses who can't afford to purchase insurance on their own will be able to pool together and choose from a variety of competing plans with lower premiums.
4. Reform will cut the federal budget deficit by $138 billion over the next ten years, and a whopping $1.2 trillion in the following ten years.
5. Health care will be more affordable for families and small businesses thanks to new tax credits, subsidies, and other assistance—paid for largely by taxing insurance companies, drug companies, and the very wealthiest Americans.
6. Seniors on Medicare will pay less for their prescription drugs because the legislation closes the "donut hole" gap in existing coverage.
7. By reducing health care costs for employers, reform will create or save more than 2.5 million jobs over the next decade.
8. Medicaid will be expanded to offer health insurance coverage to an additional 16 million low-income people.
9. Instead of losing coverage after they leave home or graduate from college, young adults will be able to remain on their families' insurance plans until age 26.
10. Community health centers would receive an additional $11 billion, doubling the number of patients who can be treated regardless of their insurance or ability to pay.
To share this list with your friends using Facebook or Twitter, visit:
1. Final vote results on motion to concur in Senate amendments to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, March 21, 2010
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11. "Affordable Health Care for America: Summary," House Energy and Commerce Committee, March 18, 2010
4. "Insurance Companies Prosper, Families Suffer: Our Broken Health Insurance System," U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Accessed March 22, 2010
5. "Affordable Health Care for America: Health Insurance Reform at a Glance: Revenue Provisions," House Energy and Commerce Committee, March 18, 2010
8. "New Jobs Through Better Health Care," Center for American Progress, January 8, 2010
9, 10. "Proposed Changes in the Final Health Care Bill," The New York Times, March 22, 2010
11. "Affordable Health Care for America: Health Insurance Reform at a Glance: Addressing Health and Health Care Disparities," House Energy and Commerce Committee, March 20, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
this week--saving $ and the earth
from family circle--compact fluorescent bulbs contain mercury and shouldn't be just tossed, try recycling at places like home depot
saving the planet--see,,
codes for coupons/,,,,,,,,,
saving the planet--see,,
codes for coupons/,,,,,,,,,
Thursday, March 11, 2010
March absurdities
sites to visit: the path from children's poverty and neglect to prison
http://www.neaorg/home/37878.htm video of people experiencing Social
Security offsets
for testing absurdity see p 56 in neatoday for short summary of 10 day suspensions in seattle. students with cognitive ages of 6 months to 2 years had to take the test for grades 3-5
Doesn't it seem normal that only alaska and texas weren't in agreement with the governors' plan to have a nation wide set of standards? No Child Left Behind came from a Texas buddy of Bush; would that company loose $?
Back to Michigan: If you support cutting taxes and services, why complain when the state makes cuts to your program? Cuts are only for someone else? RIGHT
The Feb 28 2010 Michigan Farm News has several interesting articles. Go
duh. You support the side that wants cuts, deal with it and quit
bitching. Elect some more to the right so we can cut more of ag's
programs, and keep cutting.
Apathy for the environment: see p 12 So what if "the Michigan Agri-
culture Environmental Assurance Program will be eliminated in 2011 under
Granholm's budget proposal." The ag community is against many controls
like pesticide use controls so obviously why is any assurance program
needed? CUT IT. Wasn't man given authority over the earth? As long as
I'm not harmed too much, go for taking and destroying -- for profit.
the EPA proposed rules to "do not apply this product in a way that will
contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift" is
obviously too harsh. We don't need no rules like this; people will
get out of the way won't they, if they want to, if they smell something,
if the cloud descends on them, etc. No smell; don't worry. Can't see it
or smell it? IT DOESN'T EXIST.
The article urges continuing the Federal Insecticide Fungicide and
Rodentcide Act of "no unreasonable adverse effects". Do you wonder
who decides?
From the March 8 2010 NEW YORK TIMES, check p. 1, 14-15 article In Deal on Everglades, A Dream is Deferred. Check out who was not included in negotiations, who gave $ to then gov. Bush, what contaminants are in land purchased, etc.
State mantra? We don't need no Everglades.
Also read editorial page especially The Escalating Price of Politics p.18.
"Senator Brown, the Republican newly arrived from MA, promised to study. . ." (a bill by Durbin) "There's a way that we can work to get big money and corporations out of politics, and obviously, adhere to the Constitution as well, said Brown". LET'S NOT forget the 14 MILLION his campaign got in donations! the path from children's poverty and neglect to prison
http://www.neaorg/home/37878.htm video of people experiencing Social
Security offsets
for testing absurdity see p 56 in neatoday for short summary of 10 day suspensions in seattle. students with cognitive ages of 6 months to 2 years had to take the test for grades 3-5
Doesn't it seem normal that only alaska and texas weren't in agreement with the governors' plan to have a nation wide set of standards? No Child Left Behind came from a Texas buddy of Bush; would that company loose $?
Back to Michigan: If you support cutting taxes and services, why complain when the state makes cuts to your program? Cuts are only for someone else? RIGHT
The Feb 28 2010 Michigan Farm News has several interesting articles. Go
duh. You support the side that wants cuts, deal with it and quit
bitching. Elect some more to the right so we can cut more of ag's
programs, and keep cutting.
Apathy for the environment: see p 12 So what if "the Michigan Agri-
culture Environmental Assurance Program will be eliminated in 2011 under
Granholm's budget proposal." The ag community is against many controls
like pesticide use controls so obviously why is any assurance program
needed? CUT IT. Wasn't man given authority over the earth? As long as
I'm not harmed too much, go for taking and destroying -- for profit.
the EPA proposed rules to "do not apply this product in a way that will
contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift" is
obviously too harsh. We don't need no rules like this; people will
get out of the way won't they, if they want to, if they smell something,
if the cloud descends on them, etc. No smell; don't worry. Can't see it
or smell it? IT DOESN'T EXIST.
The article urges continuing the Federal Insecticide Fungicide and
Rodentcide Act of "no unreasonable adverse effects". Do you wonder
who decides?
From the March 8 2010 NEW YORK TIMES, check p. 1, 14-15 article In Deal on Everglades, A Dream is Deferred. Check out who was not included in negotiations, who gave $ to then gov. Bush, what contaminants are in land purchased, etc.
State mantra? We don't need no Everglades.
Also read editorial page especially The Escalating Price of Politics p.18.
"Senator Brown, the Republican newly arrived from MA, promised to study. . ." (a bill by Durbin) "There's a way that we can work to get big money and corporations out of politics, and obviously, adhere to the Constitution as well, said Brown". LET'S NOT forget the 14 MILLION his campaign got in donations!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
that makes sense
voting instructions for a proxy vote for Columbia Funds variable insurance from Riversource (Ameriprise) had some interesting proposals, but first let me say that i did find in the large booklet explaining why a yes vote for all items was needed that this Columbia fund is owned by Bank of America. that explains a lot.
one proposal "to submit instructions to approve the proposed policy authorizing. . .to enter into and materially amend . . .agreements in the future with the approval of the board of trustees, but WITHOUT OBTAINING ADDITIONAL SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL" is questionable. doesn't this mean they can do whatever they want without any shareholder input? will they always be working in the shareholders' interest? not holding my breath.
also how about to approve election of nominees to the board each one to hold office for an indefinite term? until they die? until they exploit as much as they can? until they take all?
Let the average, "working man" beware. Companies do NOT care an iota about anyone--only how to exploit and use each one of us.
one proposal "to submit instructions to approve the proposed policy authorizing. . .to enter into and materially amend . . .agreements in the future with the approval of the board of trustees, but WITHOUT OBTAINING ADDITIONAL SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL" is questionable. doesn't this mean they can do whatever they want without any shareholder input? will they always be working in the shareholders' interest? not holding my breath.
also how about to approve election of nominees to the board each one to hold office for an indefinite term? until they die? until they exploit as much as they can? until they take all?
Let the average, "working man" beware. Companies do NOT care an iota about anyone--only how to exploit and use each one of us.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
quotations for march
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it. Henry David Thoreau
We will be know forever by the tracks we leave. Native American proverb
You lie.
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. Gandhi
We will be know forever by the tracks we leave. Native American proverb
You lie.
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. Gandhi
sites to visit about genetically engineered crops and pesticides plus other info mother nature network -- lots of things to consider, info about issues in all states like the Asian carp issue in the great lakes area, top 10 environmental documentaries of 2009, environment, business, food safety, etc mother nature network -- lots of things to consider, info about issues in all states like the Asian carp issue in the great lakes area, top 10 environmental documentaries of 2009, environment, business, food safety, etc
aggravations of recent days
Friday Feb 26 = Haven't been to walgreen's since a greeting card incident but in a weak moment went. there is a sale section which sometimes has interesting even now and then useful things so i got a supplement marked 4$. when I was told that my 2 bags, mostly easter candy came to 66$ or so i said that can't be right. so, after the salesperson checked, why yes the 40$ she put on 2x, took off 1x, was still there. 36$ saved there and then. several times at walgreen's it wasn't until getting home that i discovered wrong prices (excuse--the manager doesn't usually ring things up so he might make mistakes), no dog food treats because the manager was ringing and he set the bag on the floor (great place for it--maybe a counter would be better), etc
Sat Feb 27 = joann's where 2 items in the sale/damaged area went through at regular prices even though the sale price was right below, right tight below, the regular price. when the total was 62$ for my 1 bag and i was supposed to hit correct or incorrect i said i don't think it's correct. so looking at the screen the salesperson says why yes the 40$ item is really 9.50; i asked about another item and why yes that was also done incorrectly. saved about 32$. bet the line behind me either was angry or careful for their turn
Also Sat when i got to dad's house that is for sale i noticed the breezeway door was open, one i always try to remember to push close when i leave and i knew i had closed it that am. inside, the door to the house AGAIN OPEN--the THIRD time a realtor has shown the home and left the door open so i can heat the basement, breezeway, and garage i guess. Also bedroom light left on and blinds opened to the north. Being a slow study as they say, this time i took pictures to post, called the realtor again and suggested i be notified when someone came. am i to feel blessed that the home is being shown? should be. am i to feel pissed that people are incompetent? you bet. final irony? the 2nd time the place was left open, mike came and posted a sign on the door that again was left open to please lock and close it. maybe the realtors can't read or were never taught to put things back the way they were found. lazy ahs as i say. photos to follow
Sun while trying to open a bottle of sangria the corkscrew broke off in the cork. so what to use--a knife worked slowly to dig out cork, bottle opener large and small size worked somewhat, but the curved meat pick thing that goes with old fashioned nut cracker sets would go in and dig out cork. moral always have back up corkscrew?
Sat Feb 27 = joann's where 2 items in the sale/damaged area went through at regular prices even though the sale price was right below, right tight below, the regular price. when the total was 62$ for my 1 bag and i was supposed to hit correct or incorrect i said i don't think it's correct. so looking at the screen the salesperson says why yes the 40$ item is really 9.50; i asked about another item and why yes that was also done incorrectly. saved about 32$. bet the line behind me either was angry or careful for their turn
Also Sat when i got to dad's house that is for sale i noticed the breezeway door was open, one i always try to remember to push close when i leave and i knew i had closed it that am. inside, the door to the house AGAIN OPEN--the THIRD time a realtor has shown the home and left the door open so i can heat the basement, breezeway, and garage i guess. Also bedroom light left on and blinds opened to the north. Being a slow study as they say, this time i took pictures to post, called the realtor again and suggested i be notified when someone came. am i to feel blessed that the home is being shown? should be. am i to feel pissed that people are incompetent? you bet. final irony? the 2nd time the place was left open, mike came and posted a sign on the door that again was left open to please lock and close it. maybe the realtors can't read or were never taught to put things back the way they were found. lazy ahs as i say. photos to follow
Sun while trying to open a bottle of sangria the corkscrew broke off in the cork. so what to use--a knife worked slowly to dig out cork, bottle opener large and small size worked somewhat, but the curved meat pick thing that goes with old fashioned nut cracker sets would go in and dig out cork. moral always have back up corkscrew?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
week's rages
michigan bill to make it mandatory for schools to outsource ALL custodians, cooks, and bus drivers. What are they thinking? way to save money or way to hurt any unionized groups? basically a way to decrease take home pay. someone needs to find out who is behind this. certainly NOT a way to increase jobs is it? just like cutting police and firemen in Flint. saves money does it? helps raise unemployment too. by the way can they collect unemployment? let's hope. LEAVE MICHIGAN NOW--Let the republicans and tea party members continue to destroy the state. and be sure everyone knows that if you CUT TAXES you must CUT SERVICES. live and learn.
good reason to get a carrying concealed permit if you want to stay around the area.
shopping at meijers: tried to buy fruit cocktail and ended up checking where the 3 brands were processed. Delmonte in CA--fruit not necessarily US. dole and meijer brand were thailand and the philippines. guess which i bought.
then to bread machine yeast: 2 brands on the shelf for 3 package type i usually get and jar types. none made in the US although Canada and Mexico are close i guess. bought none
good reason to get a carrying concealed permit if you want to stay around the area.
shopping at meijers: tried to buy fruit cocktail and ended up checking where the 3 brands were processed. Delmonte in CA--fruit not necessarily US. dole and meijer brand were thailand and the philippines. guess which i bought.
then to bread machine yeast: 2 brands on the shelf for 3 package type i usually get and jar types. none made in the US although Canada and Mexico are close i guess. bought none
Monday, February 8, 2010
John Wesley
“Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.”
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.”
What can I say? at least 30 minutes to ask 3 questions on a connection that was static filled. maybe to a far and distant country? 3 different people in 3 departments. 2 questions were answered "Your next statement will reflect the discount and new contract price" but the on-line site does not as yet reflect that. holding my breath? nope, am a realist. this will need further investigation. and the fact that the wrong cell phone was pictured for 1 of our 3 phones with wrong data i assume since person 1 and 2 acted surprised and concerned. ignore the fact that 6 months ago all 3 phones were changed and all 3 were the same. undoubtedly a computer error.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
le probleme, c'est que les autorities ne sauront jamais que ces gens sont morts, car elles ne savent meme pas que vous etes vivants. (Dalusna, p. 7 France-Amerique 2-10)
can you figure out your bill? since i pay for an empty, unsold home that does have utilities on (if not then burton can come in and tag it i assume as uninhabitable and then all sorts of other problems exist--again government at its best and not "MY" government since i can pay taxes but a vote in burton? come on)
anyway for 31 days in a home kept at 50 degrees unless i'm there, water barely used nor toilet often flushed (well water, but since the county upped charges for sewers based on supposed water use the price went from about 60 to 90 dollars/quarter)
electric power supply charges = 23.31
power supply recovery = -.17
electric delivery = 2.50
system acces charge = 6.00
electric districution charge = 8.99
regulatory asset recovery = 1.48
energy optimization surcharge = .47
securitization charge = .44
securitization tax charge = .21
palisades plant sale credit 3 = -1.52
TOTAL = 41.71 for 328 KWH
Should you own consumers stock? Think again. We bought $500 worth a few years ago and it's worth $363 now. Dividends go back to buy more. How smart we were to give them money. Stock has NEVER passed the $500. CORPORATIONS RULE! Good for them. I'm sure Consumers Energy is doing fine; are stockholders? What a scheme
OK now for the 10.6 MCF for the gas usage:
gas customer charge = 9.50
distribution charge = 22.07
PEM and OPEB surcharge = .76
gas interim rate increase = 4.52
energy optimization surcharge = 1.83
gas cost recovery charge = 77.62
TOTAL = 116.30 plus tax for all of 6.32
I'm so happy to help consumers make money and happy to support my local corporation. How about you? Time to organize and let business know or time to continue to sit and let it happen to you and everyone else because you are powerless?
anyway for 31 days in a home kept at 50 degrees unless i'm there, water barely used nor toilet often flushed (well water, but since the county upped charges for sewers based on supposed water use the price went from about 60 to 90 dollars/quarter)
electric power supply charges = 23.31
power supply recovery = -.17
electric delivery = 2.50
system acces charge = 6.00
electric districution charge = 8.99
regulatory asset recovery = 1.48
energy optimization surcharge = .47
securitization charge = .44
securitization tax charge = .21
palisades plant sale credit 3 = -1.52
TOTAL = 41.71 for 328 KWH
Should you own consumers stock? Think again. We bought $500 worth a few years ago and it's worth $363 now. Dividends go back to buy more. How smart we were to give them money. Stock has NEVER passed the $500. CORPORATIONS RULE! Good for them. I'm sure Consumers Energy is doing fine; are stockholders? What a scheme
OK now for the 10.6 MCF for the gas usage:
gas customer charge = 9.50
distribution charge = 22.07
PEM and OPEB surcharge = .76
gas interim rate increase = 4.52
energy optimization surcharge = 1.83
gas cost recovery charge = 77.62
TOTAL = 116.30 plus tax for all of 6.32
I'm so happy to help consumers make money and happy to support my local corporation. How about you? Time to organize and let business know or time to continue to sit and let it happen to you and everyone else because you are powerless?
just finished another earlene fowler book, this one steps to the altar. good quotation p. 295 "quien todo lo quiere todo lo pierde" which probably applies often and in many circumstances.
fowler's series, with benni harper, is of course diversion reading but with historical facts used as background. little mystery, little romance, easy reading, but can lead you to investigate events and places.
fowler's series, with benni harper, is of course diversion reading but with historical facts used as background. little mystery, little romance, easy reading, but can lead you to investigate events and places.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Rant of the Week
So Michigan has been in economic distress for quite a while with tax cuts from the Engler administration in effect for 20 some years after he left office. The legislature seems inoperable; just saying NO to all proposals gets nowhere. And cutting has led to no matching funding for federal dollars. 2.1 billion in road $ probably will be lost because of that. Can we get federal $ without matching state money? Not likely. So don't complain about roads. Drive south where good roads are, maybe move south.
We want long prison terms for all the "bad people" and we supposedly want to cut prison spending. But when those who have served minimum terms are let "out on society", there are demands to send them back. Can't have it both ways.
We can cut benefits for state workers; why not across the board? Demand that ALL EMPLOYERS cut wages including their own? Neglect the fact that that in turn decreases money available to spend in the state. Cut health coverage--a recent proposal. Why not eliminate everyone's health coverage. Wonder who would need all the medical offices around the state? In fact, medical spending must bring in a lot if new offices like on Center Rd and Bristol are being put up. Why not use all the empty buildings already existing? Tax breaks?
In a belief that spending $ in state would help our state, I and many others have cut donations to out of state organizations and charities. When called, my first question is often "Will this money be staying in Mi or in Genesee County"? That is a primary concern. Since investments tanked, many are being more careful of spending. Great idea. Get rid of those credit card balances, save, spend wisely, etc.
So now i'm left with a dilemma. What more to cut? Since pensions but not benefits like health coverage are supposedly guaranteed (unless you are a corporation or the government--I see another rant coming) I'll need to cut more. So do I cut all donations? Food bank has been a priority with me but. . .Do I quit spending in state since "the state cuts my benefits"? If I could move to another state, my pension would follow, and the state would have even less $ here. Might serve them right. Or would they enact a law saying pensions will only be reserved for in state residents? Isn't that a great idea?
We want long prison terms for all the "bad people" and we supposedly want to cut prison spending. But when those who have served minimum terms are let "out on society", there are demands to send them back. Can't have it both ways.
We can cut benefits for state workers; why not across the board? Demand that ALL EMPLOYERS cut wages including their own? Neglect the fact that that in turn decreases money available to spend in the state. Cut health coverage--a recent proposal. Why not eliminate everyone's health coverage. Wonder who would need all the medical offices around the state? In fact, medical spending must bring in a lot if new offices like on Center Rd and Bristol are being put up. Why not use all the empty buildings already existing? Tax breaks?
In a belief that spending $ in state would help our state, I and many others have cut donations to out of state organizations and charities. When called, my first question is often "Will this money be staying in Mi or in Genesee County"? That is a primary concern. Since investments tanked, many are being more careful of spending. Great idea. Get rid of those credit card balances, save, spend wisely, etc.
So now i'm left with a dilemma. What more to cut? Since pensions but not benefits like health coverage are supposedly guaranteed (unless you are a corporation or the government--I see another rant coming) I'll need to cut more. So do I cut all donations? Food bank has been a priority with me but. . .Do I quit spending in state since "the state cuts my benefits"? If I could move to another state, my pension would follow, and the state would have even less $ here. Might serve them right. Or would they enact a law saying pensions will only be reserved for in state residents? Isn't that a great idea?
Quotations for February 2010
from the March Woman's Day magazine
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. (Beverly Sills)
The trouble with talking nicely is that, unfortunately, some people don't hear you until you scream. (Stephanie Powers)
He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. (Muhammad Ali)
A good home must be made, not bought. Joyce Maynard
Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosaic of them all. Stanley Horowitz
Art is not what you see, but what you make others see. Edgar Degas
Delicious Autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. George Eliot
Painters are inspired by the distinctive subtropical glow in Naples, a sun-fueled fluorescent dawn that becomes lemony by midmorning and pearly in the afternoon. The sunsets? Pure purple. (?)
You will find poetry nowhere unless you bring it with you. Joseph Joubert
With a few flowers in my garden, half a dozen pictures and some books, I live without envy. Lope de Vega
White is not a mere absence of color; it is a shining affirmative thing, as fierce as red, as definite as black. God paints in many colors; but He never paints so gorgeously as when He paints in white. Gilbert K. Chesterton
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. (Beverly Sills)
The trouble with talking nicely is that, unfortunately, some people don't hear you until you scream. (Stephanie Powers)
He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. (Muhammad Ali)
A good home must be made, not bought. Joyce Maynard
Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosaic of them all. Stanley Horowitz
Art is not what you see, but what you make others see. Edgar Degas
Delicious Autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. George Eliot
Painters are inspired by the distinctive subtropical glow in Naples, a sun-fueled fluorescent dawn that becomes lemony by midmorning and pearly in the afternoon. The sunsets? Pure purple. (?)
You will find poetry nowhere unless you bring it with you. Joseph Joubert
With a few flowers in my garden, half a dozen pictures and some books, I live without envy. Lope de Vega
White is not a mere absence of color; it is a shining affirmative thing, as fierce as red, as definite as black. God paints in many colors; but He never paints so gorgeously as when He paints in white. Gilbert K. Chesterton
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Burton City Hall
another visit to pay a sewer bill for a basically empty home ($30/month)and another chance to see public service. after paying a bill, an older lady asked if the window clerk knew about energy credits. answer "I don't know anything about that". wouldn't you assume the answer might have gone on with "but i'll see if....or "why don't you try the mayor's office". . .or "a rep from Senator Cherry is downstairs. he might help". i should have suggested something to the woman myself but that's hindsight. i did go to the rep and describe what i had seen and heard and he did have some possibilities. i recounted this tale at the city counsel meeting the same day, Feb 1, 2010. what a lost PR opportunity. figures.
here's my experience from 2008 Burton City Hall -- 4-16-08 -- which i did present at a city council meeting
The saga begins with an overdue sewer bill for my deceased dad’s house, received 4-15-08. Post marked April 10 to a --- Rd address, forwarded to the correct address April 13. If the overdue bill of $53.79 was not paid by May 15, a lien would be placed on the residence. No bill came to the --- Rd address and none to my address. (In January I had mail forwarded to me through the post office and on January 19 had written a letter to Burton requesting an address change for --- Rd mail to go to me.) I called that day and right away was not impressed with the phone menu once I got to press for sewer department. 1 for billing 2 for service. Since I didn’t hear #1 I waited assuming it would be repeated. No, just “good-by” so I had to dial in again and start over. Indeed the bill was 59.17 since a 10% overdue charge was also due, and it was suggested that probably the mail was at fault.
I stopped by the post office on April 16 to ascertain that the mail was being forwarded since I knew Burton would be blaming the mail. There I talked to the desk person and another who took a note. No supervisor was working that day. Note that the lien threat letter had been sent to the --- Rd address and correctly forwarded by the post office. The city had not used the January 19 information, although the clerk at the bill paying area checked her computer and said the computer listed the forwarding address.
At the office, I visited the Assessor’s Office to verify 2 things, 1 being the correct address.
On to the receptionist who I asked about mail and who received it first and asked if information was shared among offices. Her answer was that it probably went to the
payment area.
At the payment center, I asked about the missing bill and if the billing address was correct. A computer check supposedly verified that but the overdue had NOT been sent to the correct address. I asked if the house were torn down, would I still have to pay sewer and was told no as long as I showed demolition documentation. “All bills are the responsibility of the estate” whether or not a bill was received. I asked about where to find the ordinances or policies that specified a lien on property for a dead man for a bill due in February. I was told the clerk’s department was the place to be. The bill was paid at 9:54am to cashier 004.
At the clerk’s, I went through the above and asked about the phone set up. They were not sure who set up the user unfriendly system and suggested I visit the mayor’s office. They did try to find the ordinance and came up with what appeared to be correct and made a copy. Very nicely done, very politely done. I was asked if I talked to a supervisor in the sewer/bill area which I had not so that became another stop later.
In the mayor’s office when asked if I could be helped, I stated I had a question – the phone – and a problem – the overdue/lien letter. The person there, female, perhaps the one who goes with the executive assistant card I picked up from the front left counter, was far from friendly or helpful. The phone was not her problem -- probably the sewer department knew -- and my concerns about the sewer department, the overdue/you’re going to have a lien on your property question was answered with a tirade I could scarcely keep up with, but I tried to write it down as fast as it was said. I got half or less but these are direct quotations:
“I don’t know about anything. I’m not in that department. I was not trained in that department”
. . . . I wish this outburst had been recorded. It was explained to me that we, whoever we is, gave leeway once to late bills since times are bad but not again. And as I left, she held her hands up like a balance and said that of all the people coming in to complain that they never got a bill, about half were telling the truth; half were not. Time for my exit.
Back at the bill paying area, I asked for a supervisor from a different clerk. Down to the left I spoke with someone who was busy working and really didn’t want to be bothered. She asked if the billing address was correct. I said the clerk had checked it and I guess it was. She couldn’t look since she had no computer there. About mail not getting to me: She often gets the wrong mail at her address and. . . . . I guess that meant too bad if it was delivered incorrectly. I asked her about the regulations for liens and was sent back to the clerk’s office. (“They have it over there”.) Back there, where there was another search and after one employee made a trip down to find out the ordnance #, I got a copy of ordinance 54. The phone issue? She didn’t know who set up phones. I could try the receptionist. Each of the 3 people there could not hold eye contact nor had any facial animation. Perhaps that is a supposed to be a positive interaction tactic.
Back to the receptionist and she said the IT person sets up the phones and she gave me a name.
Back to Clerk where the correct ordinance was found.
In summary:
1. City hall personnel should be helpful.
2. The phone message needs fixing.
3. The first overdue notice on any bill should be POLITE.
4. Perhaps if a surveillance system isn’t present, get one to see and
hear what’s going on.
5. Someone needs to do employee/client civility training in the bill
paying area and the mayor’s office.
6. If I still lived in Burton, I would be ashamed of the behavior of people in several of these offices.
7. I did not believe the penalty fee would be waived when I started
this circus, but the phone issue I thought needed to be addressed.
I now know what PR the city hall promotes.
8. The city is a business and one of its primary mandates should be to
serve “customers” politely.
9. The clerk’s department did express regrets for the death of the owner,
here's my experience from 2008 Burton City Hall -- 4-16-08 -- which i did present at a city council meeting
The saga begins with an overdue sewer bill for my deceased dad’s house, received 4-15-08. Post marked April 10 to a --- Rd address, forwarded to the correct address April 13. If the overdue bill of $53.79 was not paid by May 15, a lien would be placed on the residence. No bill came to the --- Rd address and none to my address. (In January I had mail forwarded to me through the post office and on January 19 had written a letter to Burton requesting an address change for --- Rd mail to go to me.) I called that day and right away was not impressed with the phone menu once I got to press for sewer department. 1 for billing 2 for service. Since I didn’t hear #1 I waited assuming it would be repeated. No, just “good-by” so I had to dial in again and start over. Indeed the bill was 59.17 since a 10% overdue charge was also due, and it was suggested that probably the mail was at fault.
I stopped by the post office on April 16 to ascertain that the mail was being forwarded since I knew Burton would be blaming the mail. There I talked to the desk person and another who took a note. No supervisor was working that day. Note that the lien threat letter had been sent to the --- Rd address and correctly forwarded by the post office. The city had not used the January 19 information, although the clerk at the bill paying area checked her computer and said the computer listed the forwarding address.
At the office, I visited the Assessor’s Office to verify 2 things, 1 being the correct address.
On to the receptionist who I asked about mail and who received it first and asked if information was shared among offices. Her answer was that it probably went to the
payment area.
At the payment center, I asked about the missing bill and if the billing address was correct. A computer check supposedly verified that but the overdue had NOT been sent to the correct address. I asked if the house were torn down, would I still have to pay sewer and was told no as long as I showed demolition documentation. “All bills are the responsibility of the estate” whether or not a bill was received. I asked about where to find the ordinances or policies that specified a lien on property for a dead man for a bill due in February. I was told the clerk’s department was the place to be. The bill was paid at 9:54am to cashier 004.
At the clerk’s, I went through the above and asked about the phone set up. They were not sure who set up the user unfriendly system and suggested I visit the mayor’s office. They did try to find the ordinance and came up with what appeared to be correct and made a copy. Very nicely done, very politely done. I was asked if I talked to a supervisor in the sewer/bill area which I had not so that became another stop later.
In the mayor’s office when asked if I could be helped, I stated I had a question – the phone – and a problem – the overdue/lien letter. The person there, female, perhaps the one who goes with the executive assistant card I picked up from the front left counter, was far from friendly or helpful. The phone was not her problem -- probably the sewer department knew -- and my concerns about the sewer department, the overdue/you’re going to have a lien on your property question was answered with a tirade I could scarcely keep up with, but I tried to write it down as fast as it was said. I got half or less but these are direct quotations:
“I don’t know about anything. I’m not in that department. I was not trained in that department”
. . . . I wish this outburst had been recorded. It was explained to me that we, whoever we is, gave leeway once to late bills since times are bad but not again. And as I left, she held her hands up like a balance and said that of all the people coming in to complain that they never got a bill, about half were telling the truth; half were not. Time for my exit.
Back at the bill paying area, I asked for a supervisor from a different clerk. Down to the left I spoke with someone who was busy working and really didn’t want to be bothered. She asked if the billing address was correct. I said the clerk had checked it and I guess it was. She couldn’t look since she had no computer there. About mail not getting to me: She often gets the wrong mail at her address and. . . . . I guess that meant too bad if it was delivered incorrectly. I asked her about the regulations for liens and was sent back to the clerk’s office. (“They have it over there”.) Back there, where there was another search and after one employee made a trip down to find out the ordnance #, I got a copy of ordinance 54. The phone issue? She didn’t know who set up phones. I could try the receptionist. Each of the 3 people there could not hold eye contact nor had any facial animation. Perhaps that is a supposed to be a positive interaction tactic.
Back to the receptionist and she said the IT person sets up the phones and she gave me a name.
Back to Clerk where the correct ordinance was found.
In summary:
1. City hall personnel should be helpful.
2. The phone message needs fixing.
3. The first overdue notice on any bill should be POLITE.
4. Perhaps if a surveillance system isn’t present, get one to see and
hear what’s going on.
5. Someone needs to do employee/client civility training in the bill
paying area and the mayor’s office.
6. If I still lived in Burton, I would be ashamed of the behavior of people in several of these offices.
7. I did not believe the penalty fee would be waived when I started
this circus, but the phone issue I thought needed to be addressed.
I now know what PR the city hall promotes.
8. The city is a business and one of its primary mandates should be to
serve “customers” politely.
9. The clerk’s department did express regrets for the death of the owner,
farm bureau groceries contest
almost always a good idea to try a site to see if it is good before passing it on. today's site to give up on is which has a contest with groceries giveaway. looks like you can fill in info, try to read the words for the verification needed, the site tries to connect, tries. . . . .nice idea. supposedly the $5,000 in groceries contest is still open a few weeks according to the Farm Bureau but undoubtedly it's me and my computer.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Alaska--what a state
December 26, 2009/ from one of 10 major stories of the year
ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- To some, the Anchorage Assembly's equal-rights ordinance seemed easy enough.
"It simply confers the same rights to gay and lesbian Anchorage residents as it confers upon everybody else," said Assembly Chair Patrick Flynn.
But back in May, when then-member Flynn proposed an ordinance to add sexual orientation as a protected class along with things like race and gender, perhaps no one could have expected the protests or days of public testimony that followed.
"I'm rebellious, I'm against those gay people that want to be just free," said protester David Drovkov. "I don't know why they just can't keep quiet."
"I'm really tired of seeing Alaska shove sexual minorities into second-class citizenship," said ordinance supporter Greg Ravn.
The Assembly wanted to hear what the public thought, and they got it -- both outside its chambers and inside.
"I come before you tonight on behalf of my friends who have been discriminated against, even fired from their jobs," ordinance supporter Christina Talbot-Clark testified. "And those who are not here tonight for fear of losing their jobs or their homes."
"I should have the freedom to reject anyone whose behavior I find objectionable for reasons of morality, or any other reason that might hurt my rental business," ordinance opponent Peter Goldberg testified.
again, America's bold face logic. I don't like unmarried people living together so I should reject them, don't like mixed marriages? same thing. don't like bigots like above? yup. same thing. don't want to rent to people with kids? anyone who drinks or smokes or rides motorcycles? union leader, those lazy teachers, low IQ, etc. I get the picture. check out the web site and read the rest
ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- To some, the Anchorage Assembly's equal-rights ordinance seemed easy enough.
"It simply confers the same rights to gay and lesbian Anchorage residents as it confers upon everybody else," said Assembly Chair Patrick Flynn.
But back in May, when then-member Flynn proposed an ordinance to add sexual orientation as a protected class along with things like race and gender, perhaps no one could have expected the protests or days of public testimony that followed.
"I'm rebellious, I'm against those gay people that want to be just free," said protester David Drovkov. "I don't know why they just can't keep quiet."
"I'm really tired of seeing Alaska shove sexual minorities into second-class citizenship," said ordinance supporter Greg Ravn.
The Assembly wanted to hear what the public thought, and they got it -- both outside its chambers and inside.
"I come before you tonight on behalf of my friends who have been discriminated against, even fired from their jobs," ordinance supporter Christina Talbot-Clark testified. "And those who are not here tonight for fear of losing their jobs or their homes."
"I should have the freedom to reject anyone whose behavior I find objectionable for reasons of morality, or any other reason that might hurt my rental business," ordinance opponent Peter Goldberg testified.
again, America's bold face logic. I don't like unmarried people living together so I should reject them, don't like mixed marriages? same thing. don't like bigots like above? yup. same thing. don't want to rent to people with kids? anyone who drinks or smokes or rides motorcycles? union leader, those lazy teachers, low IQ, etc. I get the picture. check out the web site and read the rest
the Z machine
Le Figaro magazine jan 23 2010 has a wonderful picture of a field of energy emitted by an x ray generator, installed since 1996 in an American laboratory. It produces temperatures 4 to 6 times higher than those of an H bomb. Want to investigate? If you read French, pick up the magazine. The photo was provided by Sandia National Labs--maybe info is available there. YES at The same picture appears on the site as in the magazine. Check Z machine but the gaming site isn't the one you're after. Very neat photo.
re: insurance meeting
so the state has mailed out postcards with a replacement meeting for the flint one that was cancelled as people arrived. did the state send cards to everyone in the state? just those in the county? nearby counties? how much did that cost? plan to ask when i go.
sites to visit 4 sites for finding the ethereal truth
what were the skies like a gardener's blog, by stephen orr who writes for the new york times, article in martha stewart's living march 2010 web cams events during your birth year helps nonprofit communicators get their info out to the media and community. PR tips at I attended 1 workshop in Flint last March and thought it was extremely useful. how to go green, questions you might have or or or and search control catalog overload
places where you can get help getting rid of junk mail. there are others that charge but why pay print a list with best and worst veggies and fruits per pesticide residue for those to the left for those to the right and those who want to read ads for the gullible for those to the right who believe the sky is falling--forget Bush already? check with your state for appliance rebates for 2010. for michigan you need residency and proff the rebated product is a replacement
from readymade magazine ( sites to help with car choices:,,,
fix a leak week is march 15-21. Visit
what were the skies like a gardener's blog, by stephen orr who writes for the new york times, article in martha stewart's living march 2010 web cams events during your birth year helps nonprofit communicators get their info out to the media and community. PR tips at I attended 1 workshop in Flint last March and thought it was extremely useful. how to go green, questions you might have or or or and search control catalog overload
places where you can get help getting rid of junk mail. there are others that charge but why pay print a list with best and worst veggies and fruits per pesticide residue for those to the left for those to the right and those who want to read ads for the gullible for those to the right who believe the sky is falling--forget Bush already? check with your state for appliance rebates for 2010. for michigan you need residency and proff the rebated product is a replacement
from readymade magazine ( sites to help with car choices:,,,
fix a leak week is march 15-21. Visit
Friday, January 29, 2010
What a great idea Republicans
Memo from State Budget Director Bob Emerson
Dear Fellow Employee:
I'm sure it is no surprise to you when I report that state government is facing economic challenges we've not experienced since the Great Depression.
In the 10 years from 2001 through this year, Michigan will have lost one million jobs, much of that job loss due to the profound changes that have reverberated throughout the auto industry. Three out of four automotive jobs in our state are gone. This stark reality has affected our budget in ways unimaginable just a few years ago. Today, we are operating state government on revenues that are at a 45-year low when adjusted for inflation.
Since 2003, we have had to address billion dollar deficits, many times with your help. State employees have contributed some $650 million to resolving our budget problems, which has gone a long way in helping us resolve the challenges we have faced over time. Despite your sacrifice, we are once again facing a billion dollar plus deficit.
In less than two weeks, the fiscal year 2011 executive budget recommendation will be presented for the coming year, and that budget will recommend a number of solutions to resolve the state's structural deficit. Those recommendations will include a public employee retirement program to cut costs by offering both positive and negativeincentives to approximately 7,000 state employees and 39,000 public school employees eligible for retirement.
The budget recommendation will require legislative approval in time for employees to submit a retirement application between April 15 and May 15, 2010. Here are some of the details about the plan that will be formally unveiled in the budget recommendation.
State Employees Retirement SystemState employees who are members of the defined benefit (DB) plan will experience the following changes effective October 1, 2010:
To ensure that the State Employees Retirement System (SERS) is fiscally sound, a 3 percent employee contribution will be reinstated.
Earned service credit capped at 30 years. Employees continuing in state service beyond 30 years will be moved to a defined contribution (DC) plan for any additional years of service accrued after September 30, 2010, excluding what is purchased by the employee.
Elimination of state-subsidized retiree vision and dental coverage for state employees retiring after September 30, 2010. Retirees will be able to purchase this coverage for a monthly fee through the plan.
Increased retirement multiplier of 1.6 percent for eligible employees who retire between July 1 and October 1, 2010. Details on eligibility will be included in the fiscal year 2011 executive budget recommendation.\
Phased retirement option for retiring employees age 60 or older. Phased-in retirement will be allowed for up to three years, enabling employees to collect their DB plan retirement with a workload of no more than 20 hours per week for a previously full-time employee. This option is available to the employees at management discretion.Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System
Public school employees who are members of the Michigan Public SchoolEmployees Retirement System (MPSERS) will be subject to the followingchanges effective October 1, 2010.
To ensure MPSERS is financially sound, employee contributions to the plan will increase by 3 percent for all employees except those in the MIP Plus program whose contribution was increased in 2008. MIP Plus members' contribution will increase by 0.9 percent.
Elimination of subsidized retiree vision and dental coverage for school employees retiring with an effective date after October 1, 2010. Retirees will be able to purchase this coverage for a monthly fee through the plan.
The retirement multiplier will be increased from 1.5 percent to 1.6 percent for employees who retire with an effective date between July 1and September 1, 2010, which will be paid by the applicable school districts.
A new, more cost-effective hybrid retirement plan for new employeeshired on or after October 1, 2010, will be created. New employees will participate in both a base defined benefit plan and a defined contribution plan.
Phased retirement option for retiring employees age 60 or older. Phased-in retirement will be allowed for up to three years, enabling employees to collect their DB plan retirement with a workload of no more than 20 hours per week for a previously full-time employee. This option is available to the employees at the discretion of the school districts.
We know that this program will pose some very difficult choices for many state employees, who will be faced with a decision to retire sooner than they may have originally planned. We also know that for employees who are not eligible to retire, this plan will mean additional sacrifice. It is that reality that made our choices to resolving the budget deficitall the more difficult.
This plan is part of a four-part reform plan for state government that can be found at . When the executive budget is presented on February 11, additional information about the retirement incentive plan will be posted on the Office of Retirement Services Web site at .
Bob EmersonBudget Director
Updated: January 29, 2010
Dear Fellow Employee:
I'm sure it is no surprise to you when I report that state government is facing economic challenges we've not experienced since the Great Depression.
In the 10 years from 2001 through this year, Michigan will have lost one million jobs, much of that job loss due to the profound changes that have reverberated throughout the auto industry. Three out of four automotive jobs in our state are gone. This stark reality has affected our budget in ways unimaginable just a few years ago. Today, we are operating state government on revenues that are at a 45-year low when adjusted for inflation.
Since 2003, we have had to address billion dollar deficits, many times with your help. State employees have contributed some $650 million to resolving our budget problems, which has gone a long way in helping us resolve the challenges we have faced over time. Despite your sacrifice, we are once again facing a billion dollar plus deficit.
In less than two weeks, the fiscal year 2011 executive budget recommendation will be presented for the coming year, and that budget will recommend a number of solutions to resolve the state's structural deficit. Those recommendations will include a public employee retirement program to cut costs by offering both positive and negativeincentives to approximately 7,000 state employees and 39,000 public school employees eligible for retirement.
The budget recommendation will require legislative approval in time for employees to submit a retirement application between April 15 and May 15, 2010. Here are some of the details about the plan that will be formally unveiled in the budget recommendation.
State Employees Retirement SystemState employees who are members of the defined benefit (DB) plan will experience the following changes effective October 1, 2010:
To ensure that the State Employees Retirement System (SERS) is fiscally sound, a 3 percent employee contribution will be reinstated.
Earned service credit capped at 30 years. Employees continuing in state service beyond 30 years will be moved to a defined contribution (DC) plan for any additional years of service accrued after September 30, 2010, excluding what is purchased by the employee.
Elimination of state-subsidized retiree vision and dental coverage for state employees retiring after September 30, 2010. Retirees will be able to purchase this coverage for a monthly fee through the plan.
Increased retirement multiplier of 1.6 percent for eligible employees who retire between July 1 and October 1, 2010. Details on eligibility will be included in the fiscal year 2011 executive budget recommendation.\
Phased retirement option for retiring employees age 60 or older. Phased-in retirement will be allowed for up to three years, enabling employees to collect their DB plan retirement with a workload of no more than 20 hours per week for a previously full-time employee. This option is available to the employees at management discretion.Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System
Public school employees who are members of the Michigan Public SchoolEmployees Retirement System (MPSERS) will be subject to the followingchanges effective October 1, 2010.
To ensure MPSERS is financially sound, employee contributions to the plan will increase by 3 percent for all employees except those in the MIP Plus program whose contribution was increased in 2008. MIP Plus members' contribution will increase by 0.9 percent.
Elimination of subsidized retiree vision and dental coverage for school employees retiring with an effective date after October 1, 2010. Retirees will be able to purchase this coverage for a monthly fee through the plan.
The retirement multiplier will be increased from 1.5 percent to 1.6 percent for employees who retire with an effective date between July 1and September 1, 2010, which will be paid by the applicable school districts.
A new, more cost-effective hybrid retirement plan for new employeeshired on or after October 1, 2010, will be created. New employees will participate in both a base defined benefit plan and a defined contribution plan.
Phased retirement option for retiring employees age 60 or older. Phased-in retirement will be allowed for up to three years, enabling employees to collect their DB plan retirement with a workload of no more than 20 hours per week for a previously full-time employee. This option is available to the employees at the discretion of the school districts.
We know that this program will pose some very difficult choices for many state employees, who will be faced with a decision to retire sooner than they may have originally planned. We also know that for employees who are not eligible to retire, this plan will mean additional sacrifice. It is that reality that made our choices to resolving the budget deficitall the more difficult.
This plan is part of a four-part reform plan for state government that can be found at . When the executive budget is presented on February 11, additional information about the retirement incentive plan will be posted on the Office of Retirement Services Web site at .
Bob EmersonBudget Director
Updated: January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made. Our times are in his hand who saith, 'A whole I planned, youth shows but half; Trust God: See all, nor be afraid!'” Browning might want to ask those who have reached "old" how much truth is in this quotation. Of course, the alternative to growing old is what? Is "old" physical and/or mental? My mother used to say "You're a little old lady", and I was in high school. I take it that was not a compliment. Then you get older and are told to "act your age", not a compliment either. Better to have fun when you're "too old for that" or you will indeed be old.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Supreme Court
Corporations have to thank:
Stevens, John Paul Illinois Ford December 19, 1975 -- dissent
*Scalia, Antonin Virginia Reagan September 26, 1986
*Kennedy, Anthony M. California Reagan February 18, 1988
*Thomas, Clarence Georgia Bush, G. H. W. October 23, 1991
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader New York Clinton August 10, 1993 -- dissent
Breyer, Stephen G. Massachusetts Clinton August 3, 1994 -- dissent
*Roberts, John, Bush, G.W. September 29, 2005
*Alito, Samuel A., Jr. New Jersey Bush, G. W. January 31, 2006
Sotomayor, Sonia New York Obama August 8, 2009 -- dissent
Stevens, John Paul Illinois Ford December 19, 1975 -- dissent
*Scalia, Antonin Virginia Reagan September 26, 1986
*Kennedy, Anthony M. California Reagan February 18, 1988
*Thomas, Clarence Georgia Bush, G. H. W. October 23, 1991
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader New York Clinton August 10, 1993 -- dissent
Breyer, Stephen G. Massachusetts Clinton August 3, 1994 -- dissent
*Roberts, John, Bush, G.W. September 29, 2005
*Alito, Samuel A., Jr. New Jersey Bush, G. W. January 31, 2006
Sotomayor, Sonia New York Obama August 8, 2009 -- dissent
re Massachusetts
from NYTimes: 5.4% of the people in MA have no insurance. How much influence nation wide does the recent election have for states like TX where 25.2% of the people are uninsured?
How about the Nebraska deal?
"The Federal gov would pay full cost of planned Medicaid expansion while other states would eventually pay a small parat of the expense."
But there is a "provision that would provide tax credits of up to 50% to small business owners who offer health benefits to their employees, or another that would authorize $200 million in grants to small businesses to help them start comprehensive wellness programs for their employees."
How about the Nebraska deal?
"The Federal gov would pay full cost of planned Medicaid expansion while other states would eventually pay a small parat of the expense."
But there is a "provision that would provide tax credits of up to 50% to small business owners who offer health benefits to their employees, or another that would authorize $200 million in grants to small businesses to help them start comprehensive wellness programs for their employees."
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
more quotations
from Irish Chain, book by Earlene Fowler:
"Am I going to live?"
"Got insurance?"
"Then we'll do our best."
reference to a G.K. Chesterton quotation:
"Don't ever take a fence down until you know the reason why it was put up." (supreme court take note)
fun book, diversion, to read but good info on Japanese camps we set up during WWII
"Am I going to live?"
"Got insurance?"
"Then we'll do our best."
reference to a G.K. Chesterton quotation:
"Don't ever take a fence down until you know the reason why it was put up." (supreme court take note)
fun book, diversion, to read but good info on Japanese camps we set up during WWII
Banks/Corporations are in charge
Read the rest of this on line. Even more funny since I know what Chase is like. 3 death certificates for the same person for over a year after she died, shorting us 1 bond value when cashing bonds, putting the $ of bonds in wrong accounts and having to get a correction so taxes could be done correctly, having accounts continually come "unlinked" so I assume Chase could charge $ for the accounts, etc. How much did the Chase CEO earn this year? Any well deserved bonuses for a great job? I bet some of the Chase earnings can now be used to support politicians who can help them out and get away with even more.
'relief' leads to foreclosure notice
Posted: Tuesday, January 26 2010 at 06:00 am CT by Bob Sullivan
Deb and Rick Franklin
For nine months, Deb Franklin said, she did exactly what JP Morgan Chase and President Barack Obama told her to do. She made her mortgage payments on time, delivered via Western Union, after they were reduced from $1,433 to $1,233 through Obama's Making Home Affordable program. After three payments, the mortgage relief was supposed to become permanent, but a maddening string of paperwork headaches landed her in limbo. Then, on the day after Christmas, a "bomb dropped" on her life.
A letter from a law firm representing Chase said the bank had begun foreclosure proceedings against her.
"It was devastating, just devastating," Franklin said. "I ended up on the couch shaking so badly that my husband started piling blankets on me saying, 'Are you OK?' And I told him, 'I'm not cold, I'm scared.' "
The Franklins are exactly the kind of family the Making Home Affordable program was designed to rescue. They were trying to hang on to their primary home, had enough income to make significant monthly payments and their home’s value was still within shouting distance of their mortgage balance. Home values in rural Airville, Pa. -- just across the Maryland border, near Baltimore -- never exploded like those in America's big cities, so market value of their modest split-level hadn’t fallen far.
But instead of hope and help, the Franklins say their 10-month odyssey through the Making Home Affordable program raised their mortgage balance from $187,000 to $207,000, ruined their credit score, leading to cancellation of their credit cards, and now -- despite making all their payments -- put them on the brink of losing their home.
Franklin has been told by bank representatives that the foreclosure notice was sent in error, but she doesn't buy it. On a single day in early January, she says, one Chase representative told her that the loan modification plan had been denied, another said it was approved and a third told her the foreclosure had been "suspended."
"I check my county auctions every Monday to make sure my house isn't on there,” she said. “I don't believe anything they say anymore."
Enrollees see their mortgage payments reduced to 31 percent of their income through interest rate reductions, fee waivers and lengthening of mortgage terms. Entrants are told that if they make three "temporary" modification payments on time, they will qualify for permanent relief. But as of December, only 66,000 had seen their mortgage permanently modified – a number dwarfed by the 2.8 million foreclosures completed last year.
Until the lower loan payments are made permanent, banks are entitled to continue with foreclosure proceedings.
Franklin is one of many homeowners who have enrolled in the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), offered as part of Making Home Affordable, who later compared their experiences through the Web site They found that many of them had similar tales of lost paperwork, surprise foreclosure notices and ruined credit. reviewed about two dozen such stories involving virtually every major bank. Franklin, who shared an extensive diary of events she said she kept during her attempt to modify her mortgage, is typical.
'relief' leads to foreclosure notice
Posted: Tuesday, January 26 2010 at 06:00 am CT by Bob Sullivan
Deb and Rick Franklin
For nine months, Deb Franklin said, she did exactly what JP Morgan Chase and President Barack Obama told her to do. She made her mortgage payments on time, delivered via Western Union, after they were reduced from $1,433 to $1,233 through Obama's Making Home Affordable program. After three payments, the mortgage relief was supposed to become permanent, but a maddening string of paperwork headaches landed her in limbo. Then, on the day after Christmas, a "bomb dropped" on her life.
A letter from a law firm representing Chase said the bank had begun foreclosure proceedings against her.
"It was devastating, just devastating," Franklin said. "I ended up on the couch shaking so badly that my husband started piling blankets on me saying, 'Are you OK?' And I told him, 'I'm not cold, I'm scared.' "
The Franklins are exactly the kind of family the Making Home Affordable program was designed to rescue. They were trying to hang on to their primary home, had enough income to make significant monthly payments and their home’s value was still within shouting distance of their mortgage balance. Home values in rural Airville, Pa. -- just across the Maryland border, near Baltimore -- never exploded like those in America's big cities, so market value of their modest split-level hadn’t fallen far.
But instead of hope and help, the Franklins say their 10-month odyssey through the Making Home Affordable program raised their mortgage balance from $187,000 to $207,000, ruined their credit score, leading to cancellation of their credit cards, and now -- despite making all their payments -- put them on the brink of losing their home.
Franklin has been told by bank representatives that the foreclosure notice was sent in error, but she doesn't buy it. On a single day in early January, she says, one Chase representative told her that the loan modification plan had been denied, another said it was approved and a third told her the foreclosure had been "suspended."
"I check my county auctions every Monday to make sure my house isn't on there,” she said. “I don't believe anything they say anymore."
Enrollees see their mortgage payments reduced to 31 percent of their income through interest rate reductions, fee waivers and lengthening of mortgage terms. Entrants are told that if they make three "temporary" modification payments on time, they will qualify for permanent relief. But as of December, only 66,000 had seen their mortgage permanently modified – a number dwarfed by the 2.8 million foreclosures completed last year.
Until the lower loan payments are made permanent, banks are entitled to continue with foreclosure proceedings.
Franklin is one of many homeowners who have enrolled in the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), offered as part of Making Home Affordable, who later compared their experiences through the Web site They found that many of them had similar tales of lost paperwork, surprise foreclosure notices and ruined credit. reviewed about two dozen such stories involving virtually every major bank. Franklin, who shared an extensive diary of events she said she kept during her attempt to modify her mortgage, is typical.
Probably his honest viewpoint--how do you answer it?
this is why i shouldn't watch tv, listen to politicians, read the paper, link to news items on the internet, etc. hello america
How about making ALL parents take drug tests and attend school functions, go to parent-teacher meetings (Make them mandatory with a fine or prison imposed if they don't show up.), etc. Wait, how about all elected officials too and maybe mandatory monthly lie detector tests.
Am I on to something here?
Wait again--if you don't want them breeding, why not mandatory birth control starting about 9 for female and male. Good for corporations/good for businesses. No abortions? Can't limit those for those breeders. The circle downward continues. . . .
S.C. lawmaker likens welfare to feeding animalsJan. 25: Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, R-S.C., is under fire for making a comparison between "feeding stray animals" and doling out government assistance. Msnbc's Tamron Hall talks with The State newspaper reporter Leroy Chapman.
COLUMBIA, S.C. - When things looked their darkest for Gov. Mark Sanford — when he was in danger of being impeached for running off to Argentina to see his mistress — his best insurance policy may well have been South Carolina's lieutenant governor, Andre Bauer.
Lawmakers knew if they removed Sanford, they would end up with Bauer, a fiercely ambitious Republican with a reputation for reckless and immature behavior.
Now Bauer has folks shaking their heads again, after he likened government assistance to the poor to feeding stray animals.
At a town hall meeting Thursday, Bauer, who is running for governor in his own right now that Sanford is term-limited, said: "My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed! You're facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don't think too much further than that."
Democrats and others railed at him.
'Disgusted'"I am disgusted by these comments. They show an unbelievable lack of compassion toward the unemployed workers in our state who are hurting during these hard times," said state Sen. Vincent Sheheen, a Democrat who is also running for governor. "His comments were immoral and out of line."
South Carolina schools Superintendent Jim Rex, another Democratic candidate for governor, called Bauer's comments "reprehensible" and said he should apologize.
Bauer said Monday that he regrets his choice of words but that government should expect welfare recipients to try to better themselves. He wants to require them to take drug tests and attend parent-teacher conferences if they have children in school.
A child of divorce who benefited from free lunches himself, Bauer insisted he wasn't bad-mouthing people laid off from work in the recession or advocating taking food from children, but rather emphasizing the need to break the cycle of dependency.
"Do I wish I'd used a different metaphor? Of course I do," the 40-year-old said. "I didn't intend to offend anyone."
State GOP Chairwoman Karen Floyd, who is not taking sides in the race for the nomination, said the flap should be a lesson to everyone to "choose our words more carefully."
How about making ALL parents take drug tests and attend school functions, go to parent-teacher meetings (Make them mandatory with a fine or prison imposed if they don't show up.), etc. Wait, how about all elected officials too and maybe mandatory monthly lie detector tests.
Am I on to something here?
Wait again--if you don't want them breeding, why not mandatory birth control starting about 9 for female and male. Good for corporations/good for businesses. No abortions? Can't limit those for those breeders. The circle downward continues. . . .
S.C. lawmaker likens welfare to feeding animalsJan. 25: Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, R-S.C., is under fire for making a comparison between "feeding stray animals" and doling out government assistance. Msnbc's Tamron Hall talks with The State newspaper reporter Leroy Chapman.
COLUMBIA, S.C. - When things looked their darkest for Gov. Mark Sanford — when he was in danger of being impeached for running off to Argentina to see his mistress — his best insurance policy may well have been South Carolina's lieutenant governor, Andre Bauer.
Lawmakers knew if they removed Sanford, they would end up with Bauer, a fiercely ambitious Republican with a reputation for reckless and immature behavior.
Now Bauer has folks shaking their heads again, after he likened government assistance to the poor to feeding stray animals.
At a town hall meeting Thursday, Bauer, who is running for governor in his own right now that Sanford is term-limited, said: "My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed! You're facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don't think too much further than that."
Democrats and others railed at him.
'Disgusted'"I am disgusted by these comments. They show an unbelievable lack of compassion toward the unemployed workers in our state who are hurting during these hard times," said state Sen. Vincent Sheheen, a Democrat who is also running for governor. "His comments were immoral and out of line."
South Carolina schools Superintendent Jim Rex, another Democratic candidate for governor, called Bauer's comments "reprehensible" and said he should apologize.
Bauer said Monday that he regrets his choice of words but that government should expect welfare recipients to try to better themselves. He wants to require them to take drug tests and attend parent-teacher conferences if they have children in school.
A child of divorce who benefited from free lunches himself, Bauer insisted he wasn't bad-mouthing people laid off from work in the recession or advocating taking food from children, but rather emphasizing the need to break the cycle of dependency.
"Do I wish I'd used a different metaphor? Of course I do," the 40-year-old said. "I didn't intend to offend anyone."
State GOP Chairwoman Karen Floyd, who is not taking sides in the race for the nomination, said the flap should be a lesson to everyone to "choose our words more carefully."
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Funny that MA has health care for everyone--no wonder it wasn't an important issue in the state.
Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski "Aims to keep EPA from limiting emissions" and her effort "is applauded by industry, agriculture and energy lobbies" See p. A14 in NYTIMES Jan 22, 2010. This is great since the Supreme Court with wisdom unlimited has allowed corporations to finance political campaigns for the presidency and congress. I just know that we as individuals will also be allowed to give as much as we have, if we have anything when the blessed corporations (banks, insurance companies, etc) finally get in total control. Yea America.
For: Kennedy, Roberts, Alito, Scalia, Thomas
Dissent: Stevens, Ginsburg, Sotomayor, Breyer
Wonder who supported the FOR nominees when they were nominated and approved?
The Michigan arms company, Trijicon, will stop using Bible references on rifle sights it sells to the military. Why? Were they like "Thou shalt not kill?" or "Turn the other cheek?" or. . .
How long can one party keep saying no and intentionally halting any progress, any solutions to economic problems? Check out Michigan for sure. JUST SAY NO ALWAYS is the mantra.
Why do we have money for Haiti, but millions in America without insurance? Kind of like money for warfare but none for healthcare.
Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski "Aims to keep EPA from limiting emissions" and her effort "is applauded by industry, agriculture and energy lobbies" See p. A14 in NYTIMES Jan 22, 2010. This is great since the Supreme Court with wisdom unlimited has allowed corporations to finance political campaigns for the presidency and congress. I just know that we as individuals will also be allowed to give as much as we have, if we have anything when the blessed corporations (banks, insurance companies, etc) finally get in total control. Yea America.
For: Kennedy, Roberts, Alito, Scalia, Thomas
Dissent: Stevens, Ginsburg, Sotomayor, Breyer
Wonder who supported the FOR nominees when they were nominated and approved?
The Michigan arms company, Trijicon, will stop using Bible references on rifle sights it sells to the military. Why? Were they like "Thou shalt not kill?" or "Turn the other cheek?" or. . .
How long can one party keep saying no and intentionally halting any progress, any solutions to economic problems? Check out Michigan for sure. JUST SAY NO ALWAYS is the mantra.
Why do we have money for Haiti, but millions in America without insurance? Kind of like money for warfare but none for healthcare.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
from Track of the Cat Nevada Barr-
-Heaven was just Hell in the shade with a cold beer. p205
-Hunting and football, not opposing thumbs and the ability to laugh, were what separated Man from the apes. p43
-Heaven was just Hell in the shade with a cold beer. p205
-Hunting and football, not opposing thumbs and the ability to laugh, were what separated Man from the apes. p43
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
thinking about
memo about Geneva Convention, signed by Gonzales: The memo recommended that the president should not apply Geneva noting that the war against terrorism was a new kind of war. "This paradigm renders obselete Geneva's strict limitations on questioning of enemy prisoners and renders quaint some of its provisions." (reaping what we sow?)
lawyer Feith in 1985: "those who didn't follow rules should not be able to take refuge in the convention"
gone was the Common Article 3--check it out
If wrong is wrong, when isn't it really wrong? When a lawyer is in charge?
lawyer Feith in 1985: "those who didn't follow rules should not be able to take refuge in the convention"
gone was the Common Article 3--check it out
If wrong is wrong, when isn't it really wrong? When a lawyer is in charge?
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
and another question about today--why in the world does a policeman need to be on bristol rd in the 45/hr zone at 8:45 am unless it is such a great money making spot? how about by the intersection with M-15 where as i know accidents happen.
Retirement Session Cancelled
The state at its best and how it came to be. Guess no one near Flint really needed to know about his/her state employees' insurance. The good news is I bought gas for 2.50/gallon after I left the cancelled event. Can you believe this? I couldn't but I emailed the state to find out. Here's my message; will i get an answer?
So today's regional session at Flint was cancelled? The woman at the road said something was wrong with 2nd Generation Ballroom but they said they received no payment, no answer to phone call last Friday, and had experienced rescheduling on your part. (I called the Ballroom to see why, really why, the Ballroom was closed.) I was told I could attend another session. Are you paying mileage? If you reschedule, will it be on a convenient day for all those who were inconvenienced today?
Questions I wanted answered TODAY: #1 Medco is still the prescription company?
#2 Are we paying Catalsyt $10/month to be in charge of prescriptions for a lower prescrip cost or are we just paying them $120/year so someone can make money?
#3 Where is the health analysis info we are supposedly receiving? We sent info in by Dec. 5, I believe, and the new year is here (today is the Jan. 19, 2010).
#4 Has a credit of $100 for the deductible been applied since our family sent in our 2 forms? How do I find out?
Please try to answer within the 12 hour limit suggested on site.
So today's regional session at Flint was cancelled? The woman at the road said something was wrong with 2nd Generation Ballroom but they said they received no payment, no answer to phone call last Friday, and had experienced rescheduling on your part. (I called the Ballroom to see why, really why, the Ballroom was closed.) I was told I could attend another session. Are you paying mileage? If you reschedule, will it be on a convenient day for all those who were inconvenienced today?
Questions I wanted answered TODAY: #1 Medco is still the prescription company?
#2 Are we paying Catalsyt $10/month to be in charge of prescriptions for a lower prescrip cost or are we just paying them $120/year so someone can make money?
#3 Where is the health analysis info we are supposedly receiving? We sent info in by Dec. 5, I believe, and the new year is here (today is the Jan. 19, 2010).
#4 Has a credit of $100 for the deductible been applied since our family sent in our 2 forms? How do I find out?
Please try to answer within the 12 hour limit suggested on site.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
as the world is killed
Watching TV this week, I see someone thinks that maybe the pcb problem needs more investigating even though a lot of research has suggested pcb is dangerous. Most baby bottles no longer contain it; but is it still in canned goods as a lining? Time to get concerned is now--ok it's probably too late. But more $ for research? It that a stalling game? Here's a book summary I did for Genesee County Master Gardener Newsletter, April 2008.
Recently the book OUR STOLEN FUTURE Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence, and Survival?—a Scientific Detective Story was mentioned a class offered at ForMar. I finally found the book at the UM Flint Library (ISBN/0-525-93982-2 by Colborn, Dumanoski, and Myers, 1996) and found it informative, seemingly well researched, fairly balanced, but unquestionably troubling. Sometimes called a sequel to Rachel Carson’s SILENT SPRING, the book starts with background information on the burgeoning worldwide use of pesticides and chemicals. The book strives to present a summary of research about “man-made chemicals disrupting delicate hormone systems”….which “play a critical role in processes ranging from human sexual development to behavior, intelligence, and the functioning of the immune system”. (
The book starts with the “Omens” chapter going back to 1939 to Charles Broley’s study of Florida’s bald eagles and his concern that up to 1947 the eagle population was healthy and growing. Then birth rates decreased and the mating and nesting habits changed. By about 1955, Broley began to think that 80% of the eagles in Florida were sterile. The chapter explores other researchers and events they encountered: 1950s England’s disappearing otter population, reproductive problems with mink in the Great Lakes region in the 1960s, the die out of the herring gulls in Canada, the 1970s female western gulls nesting with other females in California, in the 1980s alligator eggs hatching at only 18% in Florida’s Lake Apopha linked to the startling fact that about 60% of the male alligators there had abnormally small penises and the 1988 Northern Europe seal die-off, frightening data in Demark that suggested human sperm count had dropped by nearly 50% from 1938 to 1990 and that testicular cancer was increasing.
Chapter 2 discusses the beginnings of bringing everything together as scientists began to think beyond cancer-causing chemicals to something more insidious—hormone disruption. The poisons from chemicals and pesticides “all act on the endocrine system, which regulates the body’s vital internal processes and guides critical phases and prenatal development. The hand-me down poisons disrupted hormones”. (28) In following chapters, not easy reading, the authors discuss what can happen when the chemical messages in embryos are blocked—male and female characteristics may be altered. The DES problem and its implications are summarized and the disturbing fact that “substances and doses tolerated readily by adults can devastate the unborn.” (50)
Chapter 5, “Fifty Ways to Lose Your Fertility” portrays DES as an estrogen mimic and Vinclozolin, used to “kill fruit fungus as a testosterone message blocker perhaps creating an ambiguous or hermaphrodite state”. (83) Although having little structured resemblance to natural estrogen, DES and DDT are able to trick the human body to make it disrupt the body’s chemical messengers. This chapter is quite unsettling to read but the ideas it presents need to be discussed, disseminated and evaluated. The chapter presents a fictional account of the journey of PCBs beginning in the South to Canada, out West up to the Great Lakes, through the St. Lawrence to the Sargasso Sea and up to Greenland where the nonfiction reality is that “Canadian health studies have shown that the people of Broughton Island (Intuits) have the highest levels of PCBs found in any human population except those contaminated in industrial accidents”. (108) The Inuit’s diet is mostly wild fish and game—the PCBs have worked up the food chain to humans.
PCBs were introduced in 1929 when engineers created 209 chemicals known as polychlorinated biphenyls—PCB. Swann Chemical which became part of Monsanto put them to seemingly good use in transformers, as “lubricants, hydraulic fluids, cutting oils, and liquid seals”. (89) “They made wood and plastics nonflammable. They preserved and protected rubber. They made stucco weatherproof. They became ingredients in paints, varnished, inks, and pesticides”. (90) (An aside here: we had an oozing transformer right by our driveway a few years ago creating an orangish blob on the flowers and grapes below. It was replaced but is the soil there safe?) And carbonless copy paper used by all of us from 1957 to 1971 as we typed without the messy carbon paper put the PCBs literally at our fingertips. An alarming piece of information from p. 89 is that “of the 51 synthetic chemicals that have been identified as hormone disruptors, at least half including PCBs, are ‘persistent’ products in that they resist natural processes of decay that render them harmless. These long-lived chemicals will be a legacy and a continuing hazard to the unborn for years, decades, or in the case of some PCBs, several centuries.” Three decades ago researchers “discovered that DDT, PCBs, and other persistent were accumulating in human body fat and breast milk, as well as in every other part of the environment”. (106) What actions has the health care system, government or we taken about this disturbing fact?
Chapter 6, “A Single Hit”, discusses the creation of dioxin. It is released by volcanoes and forest fires but also created when chlorine-containing chemicals such as pesticides are manufactured, by bleaching paper with chlorine, incinerating plastic and paper trash, and burning fossil fuels. (See p. 113) It is everywhere. Agent Orange had been contaminated with dioxins which are linked to soft tissue sarcoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and Hodgkin’s disease. (114) The chapter explores the evidence that in some animals dioxin seems to interfere “with the sexual differentiation of the brain”. (119)
Check chapter 10, “Altered Destinies” for information on estrogen mimics (PCBs), DES, declining sperm counts, increasing prostate and breast cancer numbers, PCBs effects on thyroid hormones, etc. “Defending Ourselves” offers some obvious actions we can take; many of us already have. Read the sections Know Your Water; Choose Your Food Intelligently (local is better), Avoid Unnecessary Uses and Exposure, and Improving Protection which has a thoughtful list of ideas that should and could be implemented to provide protection from chemicals that interfere with hormones. Also read “Flying Blind” where the development of CFCs, chlorofluorocarbons, in 1928 is discussed. In 1972, their effects on the environment and our earth’s ozone layer were questioned, but we are still debating their hazards today. Something MUST be done and we must be more demanding in our community, state and nation; it is imperative that even at this late date, some forceful action must be taken to eliminate this health catastrophe.
Recently the book OUR STOLEN FUTURE Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence, and Survival?—a Scientific Detective Story was mentioned a class offered at ForMar. I finally found the book at the UM Flint Library (ISBN/0-525-93982-2 by Colborn, Dumanoski, and Myers, 1996) and found it informative, seemingly well researched, fairly balanced, but unquestionably troubling. Sometimes called a sequel to Rachel Carson’s SILENT SPRING, the book starts with background information on the burgeoning worldwide use of pesticides and chemicals. The book strives to present a summary of research about “man-made chemicals disrupting delicate hormone systems”….which “play a critical role in processes ranging from human sexual development to behavior, intelligence, and the functioning of the immune system”. (
The book starts with the “Omens” chapter going back to 1939 to Charles Broley’s study of Florida’s bald eagles and his concern that up to 1947 the eagle population was healthy and growing. Then birth rates decreased and the mating and nesting habits changed. By about 1955, Broley began to think that 80% of the eagles in Florida were sterile. The chapter explores other researchers and events they encountered: 1950s England’s disappearing otter population, reproductive problems with mink in the Great Lakes region in the 1960s, the die out of the herring gulls in Canada, the 1970s female western gulls nesting with other females in California, in the 1980s alligator eggs hatching at only 18% in Florida’s Lake Apopha linked to the startling fact that about 60% of the male alligators there had abnormally small penises and the 1988 Northern Europe seal die-off, frightening data in Demark that suggested human sperm count had dropped by nearly 50% from 1938 to 1990 and that testicular cancer was increasing.
Chapter 2 discusses the beginnings of bringing everything together as scientists began to think beyond cancer-causing chemicals to something more insidious—hormone disruption. The poisons from chemicals and pesticides “all act on the endocrine system, which regulates the body’s vital internal processes and guides critical phases and prenatal development. The hand-me down poisons disrupted hormones”. (28) In following chapters, not easy reading, the authors discuss what can happen when the chemical messages in embryos are blocked—male and female characteristics may be altered. The DES problem and its implications are summarized and the disturbing fact that “substances and doses tolerated readily by adults can devastate the unborn.” (50)
Chapter 5, “Fifty Ways to Lose Your Fertility” portrays DES as an estrogen mimic and Vinclozolin, used to “kill fruit fungus as a testosterone message blocker perhaps creating an ambiguous or hermaphrodite state”. (83) Although having little structured resemblance to natural estrogen, DES and DDT are able to trick the human body to make it disrupt the body’s chemical messengers. This chapter is quite unsettling to read but the ideas it presents need to be discussed, disseminated and evaluated. The chapter presents a fictional account of the journey of PCBs beginning in the South to Canada, out West up to the Great Lakes, through the St. Lawrence to the Sargasso Sea and up to Greenland where the nonfiction reality is that “Canadian health studies have shown that the people of Broughton Island (Intuits) have the highest levels of PCBs found in any human population except those contaminated in industrial accidents”. (108) The Inuit’s diet is mostly wild fish and game—the PCBs have worked up the food chain to humans.
PCBs were introduced in 1929 when engineers created 209 chemicals known as polychlorinated biphenyls—PCB. Swann Chemical which became part of Monsanto put them to seemingly good use in transformers, as “lubricants, hydraulic fluids, cutting oils, and liquid seals”. (89) “They made wood and plastics nonflammable. They preserved and protected rubber. They made stucco weatherproof. They became ingredients in paints, varnished, inks, and pesticides”. (90) (An aside here: we had an oozing transformer right by our driveway a few years ago creating an orangish blob on the flowers and grapes below. It was replaced but is the soil there safe?) And carbonless copy paper used by all of us from 1957 to 1971 as we typed without the messy carbon paper put the PCBs literally at our fingertips. An alarming piece of information from p. 89 is that “of the 51 synthetic chemicals that have been identified as hormone disruptors, at least half including PCBs, are ‘persistent’ products in that they resist natural processes of decay that render them harmless. These long-lived chemicals will be a legacy and a continuing hazard to the unborn for years, decades, or in the case of some PCBs, several centuries.” Three decades ago researchers “discovered that DDT, PCBs, and other persistent were accumulating in human body fat and breast milk, as well as in every other part of the environment”. (106) What actions has the health care system, government or we taken about this disturbing fact?
Chapter 6, “A Single Hit”, discusses the creation of dioxin. It is released by volcanoes and forest fires but also created when chlorine-containing chemicals such as pesticides are manufactured, by bleaching paper with chlorine, incinerating plastic and paper trash, and burning fossil fuels. (See p. 113) It is everywhere. Agent Orange had been contaminated with dioxins which are linked to soft tissue sarcoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and Hodgkin’s disease. (114) The chapter explores the evidence that in some animals dioxin seems to interfere “with the sexual differentiation of the brain”. (119)
Check chapter 10, “Altered Destinies” for information on estrogen mimics (PCBs), DES, declining sperm counts, increasing prostate and breast cancer numbers, PCBs effects on thyroid hormones, etc. “Defending Ourselves” offers some obvious actions we can take; many of us already have. Read the sections Know Your Water; Choose Your Food Intelligently (local is better), Avoid Unnecessary Uses and Exposure, and Improving Protection which has a thoughtful list of ideas that should and could be implemented to provide protection from chemicals that interfere with hormones. Also read “Flying Blind” where the development of CFCs, chlorofluorocarbons, in 1928 is discussed. In 1972, their effects on the environment and our earth’s ozone layer were questioned, but we are still debating their hazards today. Something MUST be done and we must be more demanding in our community, state and nation; it is imperative that even at this late date, some forceful action must be taken to eliminate this health catastrophe.
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